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. Yeah, that s my mom.It s like she has this aura around her. Or armor. She wasn t always like that.She was huggier back in the day. Huggy? Gus? Oliver s tone was light. The house was messy when we were kids, said Aimee.She felt anunusual exhilaration as she spoke, as though revealing a secret. Mom was aterrible housekeeper. But now it s so neat here. Oliver continued to wash. I wouldn t dreamof leaving this place less than spic and span. She has a cleaning person, of course, but she s neater now.Very orga-nized. Aimee nodded. I like that about her the lack of tidiness used todrive me bonkers.Dad, too.There was something tremendously pleasant, she realized, about beingable to talk so easily about her father.She rarely did that with her sister orher mother.Sometimes, with one or two of her close friends, Aimee sharedher haphazard collection of memories from the time before Christopherdied, when it wasn t so crucial that she be good and helpful and quiet.Ithadn t been a seamless transition, but now she could almost suffocate onher own reliability.Most often, though, she just kept her thoughts to herself.She kept a lot of things to herself.It was easier for everyone.Yet somehow she enjoyed chatting with Oliver.She told him about thelittle bungalow they d all lived in before Gus had purchased the manorhouse, how she and Sabrina put tape down the middle of the floor in theirshared bedroom.How they worked after school in The Luncheonette, andhow, after all these years, she was still sharing an apartment with Sabrina. She couldn t make her own rent, there s no way, said Aimee. I ve beenon my own since college but I suspect Mom continues to pay Sabrina s creditcards. "1 4 2 kat e j ac ob sOliver laughed. I pay my parents credit cards, he said. It s not the same and you know it. So you wish your mom would give you money? Oh, no, that s not what I want. What do you want, then?Aimee could see her reflection in the window, standing next to Oliver; itwas dark outside and her face was reflected in the glass. You re sneaky, she said. I m usually not much of a talker. Listening is something I m working on. Like therapy? Like personal goals I set for myself, said Oliver. Spiritual nutrition. That s big, said Aimee. Or crazy. Being malnourished isn t always about a lack of food, he said.Aimee blushed, feeling a sudden sense of unease about sharing so much. So you just walked away from it all? she said, turning the conversationback to Oliver. I didn t walk away from it, he said. I walked away with it.More moneythan any man reasonably needs.I just left the stress and the more-is-morementality behind. You don t need to work on this show, then. Oh, that s where you re wrong, he said. I need to work on this showmore than anything. 14For the second time that evening, the library was occupied, its heavywood doors closed.This time, however, Sabrina had positioned herself in thecushioned chair behind the large cherry desk.Her hope had been to seemintimidating, or at the very least self-assured, though instead she appearedto be even more of a little girl playing big.Troy took up a place across from her, occasionally pacing but more oftenyelling. My mother is sleeping upstairs, said Sabrina. Can t you pipe down?You re coming onto this TV show when you should be out of my life! Being on Eat Drink and Be isn t about you, shouted Troy. No, wait.I mnot going to pretend here.Yes, I like to see you, Sabrina.But I need to boostmy company s revenues a lot and I m just trying to promote my business. How? I ve worked out a deal with Porter to start wearing T-shirts promotingFarmFresh, he explained. My new wardrobe starts in the next show.Dealwith it. "1 4 4 kat e j ac ob s Oh. She shrugged. Shouldn t you be paying for that? Gus is an investor, remember? He spoke sharply.The company wasdoing mostly all right, but an influx of cash would ease his mind.Going outon his own had created more pressure than anticipated: turns out that liv-ing a dream can create as many new problems as it solves old ones. Of course, said Sabrina.She affected exasperation, even trying to fakea bored yawn.Inside, however, her heart was racing.It was exciting to seehim so riled up: the anger had brought a flush to his cheeks and remindedher of what he was like when they d slept together.And Troy was definitely good in bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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