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.His cock branded her thigh, the heavy shaft impossibly long, thick, and hard,and still he made no move to mount her or even remove his jeans.She would ve loved to rub his brush cut, dig into his shoulders, and scratch hisback.Her bound hands itched to touch him.Cuffed and spread like a sacrifice, shecould only accept the painfully seductive caresses he lavished on her weak flesh.Arousal, hers and his, perfumed the air.Every breath added to her feveredtension until she started to worry about unapproved climaxes happening from sheersensory overload.Would he punish her for that? More frightening was the part ofher hoping he would.At last he lifted his head from her breasts, and she braced for the totalinvasion she knew was next.But all he did was continue the path of openmouthedkisses down her stomach.This time, he didn t stop to explore her belly button ortrace the faint ridge of her hip bone.He headed straight for her sex and burrowed inwith his nose.Something raspy slicked across her dangerously excited folds.He was licking her there.More than licking, he kissed, sucked, and dear Goddess, nibbled.Her backbowed in mindless bliss at another rasp of his tongue across her sensitized tissues.Then his long tongue invaded her empty core, winding her sex into an aching knotof need.Gnawing hunger for more spread through every nerve, pulling them tautuntil she was ready to shatter.Her limbs trembled from muscles held rigid for too long, the edges of her visionfaded, and her sex pulsed with desperate erotic need.The fiend slowed his tongue assault and then stopped.She bit her lip to keep from screaming. A Taste of Scarlet 85His head lifted from her channel. I ll tell you when to come.She found enough energy to open her eyes and glare at him.Instantly he challenged her. Who s in charge in this bed, female?It killed her to admit it even to herself, but when he went all growly andmasterful, she melted.And she couldn t hide it.He could smell her arousal.Couldsee it if he cared to look.This too excited her.To think she d believed her nursing training had given her a goodunderstanding of the human reproductive systems and their biologic responses.Daniel had taught her more about sex in a few hours than all her college classes puttogether.She d been an ignorant idiot.And now she was in way over her head.If she argued, begged, or said anything at all, then he d slow down even moreor worse, stay stopped.Wonderful.Her butt still burned from the spanking.She was bound hand andfoot and at the total mercy of an Alpha male bent on driving her crazy.And nowevery fiber of her being ached for the release of another world-rocking orgasm.Yet she didn t want him to stop.All she really wanted was more of his erotictorture.He wasn t truly cruel.Sooner or later, he would push her past her limitsinto rapture.She wondered about her willingness to trust him so completely, so quickly.Though aside from driving her wild with desire, he d done nothing to ruffle her fur.Her inner bitch wagged her tail, panting, and lolling her tongue in a feral grinof delighted agreement.Startled but thrilled with the female s presence, Scarletwent with her wolf instincts.When he spread her feminine lips, exposing her secrets, she swallowed herwhimper of impatience and ignored the heat racing up her neck.Naturally thediabolical Alpha male noticed. Embarrassed? He growled. 86 Evanne LorraineRemembering he could smell most lies, she licked lips suddenly hot and dry. Yes, Sir. You re beautiful here. A rough finger traced through the valleys and rufflesof her sex. Beautiful everywhere. Yes, Sir, she said, not believing a word of it.Remembering too late that he dsmell the lie, she held still, shamelessly eager while she waited for consequences.Daniel just chuckled. Want a mirror?She shook her head. Someday I ll arrange a mirror so you can see for yourself.No need to rush on her account, she thought dryly.Inspecting her intimateparts under Daniel s supervision just might be more fun than she could handle.His fingers petted her sensitized folds with tender but sure strokes, rimmingthe opening to her sheath, spreading her juices over her clit and back.The toucheswere too light to push her over the edge into the release she craved, but too firm tolet her arousal wane.For an endless time, he held her there on the brink of fulfillment until her legsand arms quivered and she squirmed again beneath his relentless caresses.At last two rough fingers pushed into her core and his mouth covered her clit,sucking hard on the throbbing bundle of nerves.He paused and looked up, meeting her lust-glazed eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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