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.The first morning she felt distinctly queasy after breakfast she attributed to a slight over-indulgence inboth food and wine at the party her parents had given for some of their friends and neighbours the nightbefore, but when after a day or two she was again plagued by identical feelings and on two consecutivemornings which had not been preceded by any such festivities, she realised that the previous signs shehad tried so hard to rationalise, and thereby ignore, were now making themselves impossible to disclaim.She was pregnant! And by a husband whose only desire to retain their married state was as a barrieragainst any of his female companions who might show an inclination for a trip to the altar! If it had notbeen so lacerating, Jenna may have found it laughable, but as it was all she could do was worry.Abortion was out of the question, she wanted the baby too much for that.Even if Lane did not want her,she wanted his child with every fibre of her being, particularly after their first had-had.She forced herthoughts back to her most pressing problem.How on earth was she going to provide a good home life for the baby and yet keep working full time aswell? She supposed she could return to her parents' home permanently and apply for a position in one ofthe larger nearby towns-Katoomba, or Penrith, perhaps? Her mother would be more than willing to carefile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20legally%20bound%20TXT/legally%20bound.txt (63 of 80)05/05/2010 14:45:11 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20legally%20bound%20TXT/legally%20bound.txtfor the baby during the day for her, she knew, and yet at the same time she did not think it really fair toput such a burden on her parents at their age.The more so when she was ,as well aware they would feelthat, under such circumstances, her place really should have been with her husband.As far as Jenna was concerned, however, she did not even intend to inform Lane she was expecting ababy at all.Partly, because she did not feel the reason for the baby's existence even entitled him to know,but also because she just could not be certain what his reaction might be if he did discover she waspregnant.Theree was always the chance he might decide to exact a little more revenge of his own byattempting to take the child from her once it was born-he was certainly in a position to provide for onebetter than she, and her parents combined, ever could-and the idea had her close to tears just thinkingabout it.Why did everything always seem to work in his favour? she cried helplessly.But on returning to work after New Year, Jenna unfortunately found her pregnancy not such an easysecret to keep, harassed as she was by a morning sickness that uncooperatively did not always confineits appearance to early in the day but would often arrive at other inopportune moments as well! Fredawas the first to guess the truth when a hasty departure from the staff room during morning tea had beennecessitated two days in a row.`I know it's nothing to do with me, but would I be right in thinking you're expecting?' she enquired onthe younger girl's return, the others already having left.With a sigh, Jenna sank on to the chair next to her, her lips twisting wryly.`I guess it's becomingsomewhat obvious, isn't it?'Freda half smiled and nodded.`Kent?' she deduced.Jenna shifted uncomfortably.`No.'The other girl's surprise showed in her widening eyes.'Th-then who?' she stammered incredulously.'I-umm-it's a long story,' Jenna faltered, but because she did not want Freda thinking it was the result ofa casual affair, reluctantly proceeded to explain as briefly as possible, although careful to omit the nameof the man to whom she was still married.`I see,' Freda acknowledged thoughtfully when she had finished.`So what will you do?'`Continue working here for as long as it doesn't show and then inflict myself on Mum and Dad, I guess,'Jenna proposed on a rueful note.'Oh, but you could continue working longer than that if you wanted to.I'm sure no one here wouldmind,' put forward Freda earnestly.`Why don't you ask your boss about it?'Jenna swallowed heavily [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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