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."Selene gathered with the other green robes.Her roommate Brisen, the one whowas dating the abusive speed freak, seized her hand excitedly."Oh my god,Page 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSel he's good-looking, too! You have all the luck," said Brisen, as Morganareturned from the red team's huddle on the other side of the room.She hadassigned the men numbers from one to thirteen; now she gave the women numberscorresponding to the partners she'd selected for them."Selene, you're one.Brisen, two; Sidonia, three& "When she was done the women formed a circle around Selene, undressed her, andfastened the stiff, gold-embroidered white Goddess mask over the upper half ofher face.Across the room, the men disrobed Whistler and helped him don hishalf mask it was leather, with stumpy horns and oval brass grommets around theeyeholes.Then, as the women pushed Selene toward the center of the room, themen did the same for Whistler; the naked couple approached each other slowly,one measured step at a time.The walk always made Selene self-conscious about her body boyish forms hadbeen no more treasured where she grew up than were pre-Raphaelite faces.Shewondered if the gorgeous man approaching her, his remarkable erection bobbingat each step, was disappointed.But he gave no sign of being dissatisfied.Certainly his penis seemed enthusiastic enough, and he was concentratingfiercely on her body, his wide gray eyes round with desire under the mask, thepupils glittering blackly, filled with wondering lust.His body was lean andrangy, with long smooth swimmer's muscles, his pallor striking not paperywhite like an old man but polished like ivory, chest hairless as a statue's.They came to a halt in the center of the room, next to the couch, standing asclose to each other as his erection would permit; she welcomed him back fromthe Underworld rather more loudly than she'd intended."I've returned for you," he replied, as he had been instructed, although withmore emphasis on the "you" than was customary.He put his long arms around herand pulled her close against him.She could feel the shaft of his erectionthrobbing against her heart chakra; she turned her head so her ear was pressedto his heart.It was pounding like hers.He bent down; she started to tilt her head up for a kiss, but that wasn'twhat he wanted.Instead he pressed his masked forehead to hers; his eyessought hers through their masks."There's only us," he whispered not a traceof an English accent."Only us, only you and me.Yes?"Yes! Again she couldn't trust her voice, but knew he heard her anyway.Theykissed, tilting their heads to avoid clashing masks; she let him lower hergently down to the armless chaise.To her left were the green-robed witches,to her right the red-robed men; but when she spread her legs and raised herknees it was for him alone.CHAPTER 9When the last couple, Morgana and a Mexican polo player, had finished Selenerushed across the room and grabbed Whistler's hand.It had been torture, beingseparated from him by the length of the room, watching the other couples makelove.Laughing, she tugged him through the arched doorway; they raced up threeflights of stairs to the attic without letting go of each other's hands,rushed through the door and froze in awe: the full moon was dead center in thewestern sky, the entire room aglow with moonlight.Page 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Have you ever seen anything like it?" Selene whispered, turning her face upto his for their first unmasked kiss.But the buss was perfunctory on his part."Have to go freshen up," he said,brushing her lips with his while reaching for his overnight bag.The Englishaccent was back."Wait." She put her hand over his on the leather handle."Whatever's inthere, whatever it is you need from there, don't you know you don't have tohide it from me?"He sat down on the foot of the bed; the room was so small that his knees werepractically touching the windowsill."I'm afraid it's not that simple."She sat down next to him; she could feel the warmth of his long-boned thighagainst hers.The moon, never so large, never so round, filled the dormerwindow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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