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.Transportships and rovers are docked on the lower level. Where do you live? My quarters are adjacent to the command center.Jastra had lived in her own suite of rooms in Hrice s mansion.When Hrice wanted her, he came to herbed. Where will I live? With me.The living units are filled.All of you will live in my quarters. Where will I sleep?He reached out and touched her hand. Phan andBrasov will share a bed.You will share my bed.Share.Hrice never shared anything.He d given generously, but his gifts were a means to control.Dauthus gaze met hers. Tonight I must feed.Jastra leaned over and brushed her lips to his.After he fed, he would come to her lusty and hot. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Brasovwill be ready, and so will I.Their conversation ceased as Dauthus communicated with the command center.Within minutes, hemaneuvered the rover into a docking bay.When they disembarked, a vampire with long dark hair who was dressed in a gray uniform greetedDauthus and looked them over.When his dark gaze settled on Jastra, his nostrils flared. I amLargo , the commander s assistant.After introducing them toLargo , Dauthus locked gazes with Jastra. If I am unavailable, you are tocontactLargo.He will help you.Jastra bowed.In public Hrice had demanded obedience.Although Dauthus had made no such demand,his vampire subordinates showed respect. Thank you, Master.Dauthus turned toLargo. Is Captain Rathe in the command center? Yes, Commander.He s reviewing the latest reports.Through a maze of corridors, Jastra stayed close to Dauthus.He spoke in hushed tones withLargo asthey walked. Unload the supplies in my rover.The canisters in the cold units must be handled with care.The canisters must remain at the temperature97B.J.McCallspecified on the front.Have them placed in cold storage in my quarters immediately.And place a lockon the units. As you wish, Commander.They entered an elevator. Take the prisoners to my quarters.When the doors openedLargo led them in the opposite direction while Dauthus headed for the commandcenter.Unlike the rover, the commander s living quarters were sparse but welcoming.Acomfortable-looking sofa and two chairs were gathered near a vast window.Stars twinkled white, blueand red in a black sky.One large star was golden, its light hazy as if encircled in a large cloud. That s Altai, Largo explained. It exploded over a thousand years ago.Its debris is still headingtoward us. We will never go home.Largoheard Phan s plaintive whisper.His gaze settled on her sad face then drifted lower.A low hiss slidpast his lips.He pointed out a communication unit built into the wall. If you need me, you need only press this.At the door, he directed Jastra s attention to a rounded disc protruding from the wall. For your safety, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlpress here to secure the door. Thank you, Largo.Before leaving he gave Phan a brief but appreciative glance.Unaware of her admirer, Phan stared outthe window at Altai.Jastra secured the door.Brasov paced the length of the room, tossing her a disapproving scowl as hepassed.Dauthus had asked her to take charge of this group.IgnoringBrasov , Jastra took Phan by the hand. Let s take a look at our new home.Together they explored the kitchen alcove.While Jastra searched the cabinets, Phan activated thefaucet. Hot water!Plucking a box off a shelf, Jastra showed it to Phan. Tea.I love hot tea. The young woman s eyes widened. Do we have a cleansing unit with hot water?Phan raced to the cleansing room.After testing the water, the young woman stripped off her clothes.While Phan bathed andBrasov continued to pace, Jastra entered the larger of two sleeping chambers.Ahuge platform thick with inviting furs dominated the space.A desk with a lamp and a sophisticatedcommunication unit was tucked into one corner by a long window.The fuzzy cloud surrounding Altailoomed in the dark void.Jastra could envision Dauthus at his desk, his gaze upon Altai, planning hismissions.98Embrace ForeverHer master s undertaking served many.Although a Hunter, he deserved respect.A loud oath interrupted her thoughts of Dauthus.Ignoring a restlessBrasov , Jastra continued herinspection of her new home.Next to the master s chamber was a smaller, windowless room.It held a compact sleeping unit and asmall closet.Wondering about the prisoners that had come before her, Jastra shivered.What had beentheir fate? Had Dauthus told them of his needs? Had he enjoyed fucking them? Had his voice held thesame husky tones when he climaxed?Why did she care? Hrice had many females, both women and girls, to share his bed.He d peddled herservices to the highest bidder.Why did the thought of Dauthus with another make her sad? Her relationships with men had never madeher sad or unhappy.Why did her heart pound when he entered the room? Before, only the anticipation ofsex had excited her.Dauthus confused her thoughts. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHeading for the kitchen, Jastra passedBrasov.He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him. Where is he? Master is in the command center.He leaned down and inhaled deeply. I can smell your lush cunt, he whispered, his voice low and raspy. You re driving me crazy.Grasping her head, he lowered his mouth toward hers.She pushed hard at his chest. Master hasforbidden us. What is he going to do, kill me? I m already dead.She tried to pull her arm free, but he held her fast. You are essential.He needs you. Live rations for a vampire.I d rather die now then be drained slowly of my life s blood to keep himnourished.Jastra shoved harder atBrasov  s chest.His fingers bit into her arm. What about the Altai explosion? What about Tariz? Or was your rebellion nothing more than emptywords?He released her so abruptly she stumbled. You re driving me crazy! My mind is screaming [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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