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.And what wouldhappen if, someday, they followed through on the possibilitiestheyd discussed over the years and got married?Could she stop loving Deke, wanting him, enough to say Ido to someone else? How had that man turned all her plans upsidedown in a handful of days?Im not going to be a groupie.And right now is our timeto figure out what well be to each other.Just let me handle it.I dont like it.He used to be a good enough kid, but what Ihear now I think its a mistake.Her gut clenched.Dad said it with such conviction.Still, hehadnt seen Jesse in years, just heard about him.Not the samething. Its my mistake to make.Her father sighed.Yeah, it is.Justbe careful, in moreways than one.What do you mean?Im on my way home from Thailand right now.When Iget there, I want to check on you, check your brothers, the house.Is someone still threatening you?Yes.Sending creepy e-mails and leaving menacingmessages.I dont know who Ive pissed off, or how serious he is.You know crackpots, and some never get past the threateningstage.But this one has mentioned you and said hell hurt you tohurt me.This isnt new, and nothing has ever happened to me.Theres always a first.This one seems tenacious, so Idfeel better if you didnt go anywhere alone right now.Rememberyour self-defense.I cant persuade you to carry, can I?Unease sliced through her, razor-thin but impossible toignore.Some creeps devoted their lives to waiting for their prey toget complacent and let their guard down.Who knew if this guy fitthat profile?Im not getting a permit to carry a handgun.Ill be fine.Im surrounded by people here.Her dad growled into the phone, like he wanted to saysomething more, but knew it was a futile argument.So, youregoing to come visit your old man while Im home, arent you?Jesses tour stops in Dallas on the second night.Ill driveout while were there.Im looking forward to seeing you. DECADENT Shayla Black (S.Bradley) - Berkley Heat October 2, 2007 ISBN0-425-21721-3 Page 86Me, too.Take care, little girl.Ive missed you.He hadnt called her that in years.Hadnt said anythingremotely emotional in even longer.Is there something youre nottelling me?He hesitated.No.I just want you to be careful. DECADENT Shayla Black (S.Bradley) - Berkley Heat October 2, 2007 ISBN0-425-21721-3 Page 87CHAPTER 9How was rehearsal? Kimber asked as Jesse entered thehotel suite late in the afternoon nearly a week later.He was shirtless, his longish hair wet from a recent shower.With a towel in one hand, a bottle of water in the other, he strodeinto the room, all lazy-hipped grace.The sleek bulge of hisshoulder moved sinuously every time he swiped at his hair with thetowel.His masculine throat worked with each swallow of water.His perfectly symmetrical features pulled into a balanced smile.In the last five years, hed definitely grown.No longer acute boy, quite simply, hed become a gorgeous man.No wonderhe was on posters, billboards, and magazine covers all over theworld.After years of sightless communication with him, Kimberwas almost stunned anew by his beauty.She enjoyed looking at him.Just looking.She wasntmoved to touch him.Instead, she ached to see denim-dark blueeyes, razor-short hair, square jaw tensed, and a hard face filledwith lust for her.Damn it, she had to stop thinking about Deke.It wasnthelping her here.Focus! What would be helpful was a hot ache inher belly that urged her to get naked with Jesse, the way a singleglance from Deke had inspired her.The way a tender kiss fromLuc could.But that urge to get down and dirty with Jesse wasntcoming.In the last few days, shed felt occasional bursts of feelingfor him, like a cameras flash, brilliant and brief, then gone.Nothing more.It seemed the urge hadnt hit Jesse, either.Hed kissed hersweetly every morning and tenderly every night, then retired to hisown bed, leaving her alone in hers.Thank God.But she did wonder, was there something wrong with herthat no man seemed to want her virginity?Confused by it all, Kimber shook her head.But the mystery was deeper.In a handful of days, Deke, aman shed told herself she couldnt fall for, had barged his wayinto her heart and burrowed in deep.And she felt so stupid.Missing and loving a man who would never return her feelingsmade no sense.Jesse had been in her dreams, in her plans, for along time.He was supposed to be her future.True, he wasnt thesame carefree teenager she recalled, no longer quick to laugh.But she wasnt the same woman.And she no longer sawJesse through rose-colored glasses.What she needed, she fearedJesse didnt have. Rehearsal was a regular fuckinhe grimaced, as ifremembering her presenceIt wasnt smooth.We got some lazypeople not doing their jobs.Hung over, the assholes. He rolled hiseyes.And the press crawling around.Like they want to report itas news every time I spit.I wish to hell they didnt follow meeverywhere, but Cal encourages them.All for my image.Im sure he means well.Tonights show will be great [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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