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.But weboth know you only deceive yourself do not forget I can hear your thoughts.And weboth know, as well, that it will not ever be forced between us, but a fiery, passionatemating that will meld our souls into one.Yes, it is ultimately your choice whether or notyou welcome me between your legs.I never have and never will force my powers upona woman to conquer her.It never has been necessary.And this case is nodifferent& since it is apparent your wanton soul will prevail over your prim façade ofpropriety.Salena warred simultaneously with the hate that filled her heart and desire.It wassimply alarming how easily he could ignite passion in her by his mere words.Therewas no eluding him, no eluding herself.In spite of her morals, of her almost-virginalstate, she wanted this man to show her the delights of the flesh.She d wanted it, shesuddenly realized with shocking honesty, from the first moment she d glimpsed him atthe king s tournament.Most certainly, she d taken leave of her emotional senses sinceshe d been assaulted by the sight of him kneeling on her bed in her chamber.Deepdown, she d seen herself there with him instantly, rolling across the bed, locked in afiery embrace she never wished to be set free from.So why fight a battle she could not win?The internal admission stunned her, yet it made it all the easier for her to rise andgo to the fireplace.Her movements were slow, perfunctory.She ceased her steps andstared at the small stone mantel, wondering how one dull, ordinary night in herchambers had come to this, to a wanton surrendering to a thief, to her handsome,ruthless captor.Yes, she had the option to say no, and she somehow trusted that hewould honor her wishes.But the combat with her own curiosity and depravity provedmore futile than battling even the weakest of his sorcerer s spells.And so, with her back to him, she slowly untied her cloak and pushed it from hershoulders.Unhurriedly, almost sensuously, she laid it across the stone rise before thefire.Next came the nightrail and boots.The swish of the damp fabric preceded thesudden heat of the fire on her naked skin& and the heat of his gaze upon her barebackside.40 A Wanton s ThiefAlready, her nipples stood in tight anticipation, while her clitoris engorged andpulsed with an aching sensation that took her breath from her lungs.Her heartthumped wildly, and she wondered if she d still have the will to surrender if he hadn tcast his powers over her.Yes, the ultimate choice was hers, but for now, he continued towield his authority over her just to see her dry and safe from illness.Would she have disrobed from the damp clothing if not for his forced, magicalorder to do so? For the love of England, surely not! She could still want him, fantasizeabout him, but she d never have willingly rendered herself vulnerable and given in tohim if it weren t for this wicked, carnal sorcery he wielded over her.But that small bit ofself-assurance dissolved through the sieve of his next command, one accompanied bythe tingle of release of the spell.No longer under his powers, it was now her choice.God, how she suddenly longed for the spell to claim her again, to give her the excuse tosalvage her reputation and pride! Turn around.Drawing in a bout of courage, she inhaled the oddly pleasing aroma of smokemixed with the food in the basket Lance had brought.But bravery was useless, sherealized.Her traitorous body, as if still under his magic, did not seem to care what fearsor excuses her mind insisted on.Closing her eyes, she gathered her courage and turnedaround to face him, her body trembling, her womb contracting against the flames ofanticipation that ignited there.He hissed out a lungful of air followed by a moan. Salena& Open your eyes.Youknow you are free to do as you please& or not.Her eyelids fluttered open while her heart pounded against her breastbone.Shecouldn t breathe, couldn t think, not with his gaze devouring her as he stroked his long,thick cock with one hand.The dirt floor chilled her feet as she moved barefoot acrossthe room toward him, heedless to the fact that she d gone to him and obeyed withoutbeing told.Something drove her, something wicked and licentious within her soul, farmore powerful than his supernatural abilities.Salena s gaze lowered slow and dreamlike until they fell upon his hard, flexed bulk.He d apparently removed all of his clothing at the very moment she had disrobed, forhe now lay naked across the blankets, the firelight dancing upon his body.The sight ofhis tan, muscled flesh made her mouth water.Her pussy soaked with reluctant yeteager desire for the act to come, and she hoped it would be a far better experience thanthe first had been with Thane.She clenched her fists, itching to run her palms down the rippled wall of his lightlyhairy chest, taking comfort in the fact that Thane had never moved her to such desires.Instead, her gaze moved lower, down over the tight abdomen, down to the veinyprotrusion jutting from a bed of golden curls.At court, she d heard whisperings of howa man s tool could please a woman.Visions of that very large penis buried between herlegs made her all but swoon.A heaviness filled her labia, nipples, nub and passage allat once.Tightening her groin muscles, she struggled to hold the flood of wetness withinher.41 Titania LadleyYes, there was no doubt about it.She wanted this man to take her, no matter theconsequences that may arise in her engagement to another.But wanting something andactually doing it were two entirely different concepts. You ve been released.Your body is free of the wet garments and safe frompossible illness.Now you may do as you wish, dove.It didn t surprise her that he d released her.She knew that he was aware of herthoughts, her every yearning [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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