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."That doesn'tmean you can just fisk off.Somebody's got to stay for fire-guard; that's byroster.""Shit," the unlucky recruit said."Yeah.And if you're planning on going into town, you go in groups.At leastone decurion is to be with each group and if anyone in the group fisks up heand the decurion will answer to me.""What about you?" one of them asked."Well, I turned in all my money," he grinned."So walking around town withnothing to spend doesn't appeal very much.And I'm not going to go askSergeant Jones if I can draw some cash.Are you?" He looked around and nodded."Me? I'm going to get some sleep."A few of the troops decided to go into town anyway and he assigned Pedersenfrom third decuri to accompany them, then headed for his spot on the floor."So you're just gonna flake out?" Cruz asked from his own spot."Damn straight," Herzer replied, plumping up the bundle of underwear he usedPage 246 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlas a pillow."Tomorrow we start training with the Gunny.What do you wanna bet he's gonnabust our ass in the morning just to show us who's who?""What's he gonna do to us that they haven't done already?" Cruz asked."Anyproblem if go intoItown?""Not as long as you take somebody with you," Herzer replied, rolling over andtrying to get comfortable.Normally he fell right to sleep but this was justtoo early.Nonetheless, he could hearMorpheus calling.He swore he was never going to pass up a chance to sleepagain in his life."But you'd better be back by lights out and ready to rockin the morning.""Yes, sir!" Cruz snorted."See you later, Herzer.""Only if I'm still here and you can see."Herzer, who was trailing the triari to round up stragglers, passed Cruz on theway up the Hill and patted him on the back."Thrown up all that rotgut, Cruz?" he asked cheerfully."You bastard, how did you know?" Cruz moaned."Just a lucky guess."The Gunny had, indeed, decided to show who was boss.The triari was on itssecond ascent and the first hadn't been to the Gunny's satisfaction, which hehad passed on in scathing tones."Cruz, if you wanna keep them recruit stripes, you'd better move on out,"Decurion Jones said as he reached the two recruit leaders."Move it out,Herzer.""Yes, Sergeant," he said, grabbing Cruz's arm."Let's go, party boy.""Lu, I wanna die," Cruz moaned, struggling up the hill.Behind them the drillsergeants were chivvying the other recruits who had failed to keep up."How much did you drink?""I dunno, after the second mug of mead it was all sort of a blur," Cruz saidand paused, briefly, to dry heave."Next time, listen to Papa Herzer, okay?" Herzer said with a laugh."Even thegurrrls are doing better than you.""You got it."When they reached the top of the Hill, Gunny, who looked to have not evenbroken a sweat, the bastard, had assembled the triari.Herzer took his placeat the back.There were seven women who had survived the Basic course and theyhad been integrated into the squads despite the fact that at least one of themhad to be a Recruit Decurion.Herzer wasn't sure if Cruz was going to keep hisplace after this morning's showing, but Gunny didn't tell him to move down thedecuri so apparently he was being lenient this morning."Well, I'd guess you're wondering why I called you here," Gunny said when thelast sweating and panting recruit reached the formation."There's a very finebook that says 'For everything there is a season' and you have just enteredthe season to put away childish games.And I'm the man to bag up the toys.Isthat clear?""CLEAR, SERGEANT!""We're not going to have much time for fun and games over the next few weeksbut I thought it was a good idea to remind you all that soldiers have to movewhen they are told to move.This valley has been battled over before and thegeneral that owned it, in that day, depended upon his infantry.They moved sofast they were referred to as foot-cavalry.And that is the mark we willobtain.By the time you are done, you will be able to walk any cavalry intothe ground and you will be able to move on tracks that a goat would finddifficult.Or my name isn't Miles Arthur Rutherford.Is that clear?""CLEAR, SERGEANT."Page 247 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You will care for your personal gear before you care for yourself.If you areresponsible for specialized gear, you will care for that before you care foryour own gear.Your only goal is to performthe mission.Every day you can find something to enhance the mission and everyday you will find something to enhance the mission!""So, what is the mission, Gunny?" Cruz asked, solemnly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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