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.6 These were simplydifferent stages of impersonal experience.For instance, a Roman inn-keeper who has been made a milxs is afterward not that alone.Of coursenot he is what he always has been, but he has experienced himself ona higher level that was not identical with the three-dimensional world: animpersonal level where he was allowed to look out the window into an-other dimensional way, onto psychical reality.The proof of that idea is that it works automatically it drops upon uslike the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah and can destroy our lives, even.You think you are quite all right and that the world is all right, and sud-denly you cannot cross the street any longer because you have agorapho-bia.You cannot have invented it, it simply takes you by the neck.Andwho does it? We say it is merely a disease, but that is only a word.You canjust as well say that it is an evil spirit causing the fear.That is an exampleof the autonomy of the psychic world, and the proof that such things canlive there.Therefore I advise all people who have such a neurosis: gointo it now, live it, and then you have it in your hands and it has not gotyou any longer.Now, the Kundalini yoga is a symbolic formulation of the impersonalexperience in the Eastern way.It would cause us a great deal of troubleto understand in our Western way what the East tries to convey to usthrough its symbolism.Professor Hauer would surely be the last to en-courage us in taking these things literally.It is only living when one un-derstands it in the Western way, where it is less simple and also less in-volved.When you are not clear about things, you always say they are verysimple.The simplest people in the world are really the great world con-fusers.These things are by no means simple, but it is as well if you havesome straight psychological analogy that will help you to see the connec-tion between the Eastern and the Western experience.Miss Hannah: The Eastern way seems a trifle dogmatic.Dr.Jung: Think of the thousands of years, the thousands of individuals,6Cf.Jung, Analytical Psychology, 98 99.94 HAUER'S ENGLISH LECTUREand the thousands of very good intellectual heads that have worked at it.Of course it becomes dogmatic.Miss Hannah: Is psychology already dogmatic?Dr.Jung: Yes, when people say there is no such thing as the uncon-scious, and you say,  That is heresy. Then you are getting dogmaticunder your skin, and you do not notice it like going black in Africa.7Miss Thiele: Professor Hauer said yesterday that no European had everactually awakened the Kundalini in a higher sense except possibly Suso,8but would it be possible with the help of the analytical process to get tothe stage at which one might?Professor Hauer: In a thousand years perhaps.Dr.Jung: You must never forget that India is a very peculiar country.The primitive man has lived there since time immemorial and has grownup in absolute continuity.We have not grown up in continuity.We werecut off from our roots.Moreover the Hindu is a very different race.Notonly is it Aryan but there is a great deal of the aboriginal influence ofDravidism.Therefore there are very old chthonic things in the tantricyoga.So we must admit that this particular yoga philosophy is strange toour very blood, and whatever we may experience will take an entirelydifferent turn.We can never take those forms over literally.That wouldbe a terrible mistake, for to us they are artificial processes.Remark: I thought some of the process according to our Western con-ception was similar to that of the Indian yoga.Dr.Jung: Yes, analytical psychology is, of course, an attempt of a similarsort.We did not know that there was such a close analogy with tantricyoga when we were elaborating the beginnings of it.The tantric textswere not translated, and even the experts on that sort of thing knew verylittle of the tantric yoga.Only recently has it become known, through SirJohn Woodroffe s translations.Our attempt is a perfectly genuine naiveattempt in the same field of course, with different means, according toour different temperaments and attitude.Professor Hauer: You know, you must compare the preparatory workwhich is done now by analytical psychology with the stages of yoga fouror five hundred years before it became a system.It first became a systemat the time of Buddha, or not long before.What is being done by analyt-ical psychology was done by the thinkers and brahmins of about five hun-dred years before Buddha.The names have been lost.We see only little7On Jung s fears of  going black during his visit to Africa, see MDR, 302.8In answer to Dr.Shaw s question  Do you mean that no one has awakened Kundalini?Hauer replied:  No one in the West, I think, but I do not know.I do think that Suso, theGerman mystic of the Middle Ages, had the same kind of experience (HS, 99).95 APPENDIX 3flashes of insight coming up, so to speak.One little thing after the otherhas been added to their understanding, perhaps, and then there ap-peared one great mind who created the system whose function it was tobring into order the minds or souls of that epoch.But only for a timesay, for a few hundred years.That is the process of psychic adaptation,which is going on through the whole history of mankind.Christianity,for example, is no longer valid for us all, so it does not work.In a fewhundred years there will be another system.This will disappear just astantric yoga has disappeared.All these systems are human attempts tograpple with the great problem of life by symbols and sentences whichare not only for you and me but for the whole community.The leadingcharacter of symbols that are valid for a whole community can bebrought about only through the work of centuries.Then each individualneed not do all the original work; it has been done for him and we geta common psychic and spiritual culture.But in a few hundred years thatepoch is finished.The symbol changes, or their life changes, and thedanger lies in carrying on with that symbol as valid in the new epoch.As I look at analytical psychology, it is working from the bottom towarda great building, certainly.Then it will become in a few centuries a mostrigid dogma, and the destroyers will come and say it is all wrong.How-ever, we may be sure that every system has gotten at some truths, whichare lasting.We see that there is something true in the Christian; thereare absolute realities which cannot be dispensed with.And yet we mustfind a new system of truths and symbols.It is the same in India.Histori-cally tantric yoga is only an adaptation of the thousand-year-old yoga toa new psychic situation, and that situation has disappeared from India.Ifthey try to work out life there according to tantric yoga they may go per-haps just as far wrong as we.Take Gandhi.New symbols must be for thewhole community, and Gandhi is the man who, with a quite newmethod, has created those symbols out of the new psychic and spiritualstate.As I told you, when he goes to the ocean and shows a lump of saltto his people, it is as good as a cakra.They need no cakra.Take thespinning wheel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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