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.Black fluids welled around its eyes and ran from its ears.The spidering lines ruptured into cracks that bled more viscous fluids.Steam rose from its wounds in the chamber’s cold air, as if heat had suddenly filled this dead thing to bursting.Then it went limp, as did the younger one.Both lay as still as corpses, steaming as if freshly dead in the frigid air.Chap snarled once and snapped his jaws closed on the old undead’s neck.He ripped and tore at it for an instant, then halted, looking expectantly at Sgäile.Léshil and Magiere had spoken of how they hunted undead, and Sgäile knew what Chap wanted.He pulled the tie holding Léshil’s old blades to his back.As the bundle hit the floor, he ripped it open and gripped one winged blade.Sgäile hacked down through the younger corpse’s neck with all his weight.Chap released the old one, stepping back, and Sgäile took its head as well.Leesil heard an angry grunt as the heavy vampire rolled off his back.Before he could twist and slash at its legs, the woman beneath him latched her hand about his throat.Her mouth widened with lips pulled back from long fangs and sharpened teeth.Leesil slammed his left blade point through her side.Her head arched back, eyes clenching shut, but her grip on his neck didn’t break.Leesil couldn’t get any air.He levered his blade through her torso, until the point ground through her to the stone floor.When he lurched upward, her arm snapped straight, and he raised the right blade and fell on her.The blade’s outside edge sank into her throat.Leesil shoved down hard.Black fluids welled over his hand and forearm, and then his blade cracked through her neck bones.Her head rolled away to one side, and Leesil turned over, ripping her limp hand from his throat.Leesil gasped in air—just as he looked up to see Wynn ram her dagger into the back of the stocky vampire grappling with Osha.Wynn scrambled in as Osha caught the muscular undead’s wrist.He pulled the man’s swing aside but barely avoided the iron bar.As he slashed the bone knife at the undead’s throat, Wynn ducked in and rammed her dagger into its back.The undead twisted sharply and jerked Wynn around by her grip on the hilt.A sharp crack sounded as something narrow and solid whipped down across her thigh.Wynn’s leg gave way, and she crumpled with a sharp whimper.She fell, and the dagger ripped downward a few inches.Something rancid and oily spattered across her face.Wynn tightened her grip, and the blade came out.She quickly turned over, pushing up with one hand.The dagger was coated in dripping black.Osha slid down the wall near the passage.Blood seeped from the side of his mouth below one clenched eye.Before Wynn could call to him, the large undead whipped around above her and raised its iron bar.A long split ran from its throat down its upper chest.Osha’s knife had struck true, but the undead did not even notice.Wynn shrank away, raising the dagger to shield herself.A snarling howl echoed through the chamber.The undead lifted its head and froze, staring beyond Wynn.“Don’t let it get out!” Leesil shouted from somewhere behind Wynn.The muscular undead spun and bolted down the passage.Magiere stepped out behind Li’kän into a landing hollow on the edge of a vast cavern.The glowing orange light was strong in here, filling a space nearly as large as the underground plateau where the “burning” one had crawled from the fiery fissure.But the hot air was far more humid here.Vapors misted off the near and more distant walls, as if the snow and ice above seeped down through the earth to be eaten by the cavern’s heat.“I am here,” Magiere whispered, but the cavern’s silence made her voice seem loud.She stepped forward to the landing’s edge.A long and narrow stone walkway stretched out over a round chasm, so deep that Magiere couldn’t see the bottom.The orange glow rose from below.That one bridge joined three others, all reaching out from the distant cavern walls.They connected at a center point and blended with a stone platform suspended over the chasm.Looking around, Magiere saw pock-marks on the nearer cavern walls.No, not marks, but more burial hovels carved in the stone—and more bone figures so old they resembled the color of the surrounding rock.Skeletons crouched and cowered with their heads and eyes cast down.They filled the cavern walls halfway up to its domed top.“Who are they?” Magiere asked.She didn’t expect any answer, but Li’kän let out a voiceless hiss that grew too loud in the cavern’s silence.Li’kän looked at Magiere, the same way she had at Wynn, as if fascinated that anyone spoke to her.But the white undead never glanced at the walls [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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