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.S.Kidnapping Daniel andmoving to Venezuela was looking better and better.Wecould star on a milk carton together.As soon as hefigured out how to make a living in Venezuela, he wasgoing to make that happen.In the meantime, John neverfailed to show up for his Wednesday and every otherweekend.Never.* * *Roll Call.2 July 2012.0800 hours.Everyone was in attendance.It was an inspectionday.There were no uniforms in this unit.Still thedetectives had to dress according to the regs.Thecommander told Bast his hair was too long again.Then the commander called for case updates."Bast.Dogs."Chasing Shadows 54 There was no woofing this time.It wasn't remotelyfunny anymore."Je suis foutu.""In English, Detective Bast?""I'm fucked.We got dog hair and tracks this time, butnothing to match them to.I got nothing to connect thetwo cases and nothing to definitely rule a connectionout.I got nothing.""Write it up," the commander said resignedly."Parkit.Wait for a third one not to happen."Bast gave a single nod."Yes, sir."John muttered aside to Bast."Did you get all yourtracks covered?""Not sure." Bast leaned in close to John."Tell me,does my breath smell like clown?"John put his hand on Bast's face and pushed himaway.Bast's breath actually smelled enticing.After roll call, during the murmur and shuffle ofdetectives rising from their seats, Bast told John in aconfidential voice."To tell the truth, I did find an exactmatch to the dog hair."The meaning of what Bast just said took its ownsweet time sinking into John's skull.He couldn't believewhat he just heard.He dogged Bast out of theconference room and down the hall.He whispered, "Youfalsified your report?" That was a strange thing toconfess to a guy who was trying to take him down."Why are you telling me that?""The match is already in the evidence locker," Bastsaid carelessly."From the Internal Affairs investigationof your accident." His dark brows lifted and his full lipsformed a secretive smile."It's the dog hair from underyour car."That rocked John off center.He felt light headed.Quills of fear prickled under his tongue.It was a set up.Bast had put the dog hair under his car.I'm being set up.And I kissed you, you mo fo.He needed to take down Bast now.Chasing Shadows 55 * * *John had to burn two vacation days to get to NewOrleans.He took a bus down Thursday and a bus backSaturday.On the Friday in between, he visited theprecinct where Bast had supposedly worked.He foundout Bast really did work for the New Orleans PoliceDepartment between 2007 and 2011.The people Johninterviewed loved Bast.That made asking suspiciousquestions tough.John asked after records from whereBast was before 2007."Oh.René come from Terrebonne Parish." Theadmin laughed.She had an open face.Her nail polishwas chipped.The hem of one sleeve of her blouse washeld up with a staple.She had a pretty voice.Her namewas Susz."You want those records? Go fish.That be theBayou.You won't find records there."Katrina, again.John asked Susz if she had any cases two years agoor older of people who had their throats torn out by agiant dog.Her brow creased and her mouth pulled to one side inthought."No.Nothing like that.But we did have a rashof really strange bite cases.These people were bitten onthe ear.There musta been two dozen or more.Most ofthem said they were bit by a wolf, but one of them -- Isaw it -- that was human bite.But it was on the ear, notthe throat.He said he was bit by a werewolf.And it stolehis car.""Did Bast work the case?""I don't think René was with us yet.No.No, hewasn't.""Did anyone swab the bites for DNA evidence?""You really aren't from around here.We really didn'thave the resources."Katrina.He had to sound like a real asshat.An officer walked over to Susz's desk.He must haveoverheard their conversation."You talking about ourvampire?"Chasing Shadows 56 "Vampire?" John said."Does he -- the biter -- does hehave pronounced canines? You know?" John hookedtwo fingers in front of his mouth to indicate fangs."No.This nut has ordinary teeth.Pretty good ones atthat."Bast does have a dazzling smile.Susz nodded agreement with that."It was a reallyneat bite.Nice arch.We're not looking for a meth case."The officer gave a dismissive snort.He obviouslyconsidered the case dead cold."We're not looking atall."I'm afraid we are.He crossed state lines.He's ournut now.* * *Returning to work Monday morning, John gotwaylaid in the parking lot by Bast.Bast's hair waslooking too long again.It was starting to curl.He wore awhite shirt, dove gray jacket, and dusky trousers.Hesaid lazily, "You have a hard-on for me, John [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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