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.For God loveth the pure, but the priests would havenone of the pure, and have loved the impure.And the prophets rebukedus, but we would not accept rebuke, and they [wished to] make us hear,but we would not hear.Woe be unto us! Through our sins we are rejected,and because of our defection we shall be punished.Sovereignty profitethnothing without purity, and judgement profiteth nothing without justice,and riches profit nothing without the fear of God.The priests love thewords of fables more than the words of the Scriptures; and they love thesound of the harp more than the sound of the Psalter; and they love theservice of the world more than prayer; and they love the disputing of theworld more than the voice of the Godhead; and they love laughter andfornication more than the weeping of life; and they love the food thatpasseth away more than the fasting to God; and they love wine and sweetdrink more than sacrificing to God; and they love idleness more thanprayer; and they love possessions more than [the giving of] alms; and theylove sleeping more than praising; and they love dozing more thanwatching.Woe be unto us! Woe be unto us! O Queen, we have been negligent in respect of the Commandment ofGod.We have loved the words of the fablemongers more than the word ofthe priests.We have wished to gaze upon the face of our women ratherthan upon the face of God in repentance.We have loved to look upon our52Or, cringing, or, degraded.The ancient Egyptians often spoke of  Kesh, the vile.79 Kebra Nagastchildren rather than to hear the word of God.We have consoled ourselvesmore with the sardius stone than with the administering right judgementto the orphans.We have loved to look upon our honour rather than to hearthe voice of God.We have loved the word of foolishness more than thewords of the wise.We have loved the words of fools more than hearing thewords of the Prophets.Woe be unto us! Of our own free will we havepolluted our life.Woe be unto us! Woe be unto us! The repentance andmercy which God loveth we have not done.Woe be unto us! He gave usglory, and we have thrown it away.He made us very wise, and of our ownfreewill we have made ourselves more foolish than the beasts.He gave usriches, and we have beggared ourselves even [to asking for] alms.Welooked upon our horses, and forgot our coming back.We have lovedfleeting things, and we have not recognized those that abide.We havemade our days to deride our life, we have preferred the luxuriousness offood, which becometh dung, to the food of life which endureth for ever.[We have put on] the garments of apparel which benefit not the soul, andhave put off the apparel of glory which is for ever.Our governors and thepeople do what God hateth, and they love not what God loveth, love oftheir neighbours, and lowliness, and graciousness, and mercy for the poor,and patient endurance, and love of the house of God, and the adoration ofthe Son.But what God hateth is, augury by birds, and idolatry, andenquiry of witches, and divination, and magic, and flies, and  ak.arînô,53the animal that hath been torn, and the dead body of a beast, and theft, andoppression, and fornication, and envy, fraud, drink and drunkenness, falseswearing [against] neighbours, and the bearing of false testimony [against]neighbours. All these things which God hateth they do.And it is because of themthat God hath taken the Tabernacle of His Covenant away from us andhath given it to the people who do His Will and His Law, and HisOrdinance.He hath turned His face from us and hath made His face toshine upon them.He hath despised us and hath loved them.He hath53Probably a corruption of the name Ekron (2 Kings i, 2), the city-god of which wasBaal-zebub.80 Kebra Nagastshown mercy unto them and hath blotted us out, because He hath takenaway the Tabernacle of His Covenant from us.For He hath sworn an oathby Himself that He will not abrogate winter and summer, seed time andharvest, fruit and work, sun and moon, as long as Zion is on the earth, andthat He will not in wrath destroy heaven and earth, either by flood or fire,and that He will not blot out man, and beast, and reptiles and creepingthings, but will show mercy to the work of His hands, and will multiplyHis mercy on what He hath formed.And when God taketh away theTabernacle of His Covenant He will destroy the heavens, and the earth,and all His work; and this day hath God despised us and taken from us theTabernacle of His Law. And whilst Solomon was saying these things heceased not to weep, and the tears ran down his cheeks continually.And the Spirit of Prophecy answered and said unto him,  Why art thouthus sorrowful? For this hath happened by the Will of God.And [Zion]hath not been given to an alien, but to thy firstborn son who shall sit uponthe throne of David thy Father.For God swore unto David in truth, and Herepenteth not, that of the fruit of his body He would make to sit upon histhrone for ever, in the Tabernacle of His Covenant, the Holy Zion.And Iwill set him above the kings of the earth, and his throne shall be like thedays of heaven and like the ordinance of the moon for ever.54 And He whositteth upon the throne of the Godhead in the heavens shall rule the livingand the dead in the flesh for ever.And angels and men shall serve Him,and every tongue shall praise Him, and every knee shall bow to Him in theabysses and in the rivers.Comfort thyself with this [word], and get theeback to thy house, and let not thy heart be wholly sad.And the King was comforted by this [word], and he said,  The Will ofGod be done, and not the will of man [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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