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.The world, the body, the personality are mirages upon the desert of time; transi-tory dreams in the dark night of spiritual slumber, and those who have crossedthe desert, those who are spiritually awakened, have alone comprehended theUniversal Reality where all appearances are dispersed and dreaming and delu-sion are destroyed.There is one Great Law which exacts unconditional obedience, one unifying prin-ciple which is the basis of all diversity, one eternal Truth wherein all the problemsof earth pass away like shadows.To realize this Law, this Unity, this Truth, is toenter into the Infinite, is to become one with the Eternal.31 JAMES ALLEN THE WAY OF PEACETo center one s life in the Great Law of Love is to enter into rest, harmony, peace.To refrain from all participation in evil and discord; to cease from all resistance toevil, and from the omission of that which is good, and to fall back upon unswerv-ing obedience to the holy calm within, is to enter into the inmost heart of things,is to attain to a living, conscious experience of that eternal and infinite principlewhich must ever remain a hidden mystery to the merely perceptive intellect.Untilthis principle is realized, the soul is not established in peace, and he who so real-izes is truly wise; not wise with the wisdom of the learned, but with the simplicityof a blameless heart and of a divine manhood.To enter into a realization of the Infinite and Eternal is to rise superior to time,and the world, and the body, which comprise the kingdom of darkness; and is tobecome established in immortality, Heaven, and the Spirit, which make up theEmpire of Light.Entering into the Infinite is not a mere theory or sentiment.It is a vital experiencewhich is the result of assiduous practice in inward purification.When the bodyis no longer believed to be, even remotely, the real man; when all appetites anddesires are thoroughly subdued and purified; when the emotions are rested andcalm, and when the oscillation of the intellect ceases and perfect poise is secured,then, and not till then, does consciousness become one with the Infinite; not untilthen is childlike wisdom and profound peace secured.Men grow weary and gray over the dark problems of life, and finally pass awayand leave them unsolved because they cannot see their way out of the darkness ofthe personality, being too much engrossed in its limitations.Seeking to save hispersonal life, man forfeits the greater impersonal Life in Truth; clinging to theperishable, he is shut out from a knowledge of the Eternal.By the surrender of self all difficulties are overcome, and there is no error in theuniverse but the fire of inward sacrifice will burn it up like chaff; no problem,however great, but will disappear like a shadow under the searching light of self-abnegation.Problems exist only in our own self-created illusions, and they vanishaway when self is yielded up.Self and error are synonymous.Error is involved inthe darkness of unfathomable complexity, but eternal simplicity is the glory ofTruth.Love of self shuts men out from Truth, and seeking their own personal happinessthey lose the deeper, purer, and more abiding bliss.Says Carlyle-- There is inman a higher than love of happiness.He can do without happiness, and insteadthereof find blessedness.32 JAMES ALLEN THE WAY OF PEACE.Love not pleasure, love God.This is the Everlasting Yea, wherein all contradic-tion is solved; wherein whoso walks and works, it is well with him.He who has yielded up that self, that personality that men most love, and to whichthey cling with such fierce tenacity, has left behind him all perplexity, and hasentered into a simplicity so profoundly simple as to be looked upon by the world,involved as it is in a network of error, as foolishness.Yet such a one has realizedthe highest wisdom, and is at rest in the Infinite.He  accomplishes without striv-ing, and all problems melt before him, for he has entered the region of reality,and deals, not with changing effects, but with the unchanging principles of things.He is enlightened with a wisdom which is as superior to ratiocination, as reason isto animality.Having yielded up his lusts, his errors, his opinions and prejudices,he has entered into possession of the knowledge of God, having slain the selfishdesire for heaven, and along with it the ignorant fear of hell; having relinquishedeven the love of life itself, he has gained supreme bliss and Life Eternal, the Lifewhich bridges life and death, and knows its own immortality.Having yielded upall without reservation, he has gained all, and rests in peace on the bosom of theInfinite.Only he who has become so free from self as to be equally content to be annihilat-ed as to live, or to live as to be annihilated, is fit to enter into the Infinite [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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