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.By the time hegot up the stairs, he realized the safest place for Stassy to bewhen this whole thing went down was right there, whereeverything began.Goddammit, here he was, back in another broom closet.Carson slammed the door behind him as he entered andlooked around. Well, this is a little nicer than the last time we did this,he said, and Stassy and the young man holding the duffelnext to him looked up in shock.They were both a littlemessed and stubble burnt, and the place smelled like aquick hand job, so maybe Stassy had learned the value of agood broom closet after all, which could explain why they dbeen so late.But that didn t help any of them now, did it? Carson, what the hell? Stassy, Toby. Carson nodded congenially.Toby haddark hair like his brother, but his was cut short so it stuckup in front.The brown eyes were the same, but Toby sfeatures were rounder, less pointy, and he had a whole lotfewer tattoos. Carson? Toby asked, still holding on to Stassy s duffel. To what do we owe the pleasure? Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane118 Do you guys know how many dead bodies are in thisfucking place? Carson asked.He looked around the spacewas around six-by-four, and the shelves were mostly full ofcleaning supplies and quicklime.A stack of boxes sat nearthe boys end, but all things considered, his best bet to makehimself comfortable was to cop a squat. Sit down. He gestured, sinking to his haunches. Makeyourselves comfortable.I ll tell you all about it.Just don t gooutside until the cops come get us, okay?His hand throbbed, and it was still bleeding, andCarson sighed.The plain blue T-shirt he wore fit hisshoulders well and not much did.Oh hell.He hauled theshirt over his head and wrapped the fabric around his hand,hoping he didn t go septic or something stupid before heeven had a chance to wash it.While he was doing that, they all heard a sudden sound,muffled and distant but very distinctive. Carson, was that a gunshot?Oh please, let Dale be okay.Please let him do what I saidthis once, oh please oh please oh please. Probably.Who wants to know where that came from?Eyes huge and mouths open, they nodded, and he satthem down and had him a little story time.He told themabout Beatrice and the dead bodies and the drugged parrotsand the brothel on the side, and how the whole shebang wasmelting down in the lobby as they sat there and shot theshit.Stassy was a little mind-blown, but Toby wasunsurprised. Man, Beatrice has been off her cracker since her mamadied.I always thought she pushed the ol bitch down thestairs herself.Mama Bates was not a nice person. Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane119 There s bodies on this floor? Stassy asked, back aboutthree steps behind Toby.Suddenly Carson was reassured.Toby was to Stassy what Dale was to Carson.Toby wouldtake care of him, and Stassy needed that. Yup.Then they heard sirens, and for the first time in his life,that sound set Carson s mind at ease. And now there s copson the scene.A horrible pause ensued and Carson wished like hell forhis phone.But Dale had his phone, and Carson had to hopehe was okay.This had been the right call, right? KeepingStassy and Toby out of the fray, that was good, right? AndDale could talk to his brother and tell him to be careful,right?God, he hated being a grown-up.He wanted Dale to tellhim it was okay, and that shoving your lover in a bush andtelling him to hide was not the end of a beautifulrelationship.He couldn t even worry about it, because Stassy andToby were looking paler and more wide-eyed by the second.Part of it was the space, he was sure.With him on his assand those two on boxes, they were practically touchingknees.He could smell Stassy s aftershave which he neverparticularly liked; it was why he d waited until most of it wassweated off before he d made his move and Toby sdeodorant, which was actually a lot less irritating; and themusk of whatever had been going on before he burst in.Hecould also track the droplets of sweat sliding down theirfaces, when it really was more cold than hot in the stupidlittle closet.Whoa, shit, were they nervous! Left on St.Truth-be-Well | Amy Lane120 We re not gonna get in trouble, are we, Carson? Tobywas petting Stassy s hand like he d pet a skittish cat,probably for good reason. Seriously, Stassy, what d you do? I think your biggestcrime at this point is escaping the crazy lady s iron, and theycan t arrest you for that.No, I m pretty sure once this blowsover, you and me can go back to Chicago and leave Floridato the alligators and the fuckin lizards on the wall.Toby laughed a little, but Stassy s lower lip came out. Yeah, I don t think I could live here, he said apologetically,and Toby shrugged. I d like to live somewhere else, he said. Carson wasn tshitting around about the wildlife. It s not the wildlife that scares me so much as the crazybird lady with the iron, Carson said, effectively stoppingthat conversation before he could dump on the two kids hecame here to keep safe.It worked as a redirect too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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