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. A reasonable risk for them to take.Thedistance from Hope to Eagle s Nest is easily as far as that to Mason s Bridge.Troops from my more northern lands have even farther to travel.True we canand have drawn troops from the more southern parts of the kingdom, but we cannot strip our border with Bright Bay any more than you can strip yourswith Stonehold.Duke Allister nodded, accepting that despite Hawk Haven coming to hiscountry s aid perfect trust would not occur instantly.Leaving this issueunspoken, he added thoughtfully: And what use would a victory be to Stonehold if she lacked the forces tooccupy Good Crossing after her troops had taken it? Now they have theirgreater force and supplies to sustain them.Doubtless their commanders haveleft troops back along the road south so that further reinforcements can bebrought through as needed. I wonder, Prince Newell said, attentive despite his honest weariness, how those wagons managed to come so far so fast?Duke Allister sighed. I suspect that many crossed Mason s Bridge andbegan the trip north days before the troops, maybe even as early as the veryday that Queen Gustin was sent Stonehold s ultimatum.We have active tradewith Stonehold indeed, much of our steel and iron comes from there, forthe Barren Lands are metal poor and block our access to the Iron Mountainsyour own nation mines. So, Newell frowned,  not even a heavily laden wagon would seemcurious not even if it clanked with quantities of finished metal. The only people who would look at those wagons would be the tollcollectors, whose interest would be in judging how much each wagon shouldpay for crossing into Bright Bay, Duke Allister said. We can send a pigeonto our garrison near Mason s Bridge for confirmation, but I think we haveenough of a working theory to plan upon.King Tedric unrolled the best of the maps of Bright Bay. Even if, he said, tracing his finger along the road south,  Stonehold hasbrought in fresh troops and more supplies, the length of their supply linehome remains their greatest weakness. Yet we can t get our army around the mass of their army to get to thosesupplies or that road, Newell put in practically, rather enjoying pointing outthe worst aspects of the situation. Our troops would be spotted too easily asthey crossed the open zone around Good Crossing.Generals Yuci andGrimsel did not strike me as tactically dull.They, too, must realize that theirsupply line is their vulnerable point and will be alert to efforts to harm it. They must, Allister agreed,  and yet they will wait to lessen theirdependence on supplies from home until they have no choice.Looting andpillaging would awaken a new enemy all around them.Farmers armed withpitchforks or old spears scavenged from the family s ancestral shrine may notbe much of a threat to a prepared army, but they could become a dangerousnuisance. And with the harvest ready to come in, Tedric added,  those farmerswill be more easily enraged.No one, not even the most peaceful grower ofwheat, likes to see an entire year s work vanish into someone else s mouth. Prince Newell cleared his throat and asked anxiously,  How long do youthink the Stoneholders will give us before they attack? Until tomorrow, Tedric replied bluntly. Perhaps they will wait until thenext day, but from what you reported their troops were marching steadily,though not at a forced pace.Most should be ready for action after a night srest. Might they attack tonight? Allister asked. I think not, Tedric said after a moment s thoughtful pause,  but if theydo, we will have ample warning warning beyond the usual sounds or lightsof their approach.The king s thin smile held a hint of the indulgent grin he reserved for onefavored person.With a surge of envy, Prince Newell realized that Tedric meant that heexpected Lady Blysse to bring Hawk Haven warning.Newell s envy turnedinto a peculiarly uncomfortable form of fear as he realized that the wolf-woman must have been scouting for the king ever since this war had beendeclared and perhaps even before.What might she have seen?He endeavored to look bluff and hearty. It s good to know we ll have warning, Sire.Our men will sleep better forthe news. Whatever news you are envisioning spreading, Newell, the king orderedsternly,  keep it to yourself.One reason that Allister and I have kept ourconferences as small as possible is that we cannot be certain who especiallyamong Bright Bay s forces may still feel allied to Stone-hold. You must remember, Allister said a touch sadly,  that until a merehandful of days ago most of my nation s troops viewed Stonehold as a friendand her army as teachers.Although most are angry and offended by therecent betrayals, still, there must be some maybe even some officers whoretain loyalty to those who taught them. And, Newell added bluntly,  who still hate us. Well, Allister said,  you were the enemy.King Tedric sighed. Newell, go gather the officers.It s time we gave abriefing. Yes, Your Majesty! Newell replied, saluting smartly.As he was leaving he heard the king say to Allister: I have a thought how we might deal with that supply line.Tell me whatyou think of this& Race Forester came to Derian Carter late that afternoon while Derian waschecking the shoes and feet of the horses who if all progressed asanticipated would carry their riders into battle tomorrow.At Earl Kestrel s express command, Derian himself wasn t going to fight.He didn t know whether he felt relieved or angry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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