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.Did Roman always have toshoot down her arguments with quite such efficient plausibility? `But I'll still be asking Grandpa for hisside of it, if for no other reason than to prove you wrong.' Green eyes connected challengingly with blue.`You can live in hope,' he returned drily-his next words making it plain he didn't.`But while you'reabout it, I recommend you suggest he lays off, all the same.Otherwise, you never know but one of thesedays we may just be tempted, or riled enough, to retaliate.'Not that Sheri altogether believed either of the McNamaras would-after all, both of them seemed ascommitted to the idea of a truce as her brother was, she had to admit-but at the same time she still didn'tthink it prudent to discount the warning too lightly either.When all was said and done, it would be alittle one-sided to expect them to be the only ones to show restraint if her grandfather had gone back onhis word.A thought that was still uppermost in her mind when she returned home a short while later, and one thatsent her hurrying to locate her grandparent as soon as she had changed into dry clothes.She found himdeep in discussion with her brother in the lounge, and too anxious to have the matter settled promptly,she burst in on their conversation without ceremony.`Grandpa, were you up to your old tricks on Castlewood yesterday?' she demanded more bluntly thanshe had intended, and had two astonished faces turning her way as a result.Her grandfather was the first to recover, his surprise being submerged beneath an expression of assumedinnocence.`Now what tricks would they be, darling?' he teased.Followed shortly by Chris's frowning, `What on earth are you talking about, Sheri?'With one last doubtful glance at her grandfather-at any other time she probably would have been amusedby his artless pretence, but right at the moment it was more important she know the truth-she swung hergaze in her brother's direction.'I-er-met Roman a while ago and he was telling me that someone let all their stock out of their backpaddock yesterday, and he apparently thinks it may have been.' she took a deep breath, `it may havebeen Grandpa's doing,' half turning again in order to see the older man's reaction.`Oh?' Colin's bristling brows peaked sardonically.`Someone saw me, did they?'Sheri could hardly withhold a gasp.Was he actually confessing, or-or just being sarcastic?It seemed Chris wasn't soo sure either, because he promptly sought clarification from the man besidehim by probing in a wary voice, `Meaning?'Their grandfather smiled complacently.`Meaning, he wouldn't just be thinking it was me if someonehad seen me, but since it's obviously just an assumption, then it's equally clear that he has no prooffile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txt (73 of 84)05/05/2010 14:45:45 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txtwhatsoever.'Which wasn't particularly enlightening at all! `By that, then, are we to take it you're saying you didrelease their stock?' it was Sheri's turn to question cautiously, reluctantly, now.He looked from one to the other of them with narrowing blue eyes.`If that's what you want to believe,then go right ahead,' he recommended, but in a markedly less genial manner.`Grandpa, please! Of course that's not what we want to believe!' She shook her head helplessly.`But ifyou didn't do it, why can't you just come out and say so? Surely that isn't expecting too much.I mean, itmust help to convince Roman if we could just tell him you'd denied it.'`Because that's all you're interested in now.what Roman thinks?' he bit out roughly.`No, of course not!' she cried, looking to her brother for support.`All I'm interested in is being able totell hint I was right, and that you didn't have anything to do with his sheep getting loose.'`And do you really think a mere denial will be sufficient to do that when my promise to end the feudobviously wasn't?' he retorted cynically.Put like that she supposed it did sound rather illogical.`I-well, it still wouldn't hurt, would it?' sheproposed in weakening tones.`Yes, it damn well would!' his answer came in no uncertain terms as he pushed himself to his feet.`Igave my word and, as far as I'm concerned, that's all I have to say on the matter!' And with one last testyglare he went storming from the room.`Oh, lord!' Sheri slumped down into her grandfather's recently vacated chair with a rueful grimace.`Ireally made a mess of that, didn't I?'Chris nodded explicitly.`Well, I didn't hear you doing much to help,' she complained with a half laugh.Then, when he wouldhave spoken, she waved a demurring hand and went on, `Oh, don't worry, I know I didn't exactly giveyou much of an opportunity to say anything.' She looked towards the door her grandfather had just pacedthrough, her expression wry.`I'll wait for him to cool down a little and then I guess I'd better go andapologise.Whoever it was, it wasn't Grandpa who let those sheep out, was it?' Her eyes liftedremorsefully to her brother's.He shook his head.`No.I don't really think it was.' Stopping momentarily, his gaze becamecontemplative.`Although I'd certainly be interested to learn why Roman apparently thinks it may havebeen.'Sheri shrugged impassively.`Mainly, I gather, because it was always a favourite practice of Grandpa's inthe past, and because it appears there were no new tracks leading on to the property to indicate the gatehad been opened for the purpose of gaining access,' she said flatly.`Oh?' Chris's brows pulled together in a frown, `That does make it interesting, doesn't it?'`You're beginning to have doubts regarding Grandpa?'`Well, I've got to admit it does start to make one wonder,' he mused, then followed it with a dismissiveshake of his head.`No, I still can't quite bring myself to believe it.There's no reason for him to want tobegin the feud again.'`Unless, of course, he's discovered what you and Roman are doing behind his back,' put in Sheripointedly.Not surprisingly, it was a matter that was still at the forefront of her mind.`Oh, that's where you came across Roman, is it?' her brother grinned comprehendingly.And, obviouslydistracted, `So how's the work progressing?'`Probably even faster now than it was before, considering what I had to say about it,' she grimaced tartly.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txt (74 of 84)05/05/2010 14:45:45 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1984%20%20time%20to%20forget%20TXT/TIME%20TO%20FORGET.txtChris eyed her askance, his mouth shaping ruefully.`I don't think I like the sound of that.'`I don't think Roman did either when I ordered him off the place,' she revealed on a rather sardonicallydefiant note.`Oh, hell, you didn't!' Chris looked skywards in despair.`He's doing that work as a favour to me, Sheri!'`So he said,' she admitted in the same caustic fashion.`But I still don't think you had any right to askhim to! Grandpa only said he was prepared to talk about the matter!' Her gaze was reproving.`And so we have been,' he hastened to assure her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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