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.So hard, so heavy and so peircing, Son.(Father) this a wonderous thing,So hot, so moyst, so light, so wet,This greate Secret Father will I keepe,So white, so red, so profitable,Of all Stones most incomparable.He may do more than any King, Father.He is so rich Son in his working,Gould and Silver men would faine have,Poore and rich for it do crave,Thay that of it have most aboundance,Of the people have most obaisance,To serve them both day and night,And in the feeld will for it fight,Therefore Son upon my blessing,Keepe secretly this precious cunning,Of thy Councell make neither King nor Knight,If they knew they would set it light;For when they have what they will,God's curse wil come they say the untill,For had I wist and had I wend,That commeth evermore behinde,Our Mercury my (Son) is white and thin,In our Vessell shinimg bright and cleere,Our Sulphur is in him within,Burning him more then our dry Fire,He fixes him more in one yeare,By his naturall working I understand,Then doth the Sonne by his dry Fire,The years a long thousand,In short space we may have done,When our Medicine thou wilt assay,Thou maist make both Sol and Lune,In lesse space then in one day.Father is it Water in the well springing, Son. Or is it the Water in the river running?Other Water (Father) can I not finde.Noe (Son) it is of another kinde,Howbeit it is Water cleere,Our Sulphur in him is soe cleving,He may not be departed by any fire,I tell thee the throath in this thing.By no fire (Father) how may that be? Son.Fire he is ever brenning, Father.Our Sulphur is made of the Sun and such humidityThat in the Fire he is ever during.The tyme of our working would I know, Son.In what space might be made our Stone,By Corne and Frut (Son) thou maist it wel know.Once in a yeare it is afore thee done;The Sun in the Zodiak about doth gonne,Though the twelve Signes once in a yeare,Soe long it is ere we can make our Stone.Haste not too fast but rule well thy Fire, Father.The vertue of our Stone few men can tell,The Elements in him be so mighty,Aboundance of treasure in him do dwell;For in riches all Stones exceeds he.Finis.George Ripley's Epistle to King EdwardThis is included in The compound of alchymy.Or the ancient hidden art of archemie: conteining the right andperfectest meanes to make the philosophers stone.Divided into twelve gates.Whereunto is adioyned his epistle tothe king, his vision, his wheele, and his other workes.Set foorth by Raph Rabbards.London, 1591.Back to Ripley's works.The Epistle by George RipleyWritten to King Edward 4.O Honorable Lord, and most victorious Knight,With grace and vertue abundantly endewed,The safegaurd of England, and the maintainer of right;That God you loveth, indeed he that well shewed:Wherefore I trust this land shalbe renewedWith joy and riches, with charitie and peace,So that olde ranckors new understrewed,Tempestuous troubles, and wretchednes shall cease.And therefore sith I see by tokens right evident,That God you guideth, and how that you be vertuous,Hating sinne, and all such as be insolent,How that also manslaughter to you is odious,Upon the judgement also that you be piteous:Me seemeth ruthe it were but that you should live long;For of your great fortune you are not presumptuous,Nor vengeable of spirit to revenge you of each wrong. These considered with others in your most noble State,Like as God knoweth, and people doo witnes beare,So entirely me mooveth, that I must algateRecord the same, and therein be no flatterer:And not that only, but also to write hereUnto your Highnes, humbly to presentGreat secretts, which in farre countries I did learne,And which by grace to me most unworthie are lent.Once to your Lordship such things I did promise,What time you did command to send unto me,And sith that I wrote it in secret wise,Unto your grace from the UniversitieOf Louaine, when God fortuned me by grace to seeGreater secrets and much more perfite,Which onely to you I will disclosed to be,That is the great Elixer both red and white.For like it you to trust that truly I have found,The perfect was of most secret Alchymie,Which I will never truly for marke nor for poundMake common but to you, and that conditionally,That to youre selfe you shall keepe it full secretly,And only to use it as may be to Gods pleasure,Else in time comming to God I should abye,For my discovering of his secret treasure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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