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.Henderson, all six feet six inches of him, had spread-eagled himself in astanding position in the doorway, anchored against the door jamb with bothhands while January clung to the front of him, both arms around him, both feetoff the ground, impaled on a cock as improbably long and thin as its owner."Excuse us?Henderson ? January? Coming through?" But there was no getting theattention of two vampires entwined on blood; Selene turned toLourdes andshrugged, then dropped to her knees and crawled out of the keeping roomthrough the portal ofHenderson 's bare legs.Lourdesfollowed her; in the hallway outside the keeping room they rose fromtheir hands and knees and fell laughing into each other's arms."I wouldkilltowatchHenderson fucking Cheese Louise," saidLourdes , when she could talk."Come down to the kitchen with me, dearie," replied Selene."For some reason,I feel a craving for a popsicle."TWONick had been thinking about it all day that Monday, the twenty-third ofMarch.Not exactly fighting it just thinking about it.At work a conferencewith the gene splicers south ofSan Francisco.At the A.A.nooner inDaly City.In the rush-hour traffic.Plenty of time to think about it there; he evenreached for his car phone once or twice.At the N.A.meeting at Mandana House.Then, once he got home, he teased himself for another hour, forcing himself tosit through dinner a Cornish pasty from Noble Pies because he tended towardsstringiness if he lost too much weight.Stringy pecs: heaven forfend.He ate in his white pine breakfast nook, working with one hand on theacrostic puzzle he'd saved from Sunday's paper and shoveling in the meat-piewith the other.Most un-Nick-like behavior.Pasty crumbs all down the front ofhis salmon pink Polo.Brushing them would leave grease spots, so he grabbedthe shirt by the neck and shook it, leaning forward.Then he teased himself a little longer: he made himself sweep the crumbs offthe beautiful blond hardwood kitchen floor.He would have started the dishes,but the still small voice inside told him he'd dicked around long enough.Without further delay he marched upstairs to his bedroom, took the cordlessphone off the charger, lay down on his bed, unsnapped his tailored 501's andpunched the fateful eleven-digit number.It picked up on the second ring."Hi, big boy.""Hi," said Nick wryly."If you're into S&M, press 1; if your pleasure is ""I love it when you talk dirty," Nick said but did not press 1: the troublewith the S&M calls, you could spent fifty bucks talking about the hardwarealone.And Nick wasn't interested in leather or steel or rubber.Just a voice,a connection, the dirtier the better, then release, and at least a blessedspasm of forgetfulness.The "call waiting" signal bleated in his ear before Nick had a chance toPage 161 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlchoose a subspecialty.Annoyed at the interruption, but grateful too, enjoyingthe faint flush of guilt he so rarely managed to indulge in nowadays, he brokeoff the first call."Hello?""Hi Nick.Bev.""Hey Bev.Zup?""Huh?""What's up.That's how the kids say 'What's happenin' ' nowadays.Zup.""Oh.I called to tell you I decided to drop by the V.A.meeting tonight.""That's fine I've told you a dozen times, Bev: I appreciate what you did,walking out with me, but I don't want you screwing up your program on myaccount.""That's not what I wanted to tell you.I only went to ask them to reconsiderabout you ""Thanks, but ""Will youpleasejust hear me out? What I called for,there wasn't any meeting.""No!""Yes indeedy.I asked the woman at the desk, she said they hadn't beenmeeting Mondays for a couple of months, anyway, and when she checked the bookfor me, turned out they weren't meeting at theSeniorCenter at all.""Maybe they found another room someplace?""Maybe.But I started calling around when I got home, and I couldn't reach asingle member.Sherman finally returned my call about twenty minutes ago he'sgoing to meet me after the M.A.meeting tomorrow night said he couldn'texplain over the phone.""Do you trust him?""If you asked me that question a couple months ago, I would have said yeswithout a hesitation.But now? I don't know.""Do you want me to come along?" There was a pause."Bev? I said ""I was thinking, I was thinking.I'm pretty sure I'll be safe after all, it'sSherman, not Whistler.But I'll tell you what, I'll stay in touch with you byphone.And if I haven't called you by, say, midnight& ""If you haven't called me by midnight, what?""I don't know.Come by my place in the morning and put a stake through myheart.""Ain't funny, Bev.""I'm from the Bronx, Nick: I can handleSherman.""To put it in the language of your people:Bronx schmonx.You tellSherman thatif I haven't heard from you by midnight, I'm going to call the cops and reportPage 162 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlyou as a missing person.Andgive them his name and address.Tell him thatbefore you even give him a hug.Because personally I don't trust any ofthem there's not a one of them that's a match for Whistler.""Hey, I'm still clean.""Me too.Take it easy, Bev.Thanks for sticking with me.""You take it easy too, Nick.Talk to you tomorrow."When Nick leaned over to replace the handset of his phone in its cradle, henoticed his dick lolling pinkly out of the fly of his black jeans, stillundone from the first call.He hadn't a trace of lust left in him, but decidedto try and masturbate anyway, if only for the sake of his prostate.Feelingsorrier than dogshit in the rain, he reached into the drawer of his bedsidetable for the now well-wornDicks of All Nations, and began thumbing throughthe deck.But it was no use the cards only served to remind him of Betty Ruth.They'dbumped into each other once since that night at his house he was on his way into the 7:30 meeting of M.A.at the Berkeley-Albany Recovery Center; she wasjust leaving the six o'clock A.A., wearing a puffy down jacket over baggyjeans, so he hadn't been able to tell whether she was pregnant or not and whenhe'd started to speak to her, she'd turned away.The memory of how she'd turned away with revulsion, it had seemed tohim pretty much finished Nick off for the night.He didn't even have to stuffhis penis back in his jeans: it had shrivelled up backwards like the emptysocks of the Wicked Witch of the East, until it was about the size of a rockshrimp.THREEAt the end of the prayer that closed the Tuesday night meeting of MarijuanaAnonymous,Sherman rushed across the circle and threw his arms aroundBeverly."Bev, I'm so sorry we never got in touch with you about moving the meeting.IfI'd evendreamedyou wanted to come back& " He hadn't shown up attheRecoveryCenter until after the opening prayers of the M.A.meeting, so thiswas their first chance to talk.She stepped back from his embrace."Tell me first, are you on blood?""Of course not.""Where was everybody last night?""At the meeting.We're holding it at our houses, in rotation.""Why'd you move it? And why couldn't you tell me that over the phone?""Same reason: Whistler." He drew her aside, away from the literature tablewhere the ex-potheads were signing up on clipboards for Service assignments."We should have figured out by the way he tossed Nick across the room thatnight that he was on blood, but it wasn't until he'd already seduced poorJanuary that we figured out how he'd tricked us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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