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."Noah,I " Jesse was watching them like a hawk and he droppedhis hand."Yeah, let's drink a toast to our new lives as blooddonors and sex slaves," Jesse snapped.Fuck.Jesse gave voice to Kade's own fears.He sawNoah flinch and rushed to reassure him."I don't believethey'll force you to do anything you don't want to do.Fromall I've heard, they're grateful for the blood.Anything elseis up to you.""Yeah, like who wouldn't want to fuck a vamp?"Jesse sneered."Half bloodsucker, half hawk.I'll stick withmy own kind."Noah raised a brow."Well, if I remember right, youseemed pretty interested in fucking a werewolf."Jesse eyed Kade, then looked away quickly."Uh uh.That was your fantasy, not mine."Noah chuckled."You were right there with me,72 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanleybabe, don't try to deny it.If I had made it home, you wouldhave been salivating for the details and living theexperience vicariously through me." Noah winked at Kade."And it was amazing!"Jesse's face went red."Now you don't have tofantasize anymore." He glared at Kade."Now you can havethe real deal any time you want it."Dumbfounded, Kade listened to the exchange andwondered where it was all leading.Why was Noah tryingto provoke Jesse? And just when it seemed the man hadstarted to tolerate his presence."Hey, I'm just teasing." Noah went over to Jesse andput his arms around him."I'm sorry, babe, I just wanted tolighten the mood."Jesse relaxed a little and jealousy hit Kade like anarrow to the heart.For a few seconds he thought Noahmight still want him.Stupid.Noah had his lover back; hedidn't need Kade anymore, except as a bodyguard.Kadefigured he owed Noah that much.Jesse, too.He owed them some privacy as well.It was time todo a disappearing act."Look, why don't I leave you guysalone?" He grabbed a bottle of wine and headed for thestairs.He winked at Jesse."I'll take the small bedroom.You and Noah take the larger one." He ran up the stepsbefore they could respond.73 Kade and the Captives Gale StanleyFuck! He threw his clothes off and left them wherethey fell.Then he sat on the bed, leaned back against theheadboard, and took a big swallow from the bottle.How thehell did I end up here? His whole life had changed in theblink of an eye.What was in store for him now? He had noidea.At least he hadn't left a mate or any family behind.Losing his pack was bad enough, but if his parents werestill alive, it would be so much worse.He'd never seeArcadia City again, and the man he'd given it all up for wassleeping with someone else.He wished Christophe hadseparated him from Noah and Jesse, because he didn'tknow how long he could stand being around the lovebirds.Had Noah been joking about their amazingexperience? He couldn't tell.But whatever Noah thought, ithad been pretty damn awesome to Kade.He and Noah hadbeen strangers, but they had made one hell of a connection,at least in his opinion, and he had lots of experience to backit up.He couldn't recall the last time he had enjoyed sex somuch.And there was so much more he wanted to explorewith Noah.The sound of footsteps and a door opening alertedhim to the fact that his two roommates had gone to bed.Heheard muted whispering and then bedsprings creaking andhe tried not to imagine what they were doing.The soundscoming from next door got louder and louder.Ignoring the74 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanleywild, headboard-banging sex was impossible; every thudmade their connecting wall vibrate.Each grunt and groanmade him remember how it had been between him andNoah, and his cock got rock hard.If he had to listen tothem fuck all night, he would lose his mind.There was no way he would fall asleep.Not eventhe wine would douse the fire inside him.He was going tohave to do something about his throbbing erection.Hewrapped his hand around his shaft and as he strokedhimself, he imagined Jesse's hand pumping him, whileNoah kissed him passionately.No surprise there.Noah andJesse were a matched pair.If a man wanted one of them,he'd have to take both.Not a problem.Jesse was appealing,with his auburn hair, green eyes, and freckles.Kade hadalways enjoyed being part of a threesome or more.Havingboth Noah and Jesse in his bed was the ultimate fantasy.Itwould never happen, but thinking about it made him hotterthan hell.The pressure built and he started moving his hipsand thrusting into his fist.His thumb brushed over the tip ofhis cock, his legs trembled, and his breath caught in histhroatThe knock at the door took him by surprise, and hisorgasm crawled back where it came from.A second laterthe door opened.A naked Noah, smelling like sex and hardas a steel pole, stood at the threshold, staring at Kade75 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanleyfisting his cock.Fuck! He almost stopped breathing.IfNoah wasn't careful, he'd jump up and drag him into hisbed.Kade growled softly."You're taking a big chance,Noah, tempting the big, bad wolf."Noah looked up and grinned at him."More like acuddly puppy dog."Kade hung onto his last bit of willpower and grittedhis teeth."Look, why don't you go back to your lover.Idon't want to get between you and Jesse."Jesse stepped out from behind Noah and leered athim."Oh, but that's exactly where we want you.""Oh, God." Kade groaned, eyes roaming Jesse'sbody and settling on his cock, jutting out from a nest ofbrown curls.He didn't understand what was going on here.Did the men make another bet? Or maybe Jesse just wantedto satisfy his curiosity.Were they using him? It didn'tmatter, not anymore.He was too damn hot.A second agohe was masturbating to fantasies of them, now he had thereal thing and they were both so fucking beautiful Noahwith his flirtatious looks, and Jesse with his adorable blush.He wanted to lick the freckles off Jesse's nose and feel hislong legs wrapped around his waist.Fuck! "Are you sureabout this?"Noah came closer and sat on the edge of the bed."Because you know, you don't have to do this "76 Kade and the Captives Gale StanleyNoah put a finger to Kade's lips."Sh." His eyeswere bright with a need that kicked Kade's hunger upanother notch.Kade kept his eyes on Noah's, opened his mouth,and sucked the finger inside.Noah let out a breathy moanand reached for Kade's shaft.The wine bottle slipped fromKade's hand and Jesse caught it before it fell.So pretty withthose freckles across his nose.Jesse returned the look andKade reached out for him.Noah moved to Kade's left side, Jesse slid in next tohim on the right and pressed his mouth to Kade's.His handsmoothed over Kade's chest while his tongue exploredKade's mouth.Jesse trailed kisses over his jaw and downhis chest.His tongue flicked over first one hard nipple, thenthe other.That talented tongue licked a path over Kade'sbelly and headed south."Fuck." In one smooth move, Kadeflipped Jesse onto his back and turned to Noah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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