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.Near this lake Joshua defeated the kings of Northern Canaan, Jos11:1-8.MEROZAn unknown place in Galilee, cursed in the song of Deborah and Barakfor not joining with them against the foes of Israel, Jud 5:23.Probably their vicinity to the scene of conflict, or the opportunitythey had of rendering some special assistance, rendered their refusalpeculiarly guilty.MESHA1.A place on the eastern frontier of the territory of Joktan, Gefile:///H|/Biblebob/Books/Online/ATSBibleDictionary/m.htm (28 of 67)8/10/2005 3:50:43 AM ATS M10:30, supposed to have been in the region of Bassora, at thenorthwest end of the Persian Gulf.2.A king of Moab, who paid an enormous tribute to Ahab king ofIsrael, but revolted at his death, 2Ki 1:1; 3:4-27.Joram the son ofAhab, with the aid of Judah and Edom, made war upon him, and besiegedhim in his capital.Unable to force his way through the besieginghost, King Mesha sought the aid of his gods by sacrificing his own sonon the city wall; and the besiegers, horrorstruck at this atrociousact, withdrew in terror, lest some curse should fall on them.MESHACHSee ABED-NEGO.MESHECH OR MESECHPs 120:5, the sixth son of Japheth, Ge 10:2, located near Tubal at thenortheast corner of Asia Minor, in Iberia, and supposed by many tohave been the father of the Muscovites.Meshech traded with Tyre in"the persons of men, and in vessels of brass," Eze 27:13; 32:26; 38:2.MESOPOTAMIABetween the rivers, the Greek name of the country between theEuphrates and the Tigris, called in Arabic, Al Jezira, the island.SeeARAM 2, and PADAN-ARAM.In its fullest sense, Mesopotamia extendedfrom the Persian Gulf to mount Taurus; but the name usually denotesonly the tract above Babylonia, now called Dearbekr and celebrated forits exuberant fertility; while the part below, now Irak-Arabi, issterile and without water.Mesopotamia was including the territoriesof the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, and Roman empiressuccessively, and belongs now to that of the Turks.This region is associated with the earliest history of the human raceboth before and after the flood.Eden was not far off; Ararat was nearto it on the north, and the land of Shinar on the south.The travelerhere reaches what is truly "the Old World," and is surrounded byobjects compared with which the antiquities of Greece and Rome aremodern novelties.This was the home of the patriarchs who proceededfile:///H|/Biblebob/Books/Online/ATSBibleDictionary/m.htm (29 of 67)8/10/2005 3:50:43 AM ATS MAbraham-Terah, Heber, Peleg, etc.Here Abraham and Sarah were born,and the wives of Isaac, and Jacob, and most of the sons of Jacob, theheads of the twelve tribes.Mesopotamia is also mentioned in Scriptureas the abode of the first oppressor of Israel in the time of thejudges, Jud 3:8-10; in the history of the wars of David, 2Sa 10:16;and as furnishing a delegation of Jews, and perhaps proselytes, toattend the Passover at Jerusalem, Ac 2:9.MESSIAH OR MESSIASAnointed, a title given principally, or by way of eminence, to thatsovereign Deliverer promised to the Jews.They were accustomed toanoint their kings, high priests, and sometimes prophets, when theywere set apart to their office; and hence the phrase, "to anoint" foran employment, sometimes signifies merely a particular designation orchoice for such an employment.Cyrus, who founded the empire of thePersians, and who set the Jews at liberty, is called, Isa 45:1, "theanointed of the Lord;" and in Eze 28:14, the epithet "anointed" isgiven to the king of Tyre.But, as we have already observed, MESSIAH is the designation given bythe Hebrews, eminently, to that Savior and Deliverer whom theyexpected, and who was promised to them by all the prophets.As theholy unction was given to kings, priests, and prophets, by describingthe promised Savior of the world under the name of Christ, Anointed,or Messiah, it was sufficiently evidenced that the qualities of king,prophet, and highpriest would eminently center in him, and that heshould exercise them not only over the Jews but over all mankind, andparticularly over those who should receive him as their Savior.SeeCHRIST.That Jesus Christ was the true MESSIAH of the Old Testament, the"Shiloh" of Jacob, the "Redeemer" of Job, the "Angel of the Covenant,"is abundantly clear.The time of his appearance was predicted in Ge49:10 Da 9:20,25 Hag 2:7 Mal 3:1.At the time when the Savior actuallycame, and then only, could these predictions meet: then the seventyweeks of years were ended; and soon after, the scepter was tornforever from the hands of Judah, the only tribe that could then claimthe headship of the Jews; and the temple in which the Messiah was toappear was annihilated.Then also the genealogical lists were extant,which proved the descent of Christ from the line predicted.Numerousfile:///H|/Biblebob/Books/Online/ATSBibleDictionary/m.htm (30 of 67)8/10/2005 3:50:43 AM ATS Mand clear detached predictions respecting the birth, character, life,sufferings, and death of Christ, his resurrection, ascension, andkingdom, were all in him perfectly fulfilled, Joh 1:41 4:25.METHEGAMMAH2Sa 8:1; 1Ch 18:1.See GATH.METHUSELAHSon of Enoch, and father of Lamech.He lived 969 years, a longer lifethan any other on record, and died within the year before the deluge,Ge 5:21,22.MICAH1.The Morasthite, or of Maresheth, a village near Eleutheropolis, inthe west of Judah; the seventh in order of the lesser prophets.Heprophesied under Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, for aboutfifty years, if with some we reckon from near the beginning of thereign of Jotham, to the last year of Hezekiah B.C.750-698.He wasnearly contemporary with Isaiah, and has some expressions in commonwith him.Compare Isa 2:2 with Mic 4:1, and Isa 41:15 with Mic 4:13.His bold fidelity served as a shield to the prophet Jeremiah a centuryafterwards, Jer 26:18,19 Mic 3:12.He wrote in an elevated andvehement style, with frequent transitions.His prophecy relates to thesins and judgments of Israel and Judah, the destruction of Samaria andJerusalem, the return of the Jews from captivity, and the punishmentof their enemies [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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