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.Went to collect the other fifty thousand dollars he was owed.When he got there he figured something was wrong.He didn’t see Raymond, saw someone else, and he knew that Ben Marcus was going to betray him.So what did he do? He thought about who might help him.He thought about the time he spent in Attica with Raymond Dietz, about everything they talked about.Raymond had told him all about Garrett, about me, about Edward Bernstein.He figured there was a chance I might not be too unhappy about Edward getting shot, so he took that chance.He came over here.We had a discussion, didn’t we, Thomas?’‘We did, Evelyn, we did.’‘Discussion was a little tense to say the least.Thomas had a gun aimed at me the whole time, didn’t you?’‘I did, Evelyn, yes.but I apologized for that.’‘Yes, you did, Thomas, you did apologize.So we had our discussion and we came to an arrangement.I would help Thomas.I would hide him here in the house, and he would protect me and you.’Harper frowned.‘Protect me?’Evelyn smiled.‘You were so naïve, John.You saw what you wanted to see.You had no idea who these people were.the kind of things these people could do.I agreed with Thomas that if anything happened to you he would find Walter Freiberg, Sol Neumann, Ben Marcus, whoever might have been responsible, and he would kill them for me.’Harper looked at McCaffrey, standing back behind Evelyn, the gun in his hand aimed unerringly at Walt Freiberg.Walt Freiberg looked back at Evelyn with hatred blazing in his eyes.‘Walter?’ Evelyn said.‘It’s your turn to speak now.John’s here, and you’re going to tell him the truth about what happened with Anne and Garrett, and then I’m going to have Thomas shoot you dead right where you’re sitting.’Walt smiled, almost laughed.‘She’s a little fractious today,’ he said.McCaffrey edged forward.Harper stepped out of the doorway and flattened himself against the right-hand wall.‘Evelyn?’ Walt said.‘For God’s sake Evelyn, tell him to put the thing away.’‘Shut up, Walter!’ Evelyn barked.She shifted back in her chair, almost as if she was preparing to stand the recoil herself when McCaffrey pulled the trigger.‘Evelyn—’ Harper said, his voice weak.‘It’s okay, John,’ Evelyn said, interrupting him.‘Walt was just about to share a few home truths with us.going to give us a few details about our family history, weren’t you, Walter?’Walt Freiberg shook his head.He turned to look at Harper, and Harper could see that the man was scared.Walt Freiberg was never scared.Evelyn had cornered him, and there was something he did not wish to face.‘So?’ Evelyn prompted.‘Are you going to start with telling us how Garrett was there in the room when Anne took all those pills, Walter?’‘What?’ Harper said.He stepped forward.‘Stand back where you were, John,’ Evelyn said.‘You don’t want to find yourself in the line of fire when Walter gets shot.’Harper instinctively stepped back.He felt his knees weaken beneath him.He looked at Freiberg, perhaps expecting him to make some attempt to defend himself, but there was nothing.He just sat there, his hands on his knees, the canvas bags at his feet.‘You want me to carry on, Walter, or are you going to join in?’Freiberg shook his head slowly.He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall.‘So,’ Evelyn said, ‘as Walter was all set to tell us, Garrett was right there when Anne took those pills.She didn’t want to take them, did she Walter? Didn’t want to take them at all, but you and Edward decided she was a nuisance didn’t you? Edward wanted to take John away from her but she wasn’t going to allow that, right? You decided that she was in the way, and so you told Garrett that if he didn’t take care of Anne then he would lose his wife as well as his sister-in-law.You were going to kill us both, weren’t you? You were going to kill me and Anne if Garrett didn’t make sure Anne was—’‘John.you can’t listen to her,’ Freiberg said, and he raised his hand as if to emphasize something.‘Don’t move your hands!’ Evelyn snapped.‘Keep your hands exactly where they are.’Freiberg returned his hands to his lap.‘You don’t have to listen, John,’ Evelyn said, ‘but you wanted to know the truth, and here you’re going to get it, pure and simple.’Harper didn’t say a word.‘Garrett was there that day,’ she said, her voice cracking with emotion.‘He was right there in the room upstairs.He told Anne that if she stood in Edward’s way then Edward was going to kill you.He would’ve done that.He’s that kind of man.Edward Bernstein would have killed his own son rather than let him stay with his mother.She knew what kind of man he was, and she knew what kind of people he was surrounded by.She knew that Edward was going to kill her, or he was going to kill you.That was her choice John.that was your mother’s choice.Give up her own life, or give up the life of her son.’Evelyn turned and looked at Harper.Her eyes were filled with tears [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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