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.HencePaul VI s reckoning is, indirectly, an authentic justification of vio-lence; a not so veiled authorization to  revolutionary insurrec-tion , which would be«The case of longstanding tyranny which wouldcause great damage to fundamental humanrights and harm to the common good of thecountry& »18.In conclusion, Paul VI s program was:«To reduce iniquities, eliminate discrimination,free men from the bonds of servitude, and thusgive them the capacity, in the sphere of tempo-ral realities, to improve their lot, to furthertheir moral growth and to develop their spiri-tual endowments»19.It is a program, however, of Masonic philanthropy, of integralSocialism, to be realized through force.St.Pius X would say, as hedid of the Sillon: «Socialism will be ushered in, with its eyes fixedon a chimera»20.Now, that is not the  design of God , but diverting of the eyesof the Faithful from Heaven in order to turn them into  slaves of theWorld , as it is read in the Apocalypse.Paul VI s  Populorum Progressio , therefore, save for the idyl-lic calls to love, in order to reach it, calls for the fusion of religions,the heaping up of them into a chaotic confusion.In fact, what place would occupy religion in that planned  cityof man ? In other words, what place would be due to religion inthat new humanism proclaiming continuously that man is sufficient18Paul VI,  Populorum Progressio , n.31.19Ibid.n.34.20Pius X  Letter on the Sillon , of August 25, 1910, n.38.169 unto himself, hence he can do without transcendence, revelation, su-pernatural redemption, dogma, worship, singular Church? But wasit not, on the contrary, exactly this that all of the popes prior to PaulVI condemned? He, on the contrary, at Sidney, on December 13,1970, will say:«Isolation is no longer an option.The hour hascome for the great fellowship of men with eachother, and for the setting up of a United andFraternal World Community» and «The workof peace is not limited to one religious faith; itis the work and duty of every man, regardlessof his religious convictions.Men are brothers,God is their Father and their Father wantsthem to live in peace with on one anothers»21.But then it is God calling for tolerance, indifference, liberalism,and respect of every religion! If that is the case, God would alsowant His own discredit, willing that «a human community be builtwhere men can live truly human lives, free from discriminationon account of race, religion or nationality.»22, hence «any dis-crimination, be it of an ethical, cultural, religious or political na-ture, is unjustified and inadmissible»23.But that would lead to the conclusion that if religion serves nopurpose in this new world society, then neither would God.And that is the Masonic thought, as well as Maritain s: «Inte-gral Humanism can but find its ideological foundations in a pro-fane tradition of the Gospel& ».But Paul VI, too, in his address of January 30, 1965, would say:«The Church cannot turn a blind eye onto theideological, moral and spiritual animation ofpublic life& Work with faith, yes, with confi-21To the religious organizations of the UN, on October 14, 1965.22Paul VI,  Populorum Progressio , n.47.23Oct.Adv.23 and 16.170 dence toward the systems that form the normand history of our society, and which today arethe democratic ones».And in his address of September 14, 1965:«We feel responsible.We are indebted to every-one.The Church, in this world, is not an aim initself; She is at the service of mankind; Shemust make Christ present to all, individualsand peoples».But what  presence of Christ ? That of the lackey?«To serve mankind, of every condition, in everyweakness and need.The Church has, so to say,proclaimed Herself the servant of humanity»24.And he adds:«While other currents of thought and actionpropose to build the city of man, different prin-ciples such as power, wealth, science, struggle,interest, etcetera, the Church, the Churchalone, proclaims love»25.Paul VI, therefore, wanted to fortify that  new city , ideal andsecular, with that  supplement of faith and love which the UN re-quires [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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