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.The Zkta Tantras speak of 94 Kals, namely, 19 Kals ofSadÅ›iva, 6 of *Å›vara, 11 of Rudra, 10 of Visnu, 10 of#Brahm, 10 of Fire, 12 of Sun, and 16 of Moon.According to Saubhgya-ratnkara the 19 Kals ofSadsfiva are Nivr# tti, Pratist# h, Vidy, Znti, Indhik,# 98 THE GARLAND OF LETTERSDipik, Recik, Mocik, Par, Skksmmr# t, Jñnmr# ta,#Amrt, pyyan%2Å‚, Vypin%2Å‚, Vyomarkp, Mklavidyman-trakal, Mahmantrakal, Jyoitskal#The 6 of *Å›vara are P%2Å‚t, Zvet, Nity, Arun, Asit,#Anant.The 11 Rudra Kals are T%2Å‚ksn, Raudr%2Å‚, Bhay, Nidr,# #Tandr, Ksudh, Krodhin%2Å‚, Kriy, Utkr%2Å‚, Amy, Mr# tyu.#The 10 of Visnu are Jada, Palini, Znti, IÅ›var%2Å‚, Rati,# #Kmik, Varad, Hldin%2Å‚, Pr%2Å‚ti, D%2Å‚ks.#The 10 of Brahm are Sr# sti, Rddhi, Smr# ti, Medh,# #Knti, Laksm%2Å‚, Dyuti, Sthir, Sthiti, Siddhi.#The 10 of Fire are Dhkmrrci, jsm, Jvalin%2Å‚, Jvlini,##Visphulingin%2Å‚, Susri, Surkp, Kapil, Havyavah, Kavyavah.#The 12 of Sun are Tapin%2Å‚, Tpin%2Å‚, Dhkmr, Mar%2Å‚ci, Jvlini,Ruci, Sus#umn, Bhogad, ViÅ›v, Bodhin%2Å‚, Dhrin%2Å‚, Ksam.# #The 16 of Moon are Amr# t, Mnad, Pks, Tusti, Pusti,Rati, Dhr# ti, ZaÅ›in%2Å‚, Caudrik, Knti, Jyotan, Zrih, Pr%2Å‚ti,#Angad, Pkrn, Pkrnmr# t.# #Out of these 50 are Mtr# k-Kals which manifest throughthe PaÅ›yant%2Å‚, Madhyam, and Vaikhar%2Å‚ stages (Bhva) asthe gross letters (Varna).The 50 Mtr# k-Kals are given#in the same acoount as follows: Nivr# tti, Pratist# h, Vidy,#Znt%2Å‚, Indhik, D%2Å‚pik%2Å‚, Recika, Mocik, Par, Skksm,#Skksmmr# t, Jñnmr# t, pyyan%2Å‚, Vypin%2Å‚, Vyomarkp,#Anant, Sr# sti, Rddhi, Smr# ti, Medh, Knti, Laksm%2Å‚, Dyuti,# # #Sthir, Sthiti, Siddhi, Jad, Plini, Znti, AiÅ›yar, Rati,Kmik, Varad, hldin%2Å‚, Pr%2Å‚tih, D%2Å‚rgh, T%2Å‚ksn, Raudr%2Å‚,#Bhay, Nidr.Tandr, Ksudh, Krodhin%2Å‚, Kriy, Utkr%2Å‚,#Mr# tyurkp, P%2Å‚t, Zvet, Asit, Anant.These 94 Kals areworshipped in the Wine Jar which holds Tr dravamay%2Å‚,or the Saviour-Mother in liquid form.She Herself, is called#Samvit-Kal and so the Yogin%2Å‚hr# daya-Tantra saysDeÅ›aklapadrthtm yad yad vastu yath yath# # # #Tat-tadrkpena y bhti tam Å›raye Samvidam Kalm.# CHAPTER XIZAKTI POTENCY TO CREATEIN the previous chapter I have referred to Zakti, Nda,Bindu.In this and the two next I will deal in greatdetail with each of these three concepts of Zakti.Oneof the clearest accounts known to me of the evolution ofZakti is that given in the authoritative Tntrika-Prakarana#called Zrad (also spelt Srad) Tilaka by Laksman-# #crya.This work was formerly of great authority inBengal.Its value is much increased by the commentary ofRghva-Bhatta.As this work with its commentary is ofprime importance, and is cited throughout the followingchapters, I may here note the following account whichLaksmancrya gives of himself at its close.Mah-# #bala a great sage was succeeded by his son cryapandita,#a DeÅ›ika (Tintrik-Guru).His son Zr%2Å‚kr# sna-DeÅ›ika had# #a son Laksmana-DeÅ›ika who wrote the Zrad-Tilaka.# #Rghava, in his commentary called PadrthdarÅ›a, saysthat Laksmana was the disciple of Utpalcrya, who# #was the disciple of Somnanda, who was the disciple ofVasugupta, who was the disciple of Zr%2Å‚kant# ha.This is the##Gurupangkti of Laksmana.His disciple was the great# #KÅ›m%2Å‚rian Abhinava-Gupta, the author of Paramrtha-sra.The latter s disciple was Ksemarja, the author of#the Zivasktra-VimarÅ›ini.The date generally assignedto Abhinava-Gupta is the eleventh century.ThereforeSj [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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