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.Already, the mood of the revelers was beginning to shift.The minstrels' songs took on a harder edge, replacing the maudlin love songs with ballads of heroes who threw off tyrants' yokes, and the great warriors of Margolan's past.Groups of wandering actors played out their skits, but now the tales told of villagers defying corrupt soldiers and maidens rescued from defilement.Guards set their dogs on the crowd, but one of the cart vendors tossed his load of meat pies in the opposite direction, drawing off the snarling dogs, who ran like puppies to snatch up the fallen treats.Angered, the guards started to beat the vendor, but the crowd closed around them, and one man who was as broad as both guards together and a head taller than either of them hefted one of the guards in both hands and hurled him against a nearby wall.The other guard began to run, and the crowd pelted him with garbage as he fled.By the tenth bell the crowd grew restless, then belligerent.Tales of hardship and oppression resonated within the audience.A dozen villagers climbed the bell tower and tore down the royal banner, setting it ablaze.Cries of outrage against the palace grew more strident."Now let's really get their attention," Carroway hissed.He headed toward the guardhouses just beyond the city gates, below the palace.A crowd milled there, mostly alesmen and whores tending to the needs of the guards.Positioning Carina and Alyzza for an easy escape, Carroway strolled among the crowd, ostentatiously juggling several flaming batons."You there, let's see you juggle!" called the captain at arms, leaning away from the strumpet beside him.Carroway obligingly came closer, sending the fiery batons high into the night air.The soldiers gathered around, cheering and clapping.The whore withdrew a coin from her bodice and tossed it at Carroway's feet.On the pretense of glancing at the coin, Carroway dropped one of his batons into the haystack nearest the guardhouse.The other two flaming batons went flying, one landing on the thatched roof of the outpost, the other landing so close to the drunken guardsman that he and his strumpet were obliged to jump out of its way."Stop him!" the captain cried."Now!" Carroway shouted.Alyzza flung a handful of pellets onto the ground between Carroway and his pursuers.The pellets exploded into puffs of colored smoke, startling the guards.With a touch of her own, Alyzza summoned a ball of mage fire, giving the smoke an eerie glow and setting the guards back a pace.It was enough of a diversion for Carroway and Carina to lose themselves in the crowd as the fire raged and the guards' attention turned to salvaging their post.The flames were the signal the rowdy crowd needed.Soldiers tried in vain to keep back the revelers as the mob surged forward.Wielding whatever came to hand, whether broken boards or broom handles, the surly crowd pressed toward the soldiers.The captain waved his sword in vain.More shouts sounded a few streets over.In the distance, another guard house went up in flames.One of the guards sent an arrow flying.It struck a man at the front of the mob, taking him through the heart.Like a spark to tinder, the crowd's rage ignited.A wave of rioters swept forward.There was the sound of glass shattering as men smashed wine bottles to use as weapons.The night smelled of sweat and ale and of burning straw.To the soldiers' horror, the angry revelers advanced with a howl and did not stop, even when more men fell to the archers' arrows.Alyzza's hand moved, hidden by the press of bodies around them.The stable doors flew open and a loud noise sent the guards' horses stampeding out the back, fleeing in panic down the streets.She chuckled as her hand traced a sigel in the air."I've fused the blades together in the armory," she called to Carina."Let them try to use those!"Rocks crashed through the windows of the guard house.One of the guards fell with a hunting knife protruding from his chest.The panicked soldiers rushed the crowd, brandishing swords.The mob advanced, beating back the soldiers with staves and walking sticks.Two men came running with the spoils from a looted blacksmith's forge.The rioters took up a cry as metal bars replaced walking sticks and horseshoes flew with deadly aim at the soldiers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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