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.He had along scar down his face just right of his nose.Long andstraight like it had been caused by a quick chop to the face byan ax. Why couldn't you find your way out? Dave asked as theytraveled. It's not like it's that hard, even with the fog.Wewalked right there.The angel sighed.At first he had been downright hostile,but after Dave had told him and a few others his story, hehad softened a little.Still, many of the others refused to evenacknowledge Dave.The mass behind him was like the lion inthe zoo, pacing back and forth.The lion that wanted nothingmore than to eat him.And once he and Vila led them free ofthe fog, the cage would be gone.From what Dave gathered, they had been placed there aspunishment for revolting against Cibola when the humansfirst came.This was the second time there had been war inheaven.It seemed that some regretted their decision to takeup arms against their leader.But most were bitter and angrystill.They all had weapons, but they were swords and knivesand bows with full quivers.Not a gun amongst any of them. We were more than just lost in the fog, Zydkiel said. Forus it was only a short time ago that we were banished.Andan eternity all mixed together.You're more than justphysically lost.Your mind is, too.Like it's mired in the syrup525 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinnimanfrom a tree's wound.It was only when you approached thatwe began to have more lucid thoughts. I think I understand, Dave said.It had been like that inthe forest. Do we mean to help defend the city? an angel askedZydkiel, another with the blue-fringed robe. I doubt manywill be willing. Then tell them to go back, Zydkiel said, spitting. Havethey not learned? We were fools.Even if they choose not tofight, they will not be free to roam.The city has beenoverrun. Because of the humans, the other angel said. There's more to it than that, you pungent old cow, Vilasaid.She spoke for the first time in the presence of theangels, and the ones around her became suddenly silent.As ifthey hadn't realized she could talk. The humans werecreated out of necessity.Your petty insurrection did nothingbut exacerbate the situation on our world.Without thehumans, the balance would've been upended.And you spoiledfools couldn't see it.No angels around them spoke for a long while, but towhisper down what the wolf had said. How long before we find our brothers and sisters?Zydkiel said after a long period.Already, the fog began toclear. Soon, Vila said. Once you are free of your prison, wewill leave you.526 The Shivered Skyby Matt Dinniman No, Dave said. I stay with the angels.I promised Iwould take a message to the ones outside the city, and that'swhat I'm going to do. I will not approach the city, Vila said. And I will notallow you away from me. I am never away from you, Dave said. I never havebeen.The angels said nothing.Dave put his hand on Vila's neck.I'm about to say something really, really stupid. I promise I will return when it's over. You dim-wittedidiot, the voice in his head cried.Don't say that! You would do that? she said. I don't want to, but I will.She didn't reply for hours.Only the crunch of her massiveclaws and the gossamer flap of trillions of wings filled the air. I will find you if you lie. I know.The fog parted to reveal the edge of the massive forest.Nearby stood a beacon, a pyramid that rose high into thecloudy red sky like a behemoth emerging from the waves.The ground was wet and muddy, like it had recently rained.Beyond the hulking pyramid was the ether, but on this sidethere was no sand. We can find our way from here, Zydkiel said to Dave. Shall we take you along?Dave met Vila's eyes.Her teeth hung like stalactites,gleaming.She still terrified him.Vicious, brutal, and oddlyinnocent all at the same time.She reminded him of Carumbaat that moment, though he wasn't sure why.527 The Shivered Skyby Matt DinnimanHe could ask the angels to kill the wolf, and they probablywould.He would be safe and free.He opened his mouth tosay so, backing up at the same time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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