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.It hadn't been anger that had made him tear into Willa, as she no doubtbelieved.It had been fear at how close he had come to losing her.Zach groaned again, but he couldn't deny the truth any longer.He would have been concerned aboutanyone lost in a storm and done his best to find them.However it had been more than mere concern he'd Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlexperienced while searching for Willa.It had been gut-wrenching terror that he would not find her in time,and heaven help him, the thought of that had been unbearable.The depth of his feeling stunned and appalled him."Damn, Mahoney, have you lost your mind?" heraged at himself."Willa Simmons is a pain-in-the-butt, smart-mouthed little spitfire.Any man who takesher on will have his hands full.She's not even your type, for Pete's sake."The lecture didn't do one whit of good.Somehow she had gotten under his guard and stolen his heart,something he would have sworn no woman could ever do.Zach shook his head.That he'd allowed himself to fall for Willa Simmons, a feisty little hellion whocouldn't stand the sight of him, made him feel foolish.Of all the women in the world, why this one? Though he'd always been a bit of a loner, he'd never hadany trouble attracting women.The barrel racers who followed the rodeo circuit and the groupies whohung around the shows had gone to great lengths to gain his attention.For the most part he had ignoredtheir overtures, although that had seemed to only make them more determined.Not that he'd lived like a monk.While traveling the circuit he'd had a few long-term relationships, mainlyout of need and loneliness, and because he preferred serial monogamy to one-night stands.He'd liked all of the women well enough.A couple he'd been genuinely fond of, but his feelings hadnever gone deeper than that.In his thirty-six years he'd never let a woman get that close.Until now.Not that he was in love.Okay, so maybe his feelings for Willa went deeper and were more intense thananything he'd ever experienced before.To even imagine his life without her in it brought pain, but thatdidn't mean he was in love with her.Dammit, he didn't want to be in love with any woman.That was not an emotion he trusted.From whathe'd observed, it blinded you to a person's true character, often hiding their less than admirable traits untilit was too late.That had certainly been the case with his adoptive mother.After being widowed, in a love-struck haze,she had married a charismatic charmer who'd claimed to be a man of God, but who was in reality acharlatan and a criminal.And a wife abuser.Zach had learned from her mistake.Although & now that he thought about it, no one could say that Willa had ever bothered to hide herflaws and put her best foot forward around him.There was no pretense or guile in the woman.With Willa, you always knew where you stood.She didn'tconceal her feelings or opinions behind a polite facade or pretend to be anything but what she was feisty, willful and defiant, often rash.A real handful.She was also loyal, hardworking, honest, kind to oldfolks and children, although she was learning her way with the latter and still a bit awkward.She was alsofriendly and loving with those she cared about.Many times, when she hadn't known he was around, he'dseen her laughing and chatting with the men or giving Pete or Maria a hug and an affectionate kiss on thecheek.Zach's mouth twisted.Hell, it was probably her unaffected, straightforward manner that had gotten pasthis guard.He knew all her faults, all her weaknesses and shortcomings, and despite them  maybe even Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlbecause of them  he was crazy about her.He'd felt the attraction from the first moment he'd seen her.Desire had slammed through him like afreight train going ninety when he spotted her standing on the stairs that day he and his brothers had cometo the ranch to confront Seamus, but he'd chalked that up to nothing more than lust.A basic, animalattraction.Then he'd found out who she was, and realized that she hated him and his brothers.He'dthought her animosity would cancel out the attraction, but he was wrong.Over the past months that pull had not faded, had in fact grown stronger, though he had refused to admitit until now.Zach supposed that adage about opposites attracting was true.He tended to be reserved and played hiscards close to his chest.Willa was an open book, candid and unrestrained, and out-going around thosewith whom she was comfortable.He tended to think things through and plan a course of action.Willareacted impulsively, letting her emotions guide her.Not always wisely, perhaps, and sometimes withdisastrous results, but always with genuine conviction.One thing was certain, life with Willa might be a wild ride and give a man one headache after another,but it would sure as hell never be dull.He made a disgusted sound.Yeah, right.Dream on, Mahoney.No way in hell that's ever going tohappen.The woman would as soon give you a good, swift kick in the shins as look at you.Dammit tohell! Wouldn't you know he'd fall for the one woman who hated his guts?She'd probably laugh her head off if she knew he was out here in the freezing cold, mooning over herlike some infatuated teenager.Grinding his teeth, Zach straightened and squared his shoulders.The onlything he could do was to keep his distance and hope she never guessed that he cared for her.Chapter 8«^»Willa felt wretched.She had behaved badly.Again.Zach had every right to be furious with her.To hate her, even, after whatshe'd done.He was right; she could have cost three men their lives.As it was, she'd come darn close tolosing her own.Tears of self-loathing welled in her eyes.She put her head down on the table and groaned.What wasthe matter with her? When would she ever learn to use her head and stop letting her emotions controlher?If she weren't so contrary, none of this would have happened, she thought glumly.Willa sniffed, thoroughly disgusted with herself.The truth was, from the beginning she had cast Zach inthe role of villain and blamed him for everything.Partly because he was an available target and partlybecause that was easier than accepting Seamus's perfidy [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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