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.I ll even cook, I swear!Connor rushed David out of the house like a celebrity beinghounded by a mob of fans, represented here by one crazylesbian.To her credit, Tracy only followed them to the frontdoor before she gave up.161  She s not always that wired, Connor said as soon as theywere in the car. Give her time and she ll calm down.A littlebit. She s a little overwhelming, David admitted. It sprobably just weird for me because I don t have a brother orsister.Connor tried to imagine a female version of David, the curlyhair grown out past his shoulders and bright red lipstick smearedacross his lips.She would probably be just as bookish and shy asher brother.Rather than wrestling, they would probably sit sideby side playing video games all night.No doubt Gordon wouldhave a hopeless crush on her.Connor shook this image from his mind and put the car ingear.They had an ocean to see!The beach, it turned out, was walled away from the world byhotels, resorts, and high-priced condos.These institutions hadlong ago staked their claim on the coast, offering their patronsexclusive access to the beach.Connor drove up and downsearching for a way in.He had pictured them driving onto thesand just like in the movies, but in the end they had to settle forparking at a restaurant with a deck jutting out over the sand.They snuck around the side of the restaurant, hopping a lowfence and slinking past windows that were venting steam andkitchen noise into the night.Tracy worked here, if Connor had the right place, so if theywere caught he could at least mention her name.The pavementended and the ground descended, steadily blending from earth tosand.By the time they passed the deck, they were already belowits height.The restaurant was having an eighties night, judgingby the cheesy music blaring both inside and from deck speakers,but even over the music and chatting diners, they could hear theroar of the waves.162 David slipped in the sand, but Connor caught him by the armand took his hand.Then they ran together toward the water,laughing like two madmen broken free from the asylum. Let s take off our shoes, David said, plopping down on thesand and ripping at his shoelaces.Connor watched him, happy to be the one showing Davidmore of the world.Then he lifted his foot to get his own shoesoff, hopping around on one leg until he toppled over, causingDavid to laugh again.As soon as they were barefoot they ran down the beach,leaving footprints in the sand that wound back and forth acrosseach other before being washed away.They stomped into thewater, waves soaking the bottoms of their shorts, but they didn tcare.Connor would have gladly stripped off the rest of hisclothes and dragged David into the water if he hadn t felt the pullof the undertow during his last visit.David was the first to scoopup water and toss it at Connor, and soon they were splashingeach other, dodging and leaping to avoid being hit.When they tired, they began a leisurely stroll back towardthe restaurant. Two weeks of this? David asked as if he still couldn tbelieve it.Connor nodded. Yup.Just you and me.Well, and fourlesbians.I told you we re crashing on the couch, right?David shrugged. Sounds like paradise.Eighties night was still going strong when they reached thebeach outside the restaurant.Turning their backs to the building,they held hands and faced the great empty expanse ahead.Moonlight glittered off the nearest waves, beyond this acomforting darkness, as if they could step into the empty spaceand make of it anything they desired.Connor couldn t imagineanything he wanted more than this moment, being together withDavid and away from the bosses and bullies of the world.163 Behind them, the synth-fueled pop gave way to a slowersong that began with a simple guitar riff before bass and drumsjoined in.Crowded House serenaded them, telling them theyshouldn t dream it was over, even if the world came betweenthem.Connor had heard the song countless times, but now itspoke to him directly, like a message from the universe. I still owe you that birthday dance, he said, turning toDavid and putting an arm around his waist.David wrapped hisarms around him in return, pulling him closer.Then their bodiesmoved as one, swaying to the music.Connor bowed his head, lethis lips brush against David s neck before breathing in the smellof salt water on his skin.David was right.This was paradise.164 Chapter Thirteen Rise and shine, lovelies! I made you some yummybreakfast!David groaned and pulled a pillow over his head, but heknew it was hopeless.The last three mornings had begun likethis, with one of the grannies waking them up for breakfast at thecrack of dawn.He could feel someone watching him, so heshoved the pillow away and found a face close to his.This onewas Glasses, as he had come to think of her.The two old ladies who owned the house were nearlyidentical.Both were short, pleasantly plump women with a bobof white-grey hair.David could only distinguish them by thereading glasses one always had perched at the end of her noseand by the overalls the other wore.As far as he knew, thegrannies didn t have grandkids and seemed to be making up forlost time with Connor and him.Granted, the breakfasts were phenomenal.He could smell italready, which was enough encouragement for him to mutter hewas coming, sending the old woman away.As good as the foodwas, what David really wanted was to sleep late with Connor.Alittle privacy once they woke up would also be welcome. Is she gone? Connor grumbled from behind him.Theycould only rest on their sides, which meant being wrapped inConnor s arms all night, so it wasn t all bad. Yeah, she s gone.They enjoyed a brief moment of quiet before rising andtrudging into the kitchen.Both grannies were seated there,Overalls reading the morning paper while Glasses beamed andwaited for them to be seated.Omelettes with a side of pancakeswere on the menu today, a breakfast hearty enough that theycould probably skip lunch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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