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.I didn t want toimagine what sort of trouble Charlie couldget into if his rage had a mission, a target. Charlie, please The sound of my voice seemed to bring him back to me.He turned andsmiled sadly.It wasn t a Charlie smile,but it would have to do. You have to keep your promise, Iwhispered. No matter what happens, youcan t let yourself get hurt, especially onmy account.In the swiftest of motions, he scoopedme in his arms and enclosed me there; thesame strength that once held me captivewas now keeping me safe. Listen, I don t want to be withoutyou. He whispered the words in my ear,a secret just for us. As long as I got abreath in me, I ain t ever gonna letanybody hurt you. I laughed into his shoulder. That svery sweet, Charlie, but not verypractical.He started untangling the ends of myhair. Not everything in life is sensible. Sides, ain t nothing practical  bout beingalive if you ain t alive, too. Please don t say things like that. Ipressed my face into his chest.I didn twant to see his expression while he saidthat.I was too afraid he could mean it.A knock at the door interrupted.Icould feel Charlie tense against me, hisbody rising to shield mine.A part of mewanted to smile at the gesture, while theremaining part of me worried at his natural response. What are we up to in here, kids?Ben Walden stood in the doorway ofthe cabin and cleaned his glasses with theend of shirt.It was the first time I had everseen him dressed down.And although hestill wore a collared shirt, I couldn t helpbut notice it was slightly wrinkled anduntucked.Charlie only pulled away from meenough to consider Ben in the door.Ishielded myself from his intentionalaffection though, and huddled myself backin the blankets. Anything? Charlie asked him.Ben placed his glasses back on.Every movement was slow, strategic even. Thecaptain has been gracious enough to lendus some stewards who are re-searchingthe cabins, the bow, and stern storage, butthere hasn t been anything so far, I mafraid.Charlie swore under his breath andtried to clench his broken fist.He wincedat the pain and I reached for him.I cradledthe broken hand in mine and looked itover. You need to ice this. From thecorner of my eye, I thought I saw BenWalden smiling.Charlie brushed a piece of hair backfrom my eye.Though I adored his touch, I also felt self-conscious as Ben observed. You do know what this probablymeans? Yeah. Charlie never took his gazefrom mine. Yeah, I know.I pulled away, then, and lookeddirectly at Ben Walden.There was stillsomething that hadn t been shared withme, a piece of the puzzle that I hadn t beenprivy to. Um, what does this mean?Ben smiled at me with a certain sortof sadness and certainty in his expression.I felt a twinge of fear.What was it that Ididn t know? If our dear friend stowed away on acontainer and we can t find him onboard, and if he is in fact onboard, which islooking more and more likely, then he sprobably biding his time. I m gonna find him. Charlie finallylooked at Ben as he acknowledged thesolution out loud.There was once againsomething unspoken between them, and Idoubted it was anything good. He got that VFC between shifts?Charlie asked.Ben nodded grimly. Presumably, atsome point yesterday evening with all ofthe confusion.I imagine it s why he usedAddie as a distraction. Briefly his gazeflickered on me, but I turned away,desperate to take the focus off me.I was far too embarrassed to admit the truth ofmy own self-inflicted near deathexperience just yet. What is a VFC? A marine kind of transmitter,Charlie said.As I looked back and forth betweenthe two men, I had some difficultyunderstanding the problem.I could barelystand being cooped up in the cabin for afew hours at a time.If they weresuggesting that Wallace was in apotentially smaller space, and had beenfor nearly a week now, then he surely musthave been going mad.I began biting the side of my nail. Perhaps that was part of the problem.Instead of cooling off, Wallace hadnothing but time to sit and stew over themoney he had lost, focus on the blows heand Charlie had exchanged, and the loss offuture income [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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