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.Honestly, I dhave been dismayed that ourcurrent position didn t allow meto do so, except that, through ourconnection, I could sense hisgenuine enjoyment, no, his bliss atsharing such an intimateexperience with me.As hebobbed his head up and down mydick, I clutched his hair, thrustingmy dick into his mouth as I guidedhim to take more of my cock.Buteven as the sensations soared, it wasn t enough, not nearly enoughfor me.My dragon demandedmore.It demanded everything.Obviously knowing this, mymate pulled away, freeing himselffrom my grip with ease.I mighthave tried to coax him back, buttruth be told, he was running thisshow.I was putty in his hands,and he could do whatever hewanted with me.Still, when mycock slipped from his mouth, Icouldn t help but release a whineof protest. Hush, baby, he whispered out loud. I know.And he did.It didn t matter if hespoke to my thoughts or to myears.It didn t matter if he used hisvoice or our bond to address me.No matter what happened and nomatter what he did, I believed inhim, and I trusted that he d takecare of me.I still remembered the way he dsheltered me with his own bodywhen the supposed spirit huntershad tried to steal me away.Tothis day, the gargoyles hadn texplained the reason behind that action.At times, they seemed veryrandom.I actually suspected thatthey d done it on purpose so Icould see Kirril for who he reallywas, without my perspectivebeing tainted by him being anArthurian and a slayer.It had worked, and now wewere together.And sweetGoddess, I wanted it to lastforever.I wanted this moment tonever end.At the same time, Iached for Kirril to get on with it,to touch me deeper, to make ourunion complete.Every part of me, from the one I now recognized ashuman to my dragon one, wishedto claim him.The best thing was that he feltthe same.In spite of the brief pangof loss I experienced when hereleased my dick, it was all worthit, as he quickly pulled off myboots and proceeded to do thesame with my pants.Once I wasnaked, he disrobed with the sameefficiency I d gotten used to sincebecoming his mate.As I watched him strip, I wasonce more struck about by just how lucky I d been to have him asmy other half.Plainly put, the manseemed cut from divine cloth.Ididn t even know where to lookfirst since I wanted to takeeverything in at the same time.Actually, I wanted to toucheverything, but paradoxically, mylust was so intense that it didn tallow me to move.He chuckled, having obviouslyheard my thoughts. It s okay,Dini.I can do all the moving foryou, as long as you re willing. Oh, yes, I heard myself croak out. Definitely willing.Ready, willing, able, and oh,Goddess, desperate.When hemoved close to me again, I almostpounced on him, my dragonneeding him so much that mypower was slipping out of me.Ashe covered my body with hislarger one, I was distantly awareof the living beings around usresponding to it, animals, plants,and even the earth comingtogether to celebrate love, each inits own way.I couldn t focus on that, however, not when my loverpressed his lips to mine oncemore.He tasted like himself andme, and truly, I didn t think therewas a more arousing flavor on thewhole of Avalon, or any of theother worlds in existence.It wasas if I could sample the essence ofour bond with my every sense,and the beauty of it made meshiver in delight.When we broke apart again,Kirril didn t waste any more timewith prolonging the sensuoustorment.As much as we both enjoyed the foreplay, we neededsomething else to be complete.To my surprise and secretdelight, Kirril flipped me over onall fours.Amazingly, we d nevertried sex like this before.My mateclaimed he wanted to see my eyeswhen he fucked me, and I neededto face him so that I could claimhim.But I like exploring, and Iliked discovering new things withhim, so I obeyed and remained inthe position my mate had chosenfor me.To help out further, Ispread my legs and pushed my ass out, mentally pleading,  Comeon, Rili.Fuck me.I was not disappointed.A fewseconds later, two fingersinvaded my channel, immediatelyfinding my prostate.I gasped,burying my claws in the ground asmy mate prepared me.However,my patience was running out. Rili, I whined.I couldn tremember how to say anythingelse, but I did think it.And since Kirril didn t seeminclined on fucking me withouttaking his sweet time to stretch me, I decided to speed things up abit.As Kirril rubbed my specialspot, I clenched my ass musclesaround his fingers.He groaned, the promise of thebliss awaiting him inside mestraining his control. Baby,you re not making this easy. It s not easy, I said to him inmy mind. It s hard.I m hard,and I need you, damn it.Thankfully, my lover at last tookmercy on me, on the both of us.He removed his fingers from myass, and after a few moments during which he must haveslicked his cock up, he held on tomy hips, steadying me.His dickpressed against my anus, alreadypromising dark delights.And thatpromise was kept, as in onesingle thrust, my lover impaledme on his thick shaft.The world turned to pure flameas I struggled to process thesensations now overwhelming mybody.Kirril allowed me a fewseconds to get accustomed to hisgirth, but it was more because ofhis normal protectiveness rather than out of an actual need.Bynow, I d grown not only used totaking him within me, but had alsostarted to crave it.Acknowledging this, he pulledout and thrust back in, hitting myprostate so hard that I saw stars.Everything else melted except ourshared desire.As I pushed backagainst me, he wrapped an armaround my waist, giving meadditional support. Oh, baby,he whispered in my ear.A fewmoments later, he continuedthrough our bond,  What you do to me& You feel so good, sotight.Dini& At this point, I had no words,not even ones I could mold intocoherent thoughts.My mind hadbecome a litany of his name.Wefell into a rhythm that felt asperfect as our connection, movingtogether in complete synch.Butthen, that made sense, since we dbeen made for each other.Ourhearts beat at the same pace, andwe almost seemed to breathethrough the same lungs.My lovefor him matched what he felt for me.We were one, and we fittogether in a single cohesivewhole.The new position allowed mymate a lot of flexibility in fuckingme, but it did have onedisadvantage, the same one whichhad deterred us from trying itbefore.When my dragon roared,demanding to claim Kirril, Icouldn t do so.If I tried, I d haveto turn and dislodge my mate sdick from inside me, and I trulyhad no desire to lose thewonderful penetration. However, Kirril had thought ofa fix for that, too.Or perhaps, hisinstincts had shown him what todo, because I didn t see it throughour bond until it actuallyhappened.Just as my pleasurestarted to build up to unbearableheights, he suddenly buried histeeth into the flesh of my shoulder.He didn t have fangs, not like me,but he did manage to break theskin.One would have thought thatit would hurt, but instead, ittriggered a burst of ecstasy sointense that I forgot how to breathe.He had never done that before,never claimed me like I did withhim.I d accepted it as somethinginexorably linked to Kirril shuman nature and didn t thinkabout it too much.But now that hehad finally bitten me& Oh,Goddess, it brought me a joy thatmingled with the carnal pleasureand propelled me into an orgasmthat I couldn t hope to control.Through our bond, I felt himcome as well, pumping me full ofhot seed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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