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.Being the new girl, when everyone ushered me to the seat closest to the door, little did I realize itwas also closest to the bell that was its own sonic boom.Like the three periods before, fourth earned another roll of snickers and eyes as everyone watched me all but jump from my skin.I wasgoing to need to buy stock in ibuprofen because I d be taking it every four hours from now until graduation day on June third.And yes, Ialready had a countdown going. So you re the new girl the guys are already betting on who will nail you first, a girl that was so put together, so gorgeous, she had tobe a veneer said. Excuse me? I was all for being friendly, especially when I didn t have a single friend here, but I wasn t one to roll over and expose mythroat.Veneer girl caught on quick that I wouldn t be her personal doormat she could wipe the mud off her Valentinos on because she smiled,waving at the air. Don t let anything the male species says or does around these parts upset you.I know the general consensus is they vesupposedly evolved from apes, but that s just an insult to apes in my opinion. Oh-kay, I muttered, slipping my book bag over my shoulder. I m Taylor, she said, flouncing her hair as a guy nudged past her, giving her a look that should strictly be reserved for the bedroom. I m Lucy, I said, not sure if this could be the makings of my first friend at Hell High or someone who subscribed to the keep yourfriends close and your enemies closer motto. Have any plans for lunch, Lucy? Taylor asked, weaving her arm through mine and tugging me through the door.I didn t have a chance to reply. You have to sit with me and my gang.I m not taking no for an answer, she said, leading me down the hall, making that hall her bitch.I swear every head turned as she sashayed down that runway.Guys winked, whistled, and stared.Lots of staring.The girls pretended toignore her, but shot glares or stink eyes from the side. Thanks? I said, uncertain if I should be thankful. First impressions are everything and second impressions are nothing, she said as we burst into the cafeteria.Same reaction in here asit had been in the hall.Whatever Taylor had here, it was powerful stuff. Now we ve got a bit of damage control to mitigate, but I thinkwe ll be all right if we play it right.My head was spinning. And by damage control, you mean because the guys are already spreading rumors about who s going to bangme first, or soonest, or hardest, or whatever the hell? How disillusioned had I been to believe school was first and foremost a place tolearn? I was having my former assumptions handed to me on a plate. The guys? Of course not, Taylor said, waving back at a table in the far corner. That s the highest form of compliment in their books.It s the girls, more specifically the girlfriends of the guys taking bets on the new girl.Plus, your wardrobe isn t exactly disputing the slutimage.My nose wrinkled.This girl spoke a language I wasn t familiar with and she was taking a jab at my wardrobe.My skirt was a teensy bitshort, yes, but I had on a cardigan and flats to tame it down, for god s sake. They re striking an offensive, a potent one. And that would be? I asked, wondering if at least some of the glares and stink eyes were aimed at me.In fact, that dark haired girlwho didn t know the meaning of less is more when it comes to mascara was definitely aiming that stink eye my way as she draped her armover the guy beside her. They ve labeled you a slut, Taylor said with a shrug. I ve already seen it scrolled across two bathroom mirrors in last season slipstick and heard it whispered at least fifty times in the hallways.Was it possible to hate high school more? Yes, the answer is always yes. Fan-flipping-tastic, I replied, holding my shoulders high. And what did I do or not do to deserve the dumbasses of Southpointe Hightaking bets on bagging me and the girls that date them labeling me a slut?Of course I knew the world wasn t fair, not everything made sense or followed a logical, harmonious path, but I at least wanted areason why the world sucked if there was one. That, Taylor stopped me, spinning me around so we were staring at the lunch line.My breath hitched in my lungs, and a bad case ofvertigo followed. Is the reason why.His tray slid to a stop as his shoulders tensed.A gray beanied back of the head turned and he looked at me like he knew exactly where I was.Jude s eyes went from charcoal to molten silver in the space of a breath.A smile that was small, but honest broke and I felt myworld beginning to spiral out of control again. I take it from that stupid grin on your face the rumors are true, Taylor said, trying to steer me along, but I wasn t moving.Moretruthfully, I couldn t move when Jude looked at me the way he was now. But here s rule number one here at Southpointe High if youwant to keep even a moderately clean reputation, you don t look at, talk to, or Lord forbid, date guys like Jude Ryder.Leaving his tray teetering in front of a tray of green gelatin substance, he headed my way, carving a line through the packed cafeteria.Anyone that saw him coming moved, and those that didn t were tugged away by nearby friends or shouldered out of the way by Jude. He s coming over here? Taylor said, sounding like it was upending her social theories and beliefs. Yeah? Didn t seem that earth shattering to me.Taylor shook her head like I was hopeless. Jude never ever, in a hundred million years, pursues a woman.He s the pursued, not thepursuer.This time it was my turn to shrug. He s just coming over to say hi. Exactly.Jude doesn t come over and say hi to anyone, she said impatiently. I ll repeat, he s the pursued.It felt like every eye in the cafeteria was pinging from Jude to me.This was high school hot off the presses drama unfolding right here. Ithought you just said if a girl cared about their reputation, they wouldn t hang out with the likes of Jude [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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