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.ÿþThey commenced to fall,But they assassinated Kennedy,Whatcha gonna do about my Lord?I know He s tiredTired of our wicked ways,He s so tired,Tired of these evil days,And He s tired,Tired of our evil ways,Well, now this old world is in a sinful state,You better mind how you deal with God s children,Wouldn t want Him to turn His back on you,They assassinated Kennedy,Whatcha gonna do about my Lord?Come on around the wall,Till the walls come tumbling down,Let s march around the wall,Till the walls come tumbling down,March around the wall,Till the walls come tumbling down,Till they come tumbling, tumbling down.We ll march around hatred, around deceit,Walls of prejudice, defeat,The walls of ignorance, of fear,The walls of bigotry and then love will appear,Well, they assassinated Kennedy,Whatcha gonna do about my Lord?78In blues and gospel music Kennedy was not only equated with theOld Testament Joshua, but especially with the New Testament Jesus.JohnLee Granderson played subtle accompaniment for Chicago housewifeMary Ross on her composition  President Kennedy Gave His Life. In thelast stanza John Kennedy is almost equated with the Savior: the manmadenails in Christ s hands are compared to the manmade bullet in Kennedy shead.The Day the Worl d Stood Stil l [ 147 ] [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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