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.In fact.' He stopped short, his mouth curving ironically, then gave a dismissive shake of hishead.The action brought a crease of puzzlement to Kylie's forehead and a look of uncertainty to her eyes.`Yes.?' she prompted hesitantly.`Later,' he negligently brushed her query aside.`Why not now?' she pressed, a hint of wariness creeping in with the uncertainty.He nodded to indicate the office doorway just ahead of them.`No time,' he half laughed, and she,perforce, had to leave it at that.Grant, as anticipated, was working at the desk inside.the room, and his reaction to the news they had toimpart was a threefold one.Surprise, that he had no clue as to what was taking place as he put it-underhis very nose.Pleasure, that his nephew had at last decided to surrender his single status one crusty oldbachelor was enough for any family, he declared-and for someone of whom he thoroughly approved.And lastly, though no less sincerely, disappointment that Kylie's days in his employ were numbered.`Just considered your own wishes, did you?' he growled at Race in feigned disgust.`With never athought for how I might feel at having my companion ruthlessly plucked from me in mid journey, as itfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.81%20%20mixed%20feelings%20TXT/mixed%20feelings.txt (75 of 80)05/05/2010 14:41:37 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1981%20%20mixed%20feelings%20TXT/mixed%20feelings.txtwere.'`Well, as a matter of fact.,' Race began in a slow drawl, linking his hands behind his head as he leantback in his chair and surveyed his uncle banteringly across the desk.`In that regard, you may be pleasedto learn I haven't been letting the grass grow under my feet either.'`Oh?' Both Kylie's and Grant's brows peaked in unison.'Mmm,' he smiled complacently.`I knew yon wouldn't be relinquishing Kylie willingly, so I though I'dlessen the blow a little by arranging for an eminently worthy successor to be all ready and 'waiting.Someone you already know and get along with very well.'Grant started to laugh, knowing his nephew's organising abilities.`And just who is this paragon?' heenquired, amused.`Young Ivan Morphett.'Male, of course! noted Kylie a little caustically, unable to control her feeling of resentment at knowingRace had arranged this behind her back-and before she had even agreed to marry him! Nor did Grant'sapparently more than delighted acceptance of the idea make her feel any better, and she listened to therest of their conversation moodily.`It's all arranged, you say?' Grant mused consideringly after his nephew had helpfully listed all theadvantages of such an association.Race flexed his shoulders and made a swaying gesture with one hand.`As good as,' he verifiedlaconically.`All you need do is confirm it, and you'll be all set to go again.Although I wouldn't leave ittoo long before doing so, if I were you,' he added on a cautioning note, " as Ivan was only saying the lasttime I spoke to him, if this doesn't come off, then he has something else in mind to try before finallydeciding if he wants to settle down on the land or not.'`In that case, perhaps I'd better get in touch with him as soon as possible.I might even drive over and seehim this afternoon, in fact.' Grant rose decisively to his feet, reaching for the wide-brimmed hat whichwas hanging on a wall hook behind the desk.`There's no time like the present, they say, and while themood's upon me.' He stopped at the door to include them both in his smile, `I'll see you later.And withgood news, I trust.'Silently Kylie accompanied Race to the back verandah, seeing Grant climb into the four-wheel-drivewhich had been parked outside, and giving a somewhat wistful acknowledging wave as the vehiclebegan to move.Immediately she turned to the man beside her and discovered him to have an altogethertoo satisfied look on his face for her liking right at present.`You never did like the idea of me being his companion, did you?' she charged tautly.`No, not particularly.' His return was candidly voiced [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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