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.It was predictable, really.Two young, beautifulteenagers, faced withincredible odds, teaming uptogether to fight a commoncause.All Daphne had had todo was make a relationshipwith Lucas impossible, giveOrion a chance to hope, and he would certainly fall forHelen.Now all Daphne coulddo was hope that he loved herenough.so that Daphnecould truly control him. Could you go after her?she continued, nudging him,trying to work just the rightangle in this situation to getOrion to realize what, orr a t h e r what role, he wasmeant to play in the nextGreat Cycle. Could you bring her back? From the dead? Daedalusblurted out before he realizedwhat he was saying.Heglanced over at Castorapologetically. I m sorry,Castor.But your son didn tlook good.Castor nodded.His face wasstark white, and his eyesstared blankly at the floor,like they weren t seeinganything anymore.  We don t know whathappened yet.Don t give uphope, Tantalus whispered inCastor s ear.He clasped hisbrother on the shouldercomfortingly while Daphnebit her tongue to keep herselffrom snarling at the sound ofhis voice.She wanted toscream at Castor not to trusthim, but she knew it wouldn tdo any good.Tantalus spoke up so the rest of the room was included,easily shifting into the role ofleader in the wake of disaster.He had always been the mostcharismatic of them all,Daphne thought bitterly.Evenwhen they knew he was evil,they trusted him, anyway.They wanted to trust him, justas Daphne had once trustedhim. I say we use this meetingto discuss what we witnessed and how we should moveforward, Tantalus said as headdressed the group.His eyesmoved to Phaon andhardened. Starting with howto punish Phaon forattempting to murder theHead of his House.Andy sat in the kitchen withthe rest of the non-Scionsthe rest of the non-Scions whodidn t need to lie down, that is.Kate had taken Noelupstairs after it became clearthat she wouldn t be able tostop crying.Noel was a toughlady, Andy could see that, butafter what happened to Lucas,any mother would have fallenapart.Matt and Claire waited forKate and Noel to leave beforethey spoke. I never thought Helenwould hurt Lucas.Never, Claire whispered, her eyesblank with sadness. I can tbelieve it. She s completely out ofcontrol, Matt whisperedback.The two friends sat, theirfaces unmoving like palemasks.Andy didn t knowHelen like they did, but shedid know what malice lookedlike when she saw it.Having asiren for a mother had ensured that. But it was an accident,Andy said, sticking up forHelen. She didn t mean to doit. That makes it even worse,Matt responded heatedly. Can you imagine what wouldhave happened if she didmean it?Matt, Claire, and Andy satsilently at the table andlistened in on the rest of the meeting.The Scions foughtover how they were going tocarve up Phaon.Apparently,this Phaon guy was extrapopular, especially with theolder generation.They allwanted a piece of him, but itwas Daedalus from the Houseof Athens who claimed thebiggest grievance, and not justto avenge what had nearlyhappened to his son whenPhaon tried to kill him just moments ago.There was mention of ayoung girl named Cassiopeia,and the room grew quiet.Then it was unanimouslydecided that Daedalus andPhaon were to meet at dawnfor a duel to the death.Afterthat, the meeting wasadjourned.Seconds later,Ariadne and Jason joinedthem in the kitchen.Ariadne seyes filled up with tears as soon as she saw Matt. Lucas., she whisperedas she wrapped her armsaround his chest.Claire went to Jason andsearched his face, wordlesslyasking him a question. It sbad, Claire.We felt his heartstop, Jason said tonelessly. He ll pull through, though.Won t he? Claire said.Jasonshrugged, his lip trembling.Claire pulled his head down and let it rest on her shoulder.Jason and Ariadne weregifted Healers.They knew thetrue extent of Lucas s injuries.They may not have shared thedetails while they were in themeeting, but here in the safetyof Noel s kitchen, they couldexpress what they couldn t infront of the other Houses.Neither of them thought thatLucas would make it.Matt and Claire comforted the twins as best they could,but there wasn t much theycould do apart from holdingthem.Matt and Claire shareda grim look over Jason s andAriadne s shoulders.Andyknew what they werethinking.If Helen could kill Lucas,the person she loved the most,she could kill them all.Andy watched her newfriends hug each other for a moment, and then started tofeel like she was intruding.She hadn t really knownLucas, and she had no ideawhat it was like to have abrother or a sister let alonewhat it would feel like tothink he or she was going todie.She d always wantedsomeone to love as much asthey obviously loved Lucas.Confused that she seemed towant to suffer like they were suffering, that she felt almostjealous of how deeply they allfelt this, Andy made her wayto the kitchen door that ledout to the yard.She was a creature of thesea, and the ocean had alwaysbeen her biggest comfort.Andy figured that maybe aquick swim would clear herhead enough so that she couldbe there to help this familythat had helped her so much. For the first time since she dbeen brought to the Deloshouse, Andy left the propertyand headed to the beach [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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