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. What? What are they going to do? Baring his teeth, Warrenwhirled around and growled at a vampire standing just behind him. Do you have a fucking problem?It took every ounce of willpower Drakon possessed not to closehis eyes and groan in agony when he realized who the vampire was.Of all the goddamn people who could have come upon them in thatmoment, why did it have to be this particular man?Three sentries stepped forward, all reaching for Warren, butDrakon was faster.Grabbing his mate around the elbow he jerkedWarren behind him, keeping one hand on his lover s hip while hegrowled at the werewolves. Back off. Lieutenant. At the sound of the vampire s voice, the sentriesstood at attention immediately with their hands behind their backs. Isthere a problem here?Still keeping a protective hand on Warren, Drakon bowed his headin respect, though he felt like he was going to lose his lunch all overthe pavement. No, Prince Julius.There s no problem. Prince Julius? Of course it was too much to hope that Warrenwould keep his mouth shut. You re the prince? Warren, shut up.The prince smirked as both sculpted eyebrows rose toward hishairline. Let him speak, Lieutenant.So, you know who I am, pet.Yetyou aren t afraid. Where is my brother? And who would your brother be? You know damn good and well who my brother is.Where thefuck is Kennedy?Dipping under Drakon s arm, Warren launched himself at theprince with his arms outstretched and his fingers curled into claws.Itwas by sheer luck that Drakon was able to catch him around the waistand drag him back before he could actually reach the vampire. 74 Gabrielle EvansThreatening the crown prince was bad enough.He didn t evenwant to think about what would happen if he hadn t reacted in time.A very peculiar expression graced the prince s visage, and hiseyes took on a faraway look as though he was lost in thought.To capoff the increasingly strange encounter, Prince Julius smiled fondlyand dipped his head fractionally toward Warren. Take your pet home, Lieutenant.I don t want to see him on thestreets again. The hard tone didn t match the warmth in his eyes atall, and Drakon was growing more confused by the second. Someonewill be by your place of residence tomorrow to collect your fine.Isuggest you get your pet under control. Yes, sir.Thank you, Prince Julius.Clapping his hand over Warren s mouth to ensure the runt didn tmake things worse by screaming obscenities, Drakon tucked himunder his arm like a football and hurried away.It wasn t until he dclimbed the steps of his front porch that he finally placed Warren onhis feet. Not a word, he warned sternly while digging in his front pocketfor the door key. Not one fucking word, Warren. That pasty-white, arrogant, blood-sucking  Warren! I swear to everything holy that I will belt you in thegoddamn mouth if you don t shut it! Throwing the door open,Drakon shoved roughly at Warren s shoulder, manhandling him intothe foyer. Do you have any fucking idea what you ve done? I pissed off the prince and you have to pay a fine.Big damndeal. You, Warren. Drakon took several deep breaths and pinched thebridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger. They re comingfor you, not money.* * * * Accepting the Impossible 75Repossessed pets became blood slaves for the royal family aspunishment for their misbehavior.It also happened to be a lifelongsentence with no chance of parole for good behavior.Drakon couldhave explained that before Warren had gone off half-cocked and triedto claw out the eyes of the prince.That wasn t fair.Maybe Drakon hadn t told him exactly whatwould happen, but he had tried to warn him.No, the fault was all onWarren.If he d just listened and kept his temper under control, noneof this would be happening. We ll have to leave tonight, as soon as the sun goes down.Great plan in theory, but Warren couldn t do it.Not only was hecloser to finding his brother than he had been in months, but hewasn t going to let Drakon take the fall for him. They ll know youhelped me. You just let me worry about that.The main thing is to get youacross the mountains before they even realize you re missing. I can t leave without Kennedy, not now that I know for sure he shere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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