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. Penn smiled at her. Now we ve got a fighting chance to stop thebastards. We can only hope. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms, as if the potential for disasterhad sent a chill through her. I thought we d get a motel room first and then look for some dinner.I m about ready to eat myduffel. He forced himself to add,  If you d prefer, we can get two rooms, but I d rather stay closer toyou in case those guys manage to find us. What are the chances of that happening?He thought about it. It seems pretty unlikely, but it all depends on how they were tracking you.The reasons he d given her were true, but the real reason he wanted her sleeping in the same roomhad to do with the kiss they d shared.She reached out to take his hand in hers. I ll sleep better knowing you re with me.Suddenly the evening was filled with possibilities.He spotted a motel with a restaurant ahead onthe right.He drove around the block, making sure that no one was following them.Deciding they werein the clear, he pulled into the parking lot and drove around to the back to park.  Would you mind waiting in the truck? As far as we know, no one is looking for a man travelingalone. I ll be fine.He hated leaving Jora by herself for even a few minutes, though.He leaned over to retrieve his gunsfrom the glove box, where he d stashed them earlier.After handing Jora one, he stuck the other intothe waistband of his jeans and pulled his shirt down to cover it. I hope you won t need that, but I ll feel better knowing you ve got it.Jora checked the gun with quick efficiency and put it back in the glove box, within easy reach. Thanks, Penn.Not just for the gun, but for everything. Don t sweat it.Then he surprised them both by leaning over to give her a quick kiss.When he started to pull back,she captured his face with both hands and kissed him back with interest.There was no way he wantedto be the one to break it off, but if he didn t get out of the truck right then, he wasn t sure he d be ableto.He brushed her hair back from her face as he reluctantly reached for the door handle. Hold thatthought.I ll hurry.Her smile was a promise of heat and temptation. See that you do.Penn took off at a ground-eating lope, all masculine strength and grace, and flashed her a grin as heturned the corner to walk back to the office.She drew a deep breath and leaned her head back.Whatwas she thinking?She d never been the kind of woman who slept with a man right away, yet she was seriouslyconsidering getting naked with one she d barely known for twenty-four hours.Not just any man,either, but a Paladin, for God s sake!Maybe she d seriously fried her brain by linking with the barrier for so long, but there wassomething about Penn Sebastian that drew her as no other man ever had.Partly it was because shedidn t have to pretend around him, but it went far deeper than that.She d spent so much of her life alone.She d grown up with her parents constant fear of discovery,which left the three of them isolated from the rest of the town.She d gone to college right here inBozeman, barely far enough from her parents to really be on her own.As much as she wanted toexplore the world, she couldn t have abandoned her parents.She d never felt comfortable bringing friends to the house, which had made her feel guilty aboutaccepting invitations from friends since she couldn t reciprocate.And the need to watch every wordmade maintaining friendships difficult, so it was no wonder she d earned a reputation for beingstandoffish and a loner.With Penn, she could simply be herself.He not only knew she was different, he lived with the sameburden of secrecy that she did.Together they could let down their guards, and simply be a man and awoman, with all the undercurrents that could generate.She caught herself tracing her lips with a fingertip, remembering the touch and taste of PennSebastian s kiss.Undercurrents, indeed.Despite the power that his sleek muscles promised, he dtreated her with such care, his control impressive.What would it take to make him lose all controlwith a lover? She hoped to find out.The sound of footsteps snapped Jora out of her reverie, and her hand automatically reached for thegun.When she spotted Penn heading for the truck, she returned the weapon and waited for him to joinher.  Well? she asked as he climbed in. We ve got a room with a small kitchen on the top floor.The clerk said that was the closest door,Penn said, pointing toward the other end of the parking lot. I also reserved the adjoining room forBarak and Larem for tomorrow night. Sounds good.Penn drove the truck down to the door, and they grabbed their meager luggage and headed into themotel.The closer they got to their room, the more nervous Jora became.What would happen oncethey were inside?Penn handed her a magnetic card key. Let s dump our stuff and then go check out the restaurant. Good thinking, she agreed as he opened the door with his own key and stood back to let her walkpast him.The room was immaculate and bigger than she had expected mainly because there was just oneking-size bed.Penn immediately picked up on her tension as he dropped his bag in the corner. Don t worry, Jora,I m not assuming anything.The clerk would have thought it odd if I requested two beds when I toldhim I was alone.The floor will be fine for me.That was all it took.She walked straight toward him, sighing with pleasure as his arms wrappedaround her. I m holding you to the promise to feed me.We ll figure everything else out after we veeaten.He rested his chin on the top of her head, keeping the embrace friendly. That s a deal.We can alsoswing by the hopping center to pick up anything we re missing on the way back. Perfect. Reluctantly, she stepped away. Let s go check out that restaurant. Chapter 7An hour later, Penn had satisfied one of his body s most pressing needs.He d ordered the biggest,rarest steak the restaurant had to offer.Jora had merely rolled her eyes and settled for a grilled veggiesandwich and a large salad.He d accused her of grazing instead of eating, but she d taken his teasingwith good humor.Now they were cruising the local discount store to stock up on a few things.While she headed forthe clothing department, he d made a beeline for the pharmacy for a box of condoms.He didn t wantto presume, but neither did he want to risk not being prepared.He also picked up a few groceries since their room had a small fridge and a stove.The less timethey spent out in public, the better.Besides, breakfast in bed sounded pretty damn good to him.He gotin line to pay for his purchases, wanting to keep that one little item secret until he knew for sure he ddone the right thing by purchasing it.Once he got through the line, he looked around for Jora.Where was she? She d said she onlyneeded a couple of toiletries and a couple of items of clothing.If she didn t appear soon, he d go hunther down.He was about to do just that when he finally spotted her heading toward the checkout counter.Hewaved to get her attention.She gave him a quick nod as she unloaded her hand basket.Odd.What hadshe picked up that had her blushing?Rather than crowd her, he waited for her near the door, figuring he d find out once they were backin the room.Still, the possibilities had his mind venturing into territory better left unexplored.Thethought of getting naked with Jora was having a predictable effect on his body, one that would makeconcentrating on anything else such as driving difficult.The sun had gone down while they d eaten dinner, and it was late enough now that the parking lotwas pretty empty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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