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.`Don't tell me you're interested,' she scoffed.`Only in so much as it affects this property and the people on it,' she was informed in a sardonic drawl ashis black-framed eyes roamed over her upturned features with leisurely thoroughness.`Or were youhoping there was another, more personal, reason?'`Don't be ridiculous!' Her denial came tumbling out in a strangled voice, due as much to thatdiscomposing gaze as to his words.`Then there should be nothing to prevent us from conducting a perfectly rational conversation withoutyou behaving like a frightened rabbit, should there?' One well-shaped brow rose whimsically.`I'm not frightened of you, Ford Montgomery, if that's what you're trying to imply!' she burst out hotly.Annoyingly, he had the uncanny knack of continually being able to put her on the defensive.`I just takeextremely strong exception to discussing private family matters with strangers,, that's all.'`Strangers?' he repeated on a dry note.`Sweetheart, whether you approve of the idea or not, before verylong we're going to be related, and so whatever concerns you and your mother from here on concerns myfamily too.'The fact that he was probably right didn't make her feel any happier, or more ready to accept thesituation, but determined not to give him the chance to level that charge of frightened rabbit' at heragain, she took a deep stabilising breath and eyed him unflinchingly.`Only in some instances,' was all she would allow even so.A wry half smile pulled at the corners of his mouth in recognition of her obvious reluctance.`Of whichthis happens to be one.'`All right, of which this happens to be one!' she heaved defeatedly.Since Alwyn had invited himself intothe Montgomery's home, she guessed she could hardly continue to dispute the matter.Then, to ensurethe victory wasn't all his, she asked mockingly, `Now may I have my arm back?'`Are you intending to stick around?' His response was no less tauntingly made.`I wasn't aware I had a choice.'`You don't.'She hadn't expected otherwise.`Since you put it like that, then I suppose I will be staying, won't I?' shehalf quipped, half grimaced.`I knew you'd see it my way,' he grinned, at last relinquishing his hold.Against her will Gayna laughed, her pearly white teeth shining as her mouth shaped wryly.`You're allheart!''And you.' resting his fingers lightly beneath her chin, his thumb gently traced the contours of her softlower lip, `should laugh more often.'Mesmerised for the moment, she could only stare at him helplessly, then re-gathering her senses sheaverted her face as a tide of rosy colour steadily mounted her petal-smooth cheeks.'Yes-well-some othertime, maybe,' she stammered on a thickening note.`Of late, I'm afraid I haven't found much to laughabout.'`And especially not this afternoon, hmm?'A particular timbre in his tone had her wondering whether he wasn't also meaning with regard to himselfat the pool, as well as her confrontation with her mother, but either way she felt her answer wasappropriate as she shrugged with as much unconcern as possible and granted, `You could say that.'file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (52 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt`Due solely to Alwyn's arrival?' His blue eyes held hers watchfully.`So it would seem.'Ford's expression became even more alert.`Did you invite him to Mundamunda?' he probed.`No,' she denied flatly.`Yet Therese didn't believe you, apparently.'`It wasn't so much that she disbelieved me, as that she appears to consider I could have voiced strongerobjections when he suggested the idea,' she relayed with a sigh.`Why didn't you, then? Because, if the truth was known, you did actually want him to come?'`No, not really.' She shook her head slowly, her mood meditative.`I think I figured that if I couldn't getMum to-to change her mind, then there wasn't much likelihood of his being able to.As for the other,' shegave a rueful half laugh, spreading her hands graphicly wide, `well, I thought I had put forward suitableobjections to his coming.'Ford thrust his hands into the back pockets of his pants, his eyes narrowing with a frown.`And that wassufficient to have Therese hauling you over the coals?'`She said it was just the last straw,' Gayna explained sombrely, eyes downcast as she studied the toes ofherdusty sneakers.`Apparently she was pretty embarrassed and annoyed just to see Alwyn turn up, butwhen he not only told your father that he was here at my invitation, but also immediately proceeded togive her a lecture.' She hunched her shoulders fatalistically in an effort to camouflage her hurt.`Iguess she thought she might as well dispose of all her opposition in one fell swoop by recommending Ireturn to Adelaide too.'`Except that, in your case, it was only a recommendation, not an order,' he emphasised significantly.Gayna gave a brittle, mirthless laugh.'Mmm, provided I make no more comments regarding herdecision [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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