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.The grief ofhis passing was not new.For a very long time, Taen had accepted the fact that she had losta brother.During his final hour of life she had tried to take comfort from the fact that hisend had come without need of an execution by the Kielmark.All that remained was tointer his body, and in that she would have the Storm-warden's help.Jaric had usedEarthmastery to carve out a grave site, before he departed.The final details of burial at least would wait till the morning.Exhausted enough that shethought she might sleep, Taen raised the lamp left by the Llondelei healer.She covered herbrother's face with a tapestry, then picked her way around ruined furnishings and passedthe great doors to the corridor.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rDarkness closed about her, dense and musty as old velvet.Taen raised the candle to seebetter.The flame flickered, then died, quenched in puddled wax.Caught in the midst of aturn, Taen tripped on an edge of crumpled carpet and cursed.That moment something beyond the keep walls chose to meddle with her wards.TheDreamweaver felt her skin prickle in the dark.She dropped the spent lantern with a crashand strove through weariness and muddled emotions to muster her talents.Jaric and the Kielmark had ridden out more than anhour ago; unless they met trouble and turned back, noliving being should remain in Morbrith to try herdefences.The alternative was daunting in the extreme,that Shadowfane's demons might already have launchedan offensive.That the probe was aggressive was never indoubt.Even as Taen sent a call to warn Anskiere, thedisruption came again.She set her focus at once on the main gate.The mist there glowed silver, but not frommoonlight.A robed figure stood before the arch.The glow emanated from raised handsthat glittered with rings.Taen's wariness eased slightly.This was no visitor from thecompact; the meddler who challenged her barrier was none other than the Magelord ofMhored Kara.Whatever cause had brought that ancient to venture from the security of histowers would not be slight.Taen guarded her relief as she dispelled trance and faced themore mundane problem posed by her spent candle.Her powers were sorely overtaxed.The idea of using dreamsense to guide herself throughthe castle's darkened corridors made her head ache.Left the undignified alternative ofgroping, Taen resolutely trailed her fingers along the wall.After two steps she stubbed hertoe roundly on a statue.She hopped, cursing irritably, then compounded her difficulties bybanging her elbow against a torch bracket.Her yelp of pain drew notice.Shadow splintered before a harsh glare of sorcery.Dazzled, Taen squinted.She managedto identify the triple haloes of the Stormwarden's staff before she tripped on anotherrucked edge of carpet and tumbled unceremoniously to her knees.Anskiere caught her arm in time to spare her from a fall full length upon the floor.'I wasjust coming to look for you.' Worry shaded his tone.'Is something wrong?''Maybe.' Taen took full advantage of the sorcerer's support and pulled herself to her feet.Awry smile benther lips.She had to be the first to be rescued from the perils of the dark by powers bettersuited to harnessing storms off the Corine Sea.'We've got a visitor.'Her evident amusement gave Anskiere space to relax.He damped the intensity of his staffand rested the brass-shod end against the floor with studied care.'I gather no onedangerous.''You'd know better than any.' Taen's humour fled.'Waiting at the gate and demandingadmittance is His Eminence the Magelord of Mhored Kara.Why would he come here?'Anskiere's hand tightened upon his staff; his eyes turned icy with distance.Yet if heresented the captivity set upon him by conjurers on the isle of Imrill Kand, his wordsrevealed no rancour.'I don't know.But if the Magelord expected to face me at the end ofhis road, his reasons for travel won't be pleasant.''Well,' said Taen, her most irrepressible smile creeping through, 'we'd better go and meethim.The defences won't admit him without our help, and his tampering is raising merryhell with the wards.'aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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