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.html.jpg,%20advance%20reader%20copy)/A416520554__12.htm (7 of 11)5-1-2007 1:07:11- Chapter 12"I pulled that out of the Ghostlands." Tinker stepped forward and gave it aslight kick to demonstrate it was frozen solid."The Ghostlands must haveinstantly sucked the body heat out of it.""She was talking with a tengu." Jewel Tears indicated the empty treetops."Yes, I was." Tinker saw no point to deny it."We have history together.Hebetrayed me to the oni and Ibeat the snot out of him for it.He found me and started the conversation.""What did you speak about?" True Flame asked."I'm not sure what he wanted  they nearly killed me shooting at him."Windwolf had moved between Jewel Tears and Tinker just as a sekasha would, hisshields still up so he seemed to shimmer with anger.With Tinker'sexplanation, he took a step toward Jewel Tears."How dare you?"Jewel Tears jerked up her chin."That was an unfortunate and unforeseeableaccident.Forgiveness, Tinker ze domi."Tinker nodded but Windwolf shook his head."If you harm my domi," Windwolf growled."It will not be to the Fire Clan that you'll be answeringto.""Wolf Who Rules." True Flame snapped."I will not suffer future 'unfortunate' accidents.There will no forgiveness."True Flame studied Windwolf for a moment and then nodded."That is yourPage 98 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlright."Windwolf caught Tinker's hand."Come." And he pulled her out of the clearing."Wait, my stuff.""Leave it.""No!" She jerked her hand free."I'm not done here.""You are for right now.""No, no, no.I'm sick of this.Come here, go there, do this.My grandfatherdied five years ago, thank you, and I was happy making my own decisions formyself.""This is royal holdings now." Windwolf swept a hand to take in the wholevalley."I can not make her leave.""So you're making me?" Tinker cried."Yes.""No.""Beloved.I do not trust her.I can not stay here and watch over you now and Ican not make her leave."As always, he seemed to cover all the options  leaving her no good choice butto do what he wanted.This time she shook her head."No.Again and again, you don't tell me enoughto form my own options.All I know are your options and I'm not playing that anymore.""Be reasonable.""Reasonable? What is reasonable about taking the smartest person in this cityand making them deaf and blind? I'm supposed to walk away from my work,leaving behind my currently irreplaceable equipment, because some female fromthe other side of the world is not playing nice in my backyard?""I told you that I can not stay and I can not make her leave.""And those are the only options because they're the only ones you have thoughtof? You know, if I had a level playing field I could come up with options ofmy own."file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Bureaublad/.html.jpg,%20advance%20reader%20copy)/A416520554__12.htm (8 of 11)5-1-2007 1:07:11- Chapter 12"I do not have time to explain it all.""Of course not.You never have time.""Beloved.""Don't 'Beloved' me.Did you know until Pony told me it I didn't know the nameof your mother?That I didn't know that you  and I could use Fire Clan Spell Stones? I don'teven know when I'm going to have a period! I'm stuck in this stranger's bodyand no one tells me diddly.And when did Iagree to be called Beloved Tinker? I think I should at least be able to pickout my own name."Windwolf looked stunned at her outburst and after a moment, said quietly,"Your name is.short.""Tinker isn't my real name.My real name is Alexander Graham Bell.""It is? I did not know that.""Score one for me.""Beloved  Tinker Alexan.der?" He floundered for a moment."Isn't thatconsidered a male name?""I can hold my own with Jewel Tears.I'm not done here, and I'm not leaving mystuff.""No, you can not hold your own." Windwolf caught her by her shoulders."Do notever think that you can.Only you can sense her magic  so it possible for herto attack you without your sekasha knowing it.She could make a tree fall, theground give way, dozens of little ways that you do not know.""You really think she would try to kill me?"Page 99 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yes.""Any one of us," Stormsong added in English, "Can make a bullet ricochet andhit a target.The tengu was a convenient excuse."Tinker turned to her and saw in her eyes that none of her sekasha took theevent as an accident.They hadn't relaxed until Windwolf and True Flameappeared."But why?" she asked."Because the Stone Clan stands to gain much if you are dead and I'mdistracted.Because she is a self-centered, ambitious bitch."That was unnerving.She kicked at the dirt, not wanting to leave, hating thatonce again she was bowing to his limited options."Can we can get True Flameto order her out of the area?""No, we must let her try and fix this valley."Tinker laughed."With what?""Magic."She doubted that greatly, but she was up against the wall of her ownignorance."I'm the one that made this mess.I'll be the one that fixes it.""That is quite possible.Stone Clan, however, has assured True Flame that theycan quickly fix theGhostlands, while you said you needed to study it further.Everyone knows thatyou were being realistic but True Flame had to believe the Stone Clan or it would be an insult tothem.""God forbid he insults them." Tinker growled and looked back toward thediscontinuity's edge and her abandoned equipment."Domi, I will bring your things." Stormsong offered."I am not totally ignorant ofthese computer things."Since Stormsong could manage the Rolls Royce and the walkie-talkie, she shouldbe able to disconnect the equipment and carry it back to the enclave unharmed.Tinker sighed and nodded."Okay.Thank you."file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Bureaublad/.html.jpg,%20advance%20reader%20copy)/A416520554__12.htm (9 of 11)5-1-2007 1:07:11- Chapter 12Windwolf signaled that Cloudwalker would accompany Stormsong, and the twosekasha moved off."There is so much I need to know," Tinker said to him."And if we're reallygoing to be husband and wife  you need to take the time for me.How do youexpect me to trust you when you keep throwing me in the pool to sink or swim?"He sighed deeply and scrubbed his hands over his face."I want to be there foryou  protect you  but Ican't.It's killing me that you're in the water and floundering  but the onlyother option I have is to lock you away someplace safe  and that would onlykill you faster [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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