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.This is remarkablebecause we know that a diet high in fruits and veggies helpsprotect against cancer-plenty of evidence supports that association.Since fruit and vegetables are rich in K and we know that people whoget their130 ViTAMIN K,, AND TIIE CALCIUM PARADOX5 to io servings a day have a lower rate of cancer than those who do notconsume as many servings, we might expect to see a high intake of K,associated with lower cancer risk, but that is not the case.This isn't tosay that you should oust produce from a cancer-prevention diet but,according to this research, it's not the K, in those foods that is protecting usfrom cancer.Only K, has that power.Can you guess what was the main source of cancer-preventingwitamin K2 for the EPIC study group? I,11 give you a hint.Think back tothe list of selected foods and their witamin K, content in Chapter 3.Since this was a European study, our menaquinone chart topper, natto,didn't factor into the equation.The next highest food, goose liver pate, isnot a popular delicacy in the area of Europe where this large studywas conducted.What's next on the list? Cheese.Researchers stated thatthe cancer-protecting dietary intake of menaquinone in this group was "highly determined by the consumption of cheese:' Yes, cheese may beyour secret weapon in the war against cancer.Prostate Cancer]be atithors of the EPIC study were quick to point out Chat the reduc-tion of cancer risk with an increasing intake of menaquinone was morepronounced in men than in women.The main factor driving this find-ing is an inverse association between witamin KZ intake and the twobiggest cancer killers of men, lung and prostate cancer.It is specificallythe latter, prostate cancer, for which there is the fastest growing body ofevidence of the cancer benefits of witamin K2.The first studies examin-ing this relationship were published in aoo8.Once again, menaquinone,but not phylloquinone, had an important impact on the progression ofprostate cancer.131 EVEN MORE HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITAMIN KzAlthough these studies found that men with the highest mena-quinone intake had overall lower risk of getting prostate cancer, theeffect is not considered to be statistically significant.In other words,menaquinone doesn't seem to actually reduce the chance of gettingprostate cancer.Although that sounds discouraging, it's not too sur-prising if you consider the nature of this particular form of cancer.Most men, if they live long enough, will develop cancerous cells withinthe prostate." However, the majority of cases are slow growing andharmless, never extending beyond the relatively encapsulated prostategland.Where K2 intake does have a meaningful impact is on the riskof prostate cancer progressing to a life-threatening condition.Moreadvanced-stage and high-grade prostate cancer is associated withmenaquinone deficiency." So, although developing innocuous prostatecancer may be more or less an inevitable aspect of aging for most men,menaquinone intake may make the difference between a potentiallyfatal cancer and one that goes unnoticed.Study authors pointed out that menaquinone from dairy productshad a stronger inverse association with advanced prostate cancerthan did menaquinone from meat.Cheese was the greatest single foodsource of vitamin K2 in the diet of most study participants, contributing 43percent of total menaquinone intake.Meat was next, contributing 37percent of total K2 intake.When researchers looked more closely, onlymenaquinone from dairy products was associated with a significantlylower risk of advanced prostate cancer.This could mean one oftwo things (or both): meat contains other compounds that offset thecancer-fighting benefits of vitamin K2, or the short-chain menaquinone(MK-4) in meat does not have the same ability to retard malig-nancy as do the long-chain forms of vitamin K2 produced by bacterial132 VITAMIN K, AND THE CALCIUM PARADOXfermentation, like MK-7.Further research will eventually sort this out.In the meantime, break out the Brie.It's all very well and good to draw conclusions about menaquinone'seffect on cancer based on diet questionnaires but, you might argue,maybe that's not the most accurate way to assess actual vitamin K2status.True, food-frequency questionnaires are a dietary assessmentinstrument with limited ability to determine absolute intakes.After all,absorption of dietary K2 may wary from person to person.What aboutmore specific markers of vitamin K2 status? Do men with high levelsof undercarboxylated osteocalcin (a specific marker of vitamin K2 defi-ciency, explained in Chapter 6) have higher incidence of prostate cancer orprostate cancer mortality? Yes.Studies using a specific marker for K2deficiency show the exact same trend as in the population-basedstudies: menaquinone deficiency doesn't affect overall risk of developingprostate cancer, but it is significantly associated with advanced-stageprostate malignancy'yLung CancerAfter population-based studies, the next level of investigation examinesthe effect of menaquinone on cancer cells in vitro.K continues to flex itscancer-fighting muscles here with another malignant biggie, lung can-cer.Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in both menand women, accounting for almost one-third of all cancers.According tothe American Cancer Society, an estimated 221,000 Americans willbe diagnosed with lung cancer in zou, and close to 157,000 will die ofit.A similar trend is seen in Canada, in proportion to the population.Although smoking is still the major underlying factor for lung cancer,there are urany types of malignancies that affect the lungs.133 EVEN MORE HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITAMIN KiResearchers have tested vitamin K2 against several major types of lungcancer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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