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.Before he could make up hismind, he was flipped over to his back and Doug's big, solidbody pressed him down, controlling him utterly.His crazycat hormones kick-started a very human reaction and hekissed the parted lips hovering over his.* * * *I must be dreaming, or else I'm hallucinating.Rightnow the hard rod pressing against Doug's own throbbingerection made it impossible to think straight.He sank downon the hot squirming body under him and opened for theinquisitive tongue seeking entrance.The man moaned intohis mouth while their tongues moved in sensuousexploration.Arms and legs wrapped around him, and hemelded with the smaller body flattened under his weight.The man broke the kiss abruptly, twisted his head tothe side and drew in air as if he were drowning.Shit! Doug used his knees and elbows to take someweight off the man while still keeping him trapped.Thewrithing figure under him didn't seem in any hurry tomove.Gasping, he looked up at Doug, his bright blue cateyes now set in the chiseled face of a human male.Theman's symmetrical features were framed by light-brownhair, darker on the ends, as if he'd dyed it and let it grow63 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanleyout.He'd been a striking cat; he was more beautiful as aman."What are you?" Doug tried to steady his ownbreathing."I think you know, Doug."A thrill vibrated through his body.He was talking toa cat."I didn't know cat-shifters existed." Curiosity may killcats, but it's hard on a wolf too."What's your name? Wheredid you come from? Are there any more like you?""One at a time, please." He smiled shyly."My nameis Lane.""Lane." Doug rolled it around on his tongue.It fit."Why didn't ""What the fuck is this?" Nicky's voice camesuddenly out of the shadows.Doug rolled off Lane and sprang off the bed."Ithought you were grading papers, baby." How long has hebeen watching us? And how the hell do I explain thisaway? "I didn't expect to see you tonight.""Obviously," Nicky smiled grimly."Let me explain." Doug tried to put his arms aroundNicky, but his lover brushed him off.Nicky sat on the bed,all his attention focused on the stranger.He reached out, hispalm slid lightly over Lane's forearm, leaving a trail ofgoose bumps in its wake.64 Lane and the Lycans Gale StanleyDoug followed every move, his own skin heating inresponse.Jealousy or arousal? He wasn't sure.Nicky looked up at Doug."It's the cat.""I can talk," Lane whispered.Nicky laughed."So you can.But youcommunicated pretty well as a cat, too.""His name is Lane." Doug watched them curiously."You don't look surprised, Nicky?"His lover shrugged."I'm not.I've always known hewas special."Doug wasn't sure he liked Nicky's tone or the factthat his lover's hand was still roaming over Lane's body.Maybe Doug had it coming after being caught red-handed,but he wasn't about to stand here and watch his loverseduce another man.He sat on the bed but Nicky didn'tstop exploring the cat's human body.Lane reacted to everytouch.The cat-shifter watched Nicky with hungry eyes andhe let out a breathy, groaning purr.Nicky reached up tofinger the locks of sandy hair, tousled so prettily on thepillow.His hand stilled and he bent for a closer look at thecat-shifter's neck.* * * *Lane flinched.Of course they would discover his65 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanleyscars.His lust had landed him in a very bad position, andnow he wondered how much he should reveal to thewolves.Nicky held his hair back so Doug could take a look."Too horny to notice he's a donor?"Doug threw Nicky a sheepish look and inspectedLane's neck.He lifted his head and confronted Lane with ahostile glare.Nicky looked at both of them reproachfully.A chill ran down Lane's spine.What could he say?He couldn't deny it.He bore the unmistakable mark of avampire.Shifters healed quickly, but Ethan was rough andhe liked to use the same spots over and over again so thepuncture wounds never healed completely.It had pleasedthe vampire to see his mark on Lane."Are you going to killme?"Doug frowned, his brows drawing together, butNicky answered."Of course not.Why would you thinkthat?""I know things aren't good between the Lycans andthe Kindred& " Lane's voice trailed off."You're not responsible for that.""So why were you sneaking around Arcadia?" Dougbroke in."Did they send you to spy on us?"Lane shook his head vehemently but both menlooked doubtful.Doug grabbed a handful of his hair and66 Lane and the Lycans Gale Stanleypulled his head up."You're lying.The donors don't ventureoutside the walls of the Colony.""Easy, Doug." Nicky put a hand on Doug's arm."The truth, Lane," Nicky said softly."We won't hurt you, Ipromise."Lane's mind worked frantically, turning overdifferent scenarios, and rejecting each one as unbelievable.He was a dead man no matter what, but maybe a partialtruth would buy him some time and a chance at escape."I didn't want to come here, I was forced." His bodyquivered with fear."Who forced you?" Nicky asked gently."My vampire master," Lane blurted out."He beatsme." That much was true [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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