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. He s lent me a big, ballsy stallion to ride, and I ve been out every day for hours andhours.I tell you, my thighs are in wonderful condition.I can crack nuts with them now.Ria laughed at the idea. I won t ask you to demonstrate.Orlan, Estaone s in town. Really? Come to help me? I knew she would! Uh.not exactly.Have a seat.Orlan s face fell as Ria had to break the news that his wife was less interested inOrlan s welfare than that of her reputation and the company. Ah.I see.I didn t thinkshe d be thrilled, but I d been planning to explain it to her.She really doesn t care aboutmy fate at all? She.thought you had done it, Ria said, trying to spare his feelings. You canimagine how revolted she would be.I told her your guilt was by no means certain and shewas pleased about that. Oh.That s something, I suppose. Orlan got up and went to the kitchen counter. Whisky? No, thanks, I really need to get back to the house.I m expected for supper.But Iwas planning to spend tomorrow with you.Something I need to know.What do youknow about Jiliun Vizeniou?Orlan s expression became cold, and his movements deliberate as he uncorked thewhisky and poured himself a healthy measure. He s Estaone s business manager. Lover? I don t know.She never admitted it, if he was.Is he with her? Yes.You don t like him? Out of jealousy?Orlan took a big gulp of whisky, then winced. Horrible stuff. That s some of my best stock, I ll have you know.Vizeniou?Orlan s dark eyes were cold. He was trying to get me out of the company.After sheleft, he came to see me, saying Estaone wanted to sever all ties, business or otherwise.Made me an offer he said came from her.I told him to stick it up his tight little rectum.Inever liked him.He s a very minor aristo, would like to be more.Sucked up madly to meright up until she left, then he cut me dead.I guess he realised I was never going tointroduce him to the king. Estaone seems to trust him.Is he trustworthy? I really don t know how much she trusts him, Ria.Her side of things was alwaysrun separately from mine.I made damn sure he had no control over my half of thecompany. He swallowed the rest of the whisky. If she s gone to his arms, I can t say I think much of her taste.His casual demeanour didn t hide the pain in his voice. I m sorry, my friend, Riasaid. So it wouldn t surprise you if it turned out he was behind these killings?Orlan set the glass down with a frown. Yes, it would.What possible advantagewould it give him? Business control? Estaone won t give him control, Orlan said decisively. Even if she was besottedwith him, she would never do that.I bought my stocks all fair and square.No one gaveme any, and her parents made damn sure she held onto independence.He s deluded if hethinks my being in prison would make any difference.She would get the stocks,certainly, and hang on to them.The Linitenz-giri aren t fools, any more than theKezimes. Point taken.I just needed the background.We re checking him out.Both of them.We re having to move carefully, of course, given Estaone s position. Estaone is not behind this, Ria.You will not put her in prison.I ll fight you everystep of the way if you try. Calm yourself, Ria said, waving his hand for him to settle down. It hasn t come tothat.But you can t expect me to let you languish in prison in her place or anyone else s.Orlan reached for the bottle again, rather to Ria s concern.He d had never been oneto take refuge in drink. Why not? I seem to be useless, worthless and more than that, theagent of active harm to people I care about.Tell me, how is Sila these days? The wordswere bitten off, angry nothing like his usual lazy drawl. Convinced of your innocence and fighting hard to clear your name.She was angrywith you for a few days.She got over it.You didn t ruin her life.Someone else did that along time ago. Maybe not, but there are three innocent people dead most likely because of me.I ma murderer, even if my hands weren t on the weapon.He began to open the bottle.Ria got up and took it from him. Stop it, and stop this.You re no killer and not responsible for those deaths, unless you paid someone to causethem.Did you? Don t be a fool, and give me that back, damn it! No. He reached for his friend, and pulled Orlan tight against him, feeling himshudder. Just a little longer, my friend.I know it hurts. He let him go so he could lookinto his friend s eyes. But pain lessens over time. And how in hell would you know that? You ve never lost anyone or anything,Riashe Kezime.The words  charmed life were handcrafted just for you. You d be wrong about that.I ve known a little pain myself, though none as bad as this.Don t give up.Let me help.Orlan tsked in disgust. You won t even spend the night with me to drive the nightterrors away. I can t, Ria said regretfully. You know why.But I could ask Juli to stay with you,if you like.That won a reluctant smile. Your wife hates me.All lesbians hate me.I mcompetition. Now, that s not true, Ria said, wagging his finger at him. Just because she thinksyou have the morals of a tomcat. I do, darling, but at least I m a pedigreed one. He cupped Ria s cheek. Thank you,my love.Sorry to be a bore. You re not.I just don t want you using alcohol as a way out.You know where thatleads. Indeed I do, he said, grimacing. I wasn t planning to.Two whiskies do not adrunk make. No, but solitary drinking is a very bad idea, my friend. Ria stepped back. Can youmake it through tonight? I ll be back in the morning with my stepson.I promised himwe d go riding, and he s a polite child, won t offend you. My dear, if he s your stepson, I m sure he s perfect manners incarnate.Of courseI ll survive, he said, making a little shooing motion. Go on, run away and play withPapa.You ve brought me more books, you wonderful creature, and some of my favouritecake.I ve got plenty to amuse me. I ll be here for breakfast.We ll make a day of it.And then I ll talk to you abouthow and when we get you out of here. You think you can? I think we have to.But let s talk about that tomorrow.Get some sleep, I ll be hereearly. Not too early, beloved, you know I don t like to see the rising sun unless I ve notbeen to bed.Ria shook his head, smiling at his friend. I don t know where you get the energy.IfI m not in bed by midnight, I feel like shit the next day.Orlan struck a pose. I am a Gomici.We simply do not admit to feeling tired, mysweet.Go on.Bring me some duck eggs for breakfast. I will.And some of the estate bacon maybe some of those little mushrooms youlike? Oh yes.We ll have a feast and make our horses carry us while we digest. He gaveRia a little push. Good night. Ria leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on his friend s cheek. You re in mythoughts.Don t give up.They had to get Orlan out of here, Ria thought grimly as the vehicle sped smoothlyalong the estate roads towards the main house.Out and with a sense that life was worthliving too.But he was being hypocritical.If Jerna had done to him what Estaone haddone to Orlan, he d probably be sinking his sorrows in liquid comfort too.Orlan wasright.He had lived a charmed life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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