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. Aren t weall? We all have our reasons, Dane, Steele palmed the wall on the side of his head,pressing Dane against the hard concrete. Steele.What are you hiding? Shut up and go here with me. Steele grinned and lowered his head, nipping Dane slower lip.Breathing in his scent, he growled and licked the seam of his mouth. Nothing foryou to worry over. Capturing his mouth, Steele pushed his tongue past Dane s swollen lips,his actions gentle as he pressed his body against his lover s, grinding his hips.Dane wasn t prepared for the flood of emotions and pure lust that ravaged his body.Shaking, he wrapped his arms around Steele and pulled him tightly against his chest,feeling every tickle of his blood pumping through his body, his heart thumping into hischest.Grunting, he entwined their tongues, tasting the dark recesses of their mouths as heswayed his hips back and forth.His hunger fueling the beast, Dane fought dropping to his knees.While he knew thedance was a cover of sorts, their attraction was off the charts and he had no doubt he had tohave the man at least one more time.Breaking the kiss, he pushed Steele back as he shookhis head and slid his hand down to cup his crotch, stroking him through the dense materialof his jeans. You re hungry. Famished. Steele nodded. Damn it I want to fuck you hard right here.Dane licked his lips, tasting the heady tang of the man and groaned. I& As if sensing his discomfort, Steele moved back, giving him an understanding nod. Iwant to show you something and then we ll head back to my place.It s safer there.Hegrazed his hand over Dane s, forcing him to grab his cock roughly. Dane, I m going to fuckyou again. The hiss feral, he took his other hand and grazed it back and forth againstDane s shaft.Dane had no idea what to say.Swallowing hard, he remained still, unable to focus,unable to breathe. I m going to make you mine.The thought rumbled in Dane s mind, sending a series of kinky thoughts tumblinginto his brain.Suddenly out of breath, he could envision being tied down and takenbrutally.And the thought nearly brought him to his knees.Sucking in his breath, he gaspedas Steele squeezed him hard.The perfect slice of agony and ecstasy slammed into his spine.Panting, he kneaded his chest and licked his lips. Where are we going?Steele chuckled and leaned down to whisper in his ear. While the thought ofsticking my dick inside your tight ass in the middle of this club while the others watched,hungry like wild animals is tasty, I know what would happen and you d be torn limb fromlimb.This crowd would eat your pretty white ass alive.As Steele moved back, his look nothing short of dangerous, Dane nodded andglanced around at the men who were watching their carnal act in fascination.Focus.Concentrate. Where& where are we going exactly? Back to Punch Back.Not only is there something I want you to see, but I want tofind out what the fuck is going on in my club. Chapter SixSteele pulled into the secure parking lot and gazed around the perimeter.It wasalmost three in the morning and while the city kept no timetables, there was little traffic.He wasn t certain about anything that was going on, but he wasn t a cop and he guessedDane would make more sense of what he found.Then again, he wasn t sure he was ready toshow Dane the damning pictures of the fire. Snazzy little area, Dane snorted. It s necessary. Steele climbed out of the car and sniffed the air. I understand.Wait here.I have a bad feeling about this. Dane cased the perimeter,checking the gate and fencing. Trust me, this is secure. Steele folded his arms and watched the cop work.Therewas something about Dane he couldn t get out of his system and yet he knew Dane wasn tsure about developing any sense of relationship. And Brice has all the codes. Good point, Steele breathed. Let s get in and out fast.I don t want to make anychanges right now.If it s not Brice, then whoever it is will know we re sniffing. He headedto the door, glancing over his shoulder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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