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.”The sergeant shrugged, not meeting Amon’s eyes.“Guess we an’t welcome there no more.Anyways, if you do manage to climb down without breaking your necks, you’ll find out why they call it the Shiverin’ Fens.You’ll be shivering all right.You’ll wish you’d gone the other way.Them Waterwalkers’ll have you crying for your mommies.”“I assume you’re speaking from experience, sir?” Raisa asked.This drew grins from the other Wolves and a warning look from Amon.“I was there just a little more than a year ago,” Amon said to Barlow, “and had no trouble.I stayed at Rivertown and Hallowmere.”“You did, did you?” The sergeant wet his lips and swallowed.“Well, there’s trouble now.Skirmishes all along the border.Bad blood all around.”“Is it really as bad as that?” Raisa asked.“We’ve not heard anything about this in the capital.”“You listen to me, cadet,” Barlow said, his jowly face pinking up with anger.“The Waterwalkers, they got special plans for such morsels as you.They’ll feed you to the watergators.That’s how they sacrifice to their gods.”“There are no such things as watergators, sir,” Raisa said, rolling her eyes.The sergeant snorted.“Aye, you say that now.We’ll see what you say later.If you’re alive to make the report.Them watergators grow to be a hunnert feet long with teeth the size of broadswords and just as sharp.I spoke to a man saw one swallow a pole boat whole, with everybody on board.”“We’ll be careful, sir,” Amon said.“Thank you for the warning.Now move along, Morley,” he said to Raisa.“Or you’ll be the one raising tents in the dark.”Now what? Raisa wondered.Are we going to walk all the way to Oden’s Ford? If we can’t take the horses along, we won’t have a choice.The sergeant raised his hand.“Just a minute,” he said.“You there.Lady cadets.What’s your names?”“Why do you ask, sir?” Amon asked, edging his horse between the Wolves and the sergeant.“Well —” The sergeant looked up at the garrison house, scowling.“There’s some wizardlings in there want to see every young lady what passes through here.”“Why is that, sir?” Hallie drawled.“If you’re playing matchmaker, I don’t go in for jinxflingers, just so you know.”The Gray Wolves snickered, and Barlow’s color deepened.“Seems the princess heir has run off or been carried off or some such,” he said.“So they’re on the lookout for her to cross the border here.Even though, as I said, she’d be a fool to come this way.”“Why are wizards out hunting for the princess?” Amon asked, trying to sound casual.“Isn’t that our job?”“Well, that’s what I thought,” Barlow said.“You never know, these days.Wizards are sticking their noses where they don’t belong.”“Sir, I’m surprised wizards would come to a place as remote as this,” Raisa said, trying to keep her voice steady.“Being so used to servants and rich food and all that.”“You got that right,” Sergeant Barlow said, eyeing Raisa with a little more approval.“There’s three of ’em, and they an’t any older ’n you.I hear one of ’em’s the son of the High Wizard himself.”Micah! Raisa’s mouth went metallic, and a shiver ran through her.She glanced over at Amon, who was expressionless as any statue in the temple.“Lieutenant Gillen said to give them whatever they want,” Barlow went on, “but they been eating and drinking up all the best we got, stayin’ up to all hours, then sleeping in, demanding this and that, and never happy with what we give ’em.“At first they stayed down here at the gate, but there’s so little traffic I guess they didn’t think it was worth their time.So now they can’t be bothered to come down here theirselfs, but they want us to detain any ladies that come through and fetch ’em down here to look ’em over.” He hawked and spat on the ground.“We’re shorthanded as it is.Sent half a squadron up to Demonai Camp and they an’t returned.”Raisa looked up at the garrison house, a huge stone structure with slitted windows that frowned over the road.She turned away quickly, resisting the urge to hide her face.The back of her neck prickled and her heart tremored.At that very moment, Micah Bayar might be gazing down on her.The memory of his treachery still stung.Micah had bewitched her with his wizard kisses and the help of an illegal seduction amulet.I think we could be good together, he’d said.Once we get through this.This being a forced wedding between them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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