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.ATTENTION:Make sure you read and adhere to theinstructions and warnings given by themanufacturer of the cleaning agent.31 R-93-LRS_2 6/8/01 2:32 PM Page 3221.Warranty conditionsLIMITED 5 YEAR WARRANTY ture has been incorporated into the rifle This warranty gives you specific legalor if other than factory loaded ammuni- rights, and you may also have other rightsBLASER firearms are warranted by the tion is fired in the BLASER rifle.which vary from state to state.BLASER Jagdwaffen GmbH to be free ofdefects in material or workmanship under Should you have occasion require warran- SAVE YOUR RECEIPT AS PROOF OFnormal use and service for a period of 5 ty service, please contact your local dealer PURCHASE.years from date of first purchase by a or the distributor of your country forconsumer.directions on returning your rifle to anauthorized warranty station.BLASER s obligation is limited (at BLASER schoice) to repairing or replacing at any BLASER expressly disclaims any and allof its authorized warranty service stations implied warranties arising under the UCCany part of a BLASER fire a rm which or Common Law, including warranties ofUSA/CanadaBLASER examination discloses to be fitness for a particular purpose anddefective.implied warranties of merchantability.SIGARMS Inc.18 Industrial DriveThe warranty shall not apply to problems, BLASER shall not be responsible for anyExeter, NH 03833malfunctions or defects resulting from incidental or consequential damages for(603) 772-2303accidents, alterations, misuse or broken economic loss or injury or property dam-stocks.If in the opinion of BLASER gun- age as a result of any alleged breach of anwww.sigarms.comsmiths or of its authorized warranty ser- express or implied warranty, as a result ofvice stations any modifications, changes negligence, or as a result of any other actSIGARMS is a trademark ofor additions made outside the BLASER or omission of BLASER.Exclusion or limi- SIGARMS Inc.factory have affected the operation of the tation of consequential or incidental dam-weapon to render it faulty, this warranty ages are not allowed in some states so Manufacturer:shall be void.This warranty shall also be this limitation or exclusion may not apply BLASER Jagdwaffen GmbHZiegelstadel 1void if any part not of BLASER manufac- to you.D-88316 Isny, GERMANY32 R-93-LRS_2 6/8/01 2:32 PM Page 33NOTES33 R-93-LRS_2 6/8/01 2:32 PM Page 34NOTES34 R-93-LRS_2 6/8/01 2:32 PM Page 3535 R-93-LRS_2 6/8/01 2:32 PM Page 36Blaser Jagdwaffen GmbHD-88316 IsnyGERMANYom-LRS2-USA 8-200036 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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