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.She remembered now that she had come back to announce that she was quitting immediately, but noweverything was confused.If she left Fred, she would need a job to support herself.She couldn't quit.Butno, that wasn't the real reason that she had suddenly lost her resolve.The real reason was that out ofsome morbid curiosity she desperately needed to find out who Fred was carrying on with and why.Shehad to discover how it had all happened."Dinah?"The director's hand was on her shoulder; he was standing very close, and slowly she turned around toface him, trying to keep herself from flying to pieces.She couldn't tell him what was wrong.No, at allcost she had to keep the matter to herself.Forcing her voice to be calm she replied with only a slighttremor: "It's.it's nothing.I just felt a little sick and didn't want to bother you.I feel much better now.""Well, that's good.You had me worried for a minute.By the way your husband called a minute ago andasked if I'd give you a message.He said he'd be working late tonight and to go ahead and eat withouthim." She knew exactly what the message meant, of course, and even before Tomley had finished thesentence she was sobbing uncontrollably.Bitter tears rolled down her cheeks, and she didn't resist asthe brawny director eased her up from her chair and enfolded her in his arms."Now, now, Dinah.Tell me all about it.It will make you feel better." As she started to unburden herselfshe couldn't see the smile of smug satisfaction that crossed the director's face.She was convinced thathis sympathy was genuine and was sorry she had thought such awful things about him earlier."Don't worry about it anymore," he said."I'll help you find out for yourself exactly what's happening." Chapter 5Myra Wilson reentered the lab at five-thirty when the building had cleared, catching Fred as he glanceddown at his watch."I'm here," she said breezily, striding over to him."Isn't there some way we could lock the door?" he said nervously."My, my, you are a scaredy-cat,aren't you? Don't worry, I took a quick look around, and almost everyone's gone.Anyone who's leftwon't come down here, that's for sure.""What about the janitors?"Myra chuckled."You should know by now, they work early in the mornings.Now just relax and let's have a drink."Efficiently the female researcher reached into the pockets of her lab coat and withdrew a flask ofwhiskey and two paper coffee cups.A moment later they were toasting each other."I can see you really have no idea what goes on at the Center, do you?" she said."What do you mean?""I'll explain sometime later.We have other things to do now." After taking a sip of her drink Myra set itdown on the lab table and slipped out of her white coat, much more quickly than she had done thatmorning.Fred's eyes fixed on her as tremors of nervous fear and excitement shot through his body.Hefelt like a young kid embarking on a dangerous adventure, and yet at the same time knew damn well hewasn't going to refuse to follow through.Hell, she'd done such a job of teasing him this morning, he'd been hard all day long and could hardlyconcentrate on his work.His cock right now felt like a telephone pole, and his balls were hanging asthough they'd been stuffed with lead."W-where are we going to do it?" he said, trying to keep a grip on himself."On the lab table of course," she said, smiling mysteriously."I have a thing about lab tables."Jesus, she was a crazy one, but as far as he was concerned he'd do it anywhere with her, even swingingfrom a trapeze.He wondered what she meant about his not knowing what really went on at the Center,but at the moment he was too excited to pursue the matter.He just wanted to sink his prick into thatwarmly waiting cunt of hers and damn the consequences.Her hair was down to her shoulders now, and as she leaned against the edge of one of the tables, sheundid her wide leather belt and let it drop to the floor with a clang."Why don't you help me?" she whispered."I love to have men undress me."As she said it, his rapidly awakening cock lurched inside his pants, and there was no longer any pretenseof trying to keep it under control.It was making his pants bulge like a tent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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