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.Putthe two together, and you will find the "why." After allowing the Soul,escaped from the pangs of personal life, a sufficient, aye, a hundredfoldcompensation, Karma, with its army of Skandhas, waits at the threshold ofDevachan, whence the Ego reemerges to assume a new incarnation.It is atthis moment that the future destiny of the now-rested Ego trembles in thescales of just Retribution, as it now falls once again under the sway ofactive Karmic law.It is in this rebirth which is ready for it, a rebirthselected and prepared by this mysterious, inexorable, but in the equity andwisdom of its decrees infallible law, that the sins of the previous life ofthe Ego are punished.Only it is into no imaginary Hell, with theatricalflames and ridiculous tailed and horned devils, that the Ego is cast, butverily onto this earth, the plane and region of his sins, where he will haveto atone for every bad thought and deed.As he has sown, so will he reap.Reincarnation will gather around him all those other Egos who have suffered,whether directly or indirectly, at the hands, or even through theunconscious instrumentality, of the past personality.They will be thrown byNemesis in the way of the new man, concealing the old, the eternal Ego, and&Q.But where is the equity you speak of, since these new "personalities" arenot aware of having sinned or been sinned against?A.Has the coat torn to shreds from the back of the man who stole it, byPage 67 The Key To Theosophy - HP Blavatsky.txtanother man who was robbed of it and recognizes his property, to be regardedas fairly dealt with? The new "personality" is no better than a fresh suitof clothes with its specific characteristics, color, form, and qualities;but the real man who wears it is the same culprit as of old.It is theindividuality who suffers through his "personality." And it is this, andthis alone, that can account for the terrible, still only apparent,injustice in the distribution of lots in life to man.When your modernphilosophers will have succeeded in showing to us a good reason, why so manyapparently innocent and good men are born only to suffer during a wholelifetime; why so many are born poor unto starvation in the slums of greatcities, abandoned by fate and men; why, while these are born in the gutter,others open their eyes to light in palaces; while a noble birth and fortuneseem often given to the worst of men and only rarely to the worthy; whilethere are beggars whose inner selves are peers to the highest and noblest ofmen; when this, and much more, is satisfactorily explained by either yourphilosophers or theologians, then only, but not till then, you will have theright to reject the theory of reincarnation.The highest and grandest ofpoets have dimly perceived this truth of truths.Shelley believed in it,Shakespeare must have thought of it when writing on the worthlessness ofBirth.Remember his words:Why should my birth keep down my mounting spirit?Are not all creatures subject unto time?There's legions now of beggars on the earth,That their original did spring from Kings,And many monarchs now, whose fathers wereThe riff-raff of their age &Alter the word fathers into Egos-and you will have the truth.On the Kamaloka and DevachanOn the Fate of the Lower PrinciplesQ.You spoke of Kamaloka, what is it?A.When the man dies, his lower three principles leave him forever; i.e.,body, life, and the vehicle of the latter, the astral body or the double ofthe living man.And then, his four principles-the central or middleprinciple, the animal soul or Kamarupa, with what it has assimilated fromthe lower Manas, and the higher triad find themselves in Kamaloka.Thelatter is an astral locality, the limbus of scholastic theology, the Hadesof the ancients, and, strictly speaking, a locality only in a relativesense.It has neither a definite area nor boundary, but exists withinsubjective space; i.e., is beyond our sensuous perceptions.Still it exists,and it is there that the astral eidolons of all the beings that have lived,animals included, await their second death.For the animals it comes withthe disintegration and the entire fading out of their astral particles tothe last.For the human eidolon it begins when the Atma-Buddhi-Manasic triadis said to "separate" itself from its lower principles, or the reflection ofthe ex-personality, by falling into the Devachanic state.Q.And what happens after this?A.Then the Kamarupic phantom, remaining bereft of its informing thinkingprinciple, the higher Manas, and the lower aspect of the latter, the animalintelligence, no longer receiving light from the higher mind, and no longerhaving a physical brain to work through, collapses.Page 68 The Key To Theosophy - HP Blavatsky.txtQ.In what way?A.Well, it falls into the state of the frog when certain portions of itsbrain are taken out by the vivisector.It can think no more, even on thelowest animal plane.Henceforth it is no longer even the lower Manas, sincethis "lower" is nothing without the "higher."Q [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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