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. Ego or not, honey, I could kick his ass.*** I shouldn t have had that slice of tiramisu, I mumble and rub my belly as Stacy pulls her minivaninto my driveway. Who is that behind us? Nat asks and then giggles. It s Will and Meg. What are you doing here? I ask as I gather my purchases from the back of the van. Isaac sent out an S.O.S., Will informs us with a laugh. What? Why? Stacy s voice is surprised, her eyes wide with worry. He s got a cop and a SEAL in the same room with him, Luke replies with a laugh and lifts Oliviainto his arms, pulling her out of her car seat.She laughs with him, as though she knows what he stalking about. What could possibly be going on in there?Us girls all look at each other and immediately make a beeline for the front door.Jules pulls herphone out and has it pointed out like she s about to take a picture. What are you doing? Luke asks her as I unlock the door. I m ready to document whatever is on the other side of that door.Never, in a million-billion years, am I expecting what we find inside. Holy shit, Nate mutters under his breath. Hey, Jules, is it wrong that I suddenly find yourbrothers smokin hot? Mommy! Sophie exclaims and runs over to Stacy, hugging her around the knees. That s a great color on you, man, Luke taunts Caleb who scowls.No one in the room has movedbesides Sophie and Jules has hit record on her phone.The guys are sitting on the floor, around the girls small craft table.Josie and Maddie have set up a tea party with what look to be brand new American Girl dolls  holy crap, that must have cost them afortune  and they all, every last one of them, are wearing tiaras.Tiaras.Even Sgt.Bix is seated dutifully between Josie and Maddie, sporting a princess tiara on his head,his bad ear flopping over the side.His eyebrows move up and down as he surveys the scene. Wow, you re so pretty, Matt, I mutter, not able to hold it in anymore. Okay, tea party is over, Caleb announces and pulls the pink tiara from his head and hands it toMaddie. But you only had one cup, she complains. That was plenty, he mutters with a scowl and pulls himself up off the floor. Isaac, are you wearing a necklace? Will asks, howling in laughter and pointing at his brothers. Sophie wanted me to wear it, Isaac responds, puffing his chest out. Just you wait, he points toLuke. Liv will do the same to you. This is so going on YouTube, Jules mutters and continues to film. Turn that off now, Jules, Matt instructs her, his voice hard. Not a chance in the world, she shakes her head and giggles. This is awesome. Give me your phone! Caleb lunges for her and she throws the phone to Meg. Take it! She shouts.Meg easily catches it and continues to film, moving quickly about the room.As Isaac is about topull the phone from her hand, she throws it to me. Legs, I swear to you, if you don t give me that phone&  Caleb stomps toward me, glowering atme. You ll do what? Spank me? I smile sweetly and pull the phone out of his reach. What is wrong with these women? Matt asks the room at large.Luke, Will and Nate are laughingso hard they re holding their stomachs. Oh man, this is the best day of my life, Will sputters as he tries to pull air into his lungs. I m soglad we caught it on video. I m going to break all of your legs, Caleb promises. And what is up with your kids being littleextortionists? He asks me. What are you talking about? I ask and look immediately at my girls, who refuse to look up andmeet my gaze. They talked us into going to the American Girl doll store, Matts begins. We figure, sure, we llget them a doll.It ll keep them busy. Seven.Hundred.Dollars. Isaac stomps his foot with every word. For three little girls to get adoll and a whole wardrobe for said doll.  Why did you buy them so much? I ask, my eyes wide in shock. They lie to you there, Matt responds with a sigh. The tags have numbers on them, which wethought were the prices. But no, Caleb joins in as the rest of us stand in the living room, watching them in awe as they telltheir story. No, it s a code number that tells you how to find the price on a chart.A chart! So instead of that outfit being eight dollars like we thought, it was forty damn dollars! Isaacexclaims, pointing to Sophie s doll. Forty dollars for a doll outfit? Meg asks with wide eyes. Holy crap.During this whole exchange the three little darlings in question have been silently playing with theirdolls, as though they re the only ones in the room. And then when we check out, these three smile up at us with the most innocent looks on theirfaces. Matt shakes his head in disgust. They re not innocent, Caleb grumbles. They re freaking extortionists. Nate? Josie has walked over to the tall, dark man and taps his arm to get his attention. Yes, beautiful girl, he replies and squats so he s eye-level with her. Can I have a ride on your motorcycle when it s sunny outside? She asks and twirls her hairaround her finger, her brown eyes wide and flirty, and if I m not mistaken, she actually bats her lashesat him. Of course you can, Nate replies with a smile and taps her nose gently with his forefinger. Thank you! She wraps her arms around his shoulders and hugs him and then returns to her doll. If she s already hitting on the guy in the leather jacket with a bike, Will remarks with a laugh, You re going to have your hands full with that one.Caleb curses under his breath as the rest of us laugh. That, right there, is why we re only having boys, Nate tells Jules as he points to Josie. I guess we d better hope this one s a boy then, she replies with a grin, watching Nate s face. That s fine, I just& Wait. He turns on her and grips her shoulders in his hands, watching her faceintently. What did you just say? I wanted to tell you later when we re alone, but I can t keep secrets, and most of our family is hereanyway, so&  Jules shrugs and bites her lip, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. We re gonnahave a baby, ace.He leans in and cups her face in his hands, pulls his fingers down her cheeks and rests his foreheadagainst hers, and the room is completely still as we wait to hear what he has to say. Am I dreaming? He asks, his voice raw.She shakes her head no and wraps her arms around him. No.He kisses her then, long and hard, like I ve never seen him do in public before, not even at theirwedding.He finally pulls back and gazes down at her with so much love in his eyes, it feels wrong to be watching it, like we re intruding.Caleb reaches down and links his fingers with mine and squeezes tightly.All of the Montgomerymen are quiet.This is their baby sister. I love you so much, Julianne. Nate finally speaks and brushes the tears off her cheeks with histhumbs. Thank you, he whispers.He scoops her up into a big hug and twirls her in a circle before setting her down and turning to therest of us. We re gonna have a baby! Congratulations! We descend on them, hugging and laughing and then hugging each other,celebrating and rejoicing in the new life that is about to join our family. Mommy, Maddie tugs on my hand to get my attention [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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