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.6 Miscellaneous 6.1 Cold Approach Here is a technique for the guys (and girls) who become nervous or suffer from anxiety when cold approaching a cute girl/guy.Here is what happens to many people: They see an attractive prospect.They think about approaching.Their heart begins to beat fast.They feel their body tighten up.They think, "I'm nervous.My nerves are going to mess my delivery up." That makes them tense up even more.From here, they either talk themselves out of approaching or they go in and, sure enough, their delivery sucks and they crash and burn.Following the 3 second rule will help a lot in these situations.But also rehearse your openings and routines while simulating the physical conditions within your body which you experience when you approach.A few years ago while working in a variety show I began the habit of getting to the theatre early.I would run up and down the stairs until my heart was really pounding.Then I would walk out onto the stage and practice delivering my lines as smooth as possible.At first it was awkward to speak while breathing hard and having my blood pumping.But after awhile I became good at masking the symptoms of physical pressure.This gave me the confidence to know I could perform well even if I was nervous.This knowledge in itself made the nerves really diminish.So I suggest doing something similar.Go for a run or lift weights and while exercising practice the Elvis opener or my, "This bar was built on an Indian burial ground" opener or any routine.Work on speaking smooth and confidently.You also get to save time by having a workout while getting better at seduction.6.2 Unemotional vs.Emotional Revisited I'll admit I got to the emotional vs.unemotional thread a little late.But here are some thoughts on the subject.The rule of contrasts is at work.That is why the “unemotional”character may get you some limited success.If you are someplace where all the guys are smiling and being pleasant to the cute girls then your “unemotional” character will standout and make you initially interesting.And also, for some types of girls this character can be a continual neg, which they will forever work on overcoming.Great, but I don't think you should limit yourself to one type of girl/situation.And this path usually means you will have to continually up the ante by using negs and stronger and stronger negs in order to continually contrast and losing your effectiveness after a change of venue where you do not have a situation where your inexpressiveness is a contrast.Also consider that what you are doing may not really be showing a lack of emotion.As someone else in this group pointed out, girls will read into whatever you do.What you think of as blank is really an angry expression in many girls' mind.This can be a neg of sorts.But to continually be the angry character will probably chase most girls away.Also consider that if you are “unemotional” then you are forced to work in her values frame.That means you are forced to elicit her values and not have her eliciting your values.What you should be doing is working on not having your emotions engaged by a girl.But at the same time you should come across as an emotionally expressive person.Demonstrate your emotional/expression range by the things you talk about and the way you talk about them.You want to SHOW the excitement you felt skydiving and the LOVE you feel for your beautiful nieces.A girl then sees that you care about something and that you are a challenge in that she wants you to care about her as well.This is one of the things, which will get her chasing you.She knows there is something good at the other end.What is attractive in another human being is their humanity.We demonstrate that by showing emotions and expressions.An alpha man shows emotion.While a beta man walks around all day with a blank expression, trying not to be seen or heard.Not offering up details of your life and avoiding fluff generate a sense of mystery.Mystery is not generated by being emotionally guarded like how most ordinary people are.That is just boring.Like it or not, you are always communicating with your environment on an emotional level.Instead of fighting it, learn to use it more consciously and effectively.Properly used, expressions and demonstrations of your emotional range can give you a very powerful presence.You want to smile, look perplexed, scowl, and yes even look blank each in its place and time.I think the PUA should always strive to be an exceptional person.Personally, when I go out in public, most of what I see are blank, emotionally guarded faces.And most AFCs are very emotionally stingy - scared to loosen up their expressions.That is so dull, common and uninspiring.On the other hand, the most interesting people I know are actor friends and other performers who are very expressive.If you practice showing emotions then you will, paradoxically, gain more control over them.But if you try to hide and suppress your innate ability to demonstrate a range of expressions and emotions then they and other people using them will ultimately control you.Demonstrate emotions frequently.Talk about a rock climbing adventure with passion and excitement.If you practice caring, and showing you care about things then you are demonstrating that you are a passionate person and a girl will yearn to become one of your passions.This is so much more powerful than keeping your emotions/expressions under lock and key.On the subject of hiding intentions.If you are unemotional, the only reason you have for approaching a girl is, in her mind, to hit on her.While if you are expressing an emotion then you come across as a guy who can't help but show how fun playing with his nieces was or how amazing his hike was or how interesting his new puppy is, etc.Of course I am not saying to always be emotionally honest.Be like an actor whose emotions and expressions are powerful tools that you use to create an effect on others.Also you want to lead a girl's values instead of asking for them with questions.The best way to lead them out is to offer you as an example.This can only be accomplished if you are in a mode of revealing feelings.>>By the way, one of my favorite ways of getting in>with a girl/group is to actively scowl (that is to>let her see me going from a smile to a scowl when I>>catch her glance).>>Juggler,>>Can you please explain this? What does this accomplish? And how?It is just an opener.The scowl technique only works if you do it as a response to people.If you just go around with a scowl then you just look like an unhappy person.But if you wear a smile or 'regular' expression and then in that brief moment when someone looks your way you turn your expression into a scowl, it then looks like you are scowling at them.That is what you want.Not a general scowl but a specific scowl.The way I do this playful scowl is to bring the eyebrows down and together and the lips upward slightly.(play around with it and you will get the right effect) This look will cause the person to momentarily think, "Hey that guy just scowled at me.What is going on? Is he mad at me? Who is this guy?" They are feeling a lot of curiosity.That is when you walk right over.You have their complete attention.Now replace your scowl with a playful smile and say something like, "What are you people doing at my favorite table?" Be prepared to explain why this is your favorite table.Make up a story that happened right there, like a girl proposed to you or something.Note the scowl is done just for an instant.Just a little pop to jar the person receiving the scowl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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