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.For all I knew, hehad a girlfriend who was out of town orsomething.Okay, that was crap, and Iknew it.He seemed like a decent guy.Way out of my league? Yeah.But not adick.I had totally pegged him wrong thenight before.Who else would have bothered noticing some super-stalkertrailing me to the library on a freezingcold night?When I got to the third floor, Ijammed the key into the lock and swungopen the door.The room reeked ofweed, and Brit was, not surprisingly,passed out cold on her bed with my miniTV the one Aunt Karen had given methree Christmases ago pulled over toher side of the room and covered inCheetos-dust.Picking up the TV, Iwrenched it back to my side of the roomand turned it off.Brit had no fuckingboundaries.She would throw her dirtylaundry in with mine, steal food I wasstoring in the closet & screw somegross guy in my bed.Yep.One of the girls down the hall had come over lastquarter to tell me she had walked in onBrit screwing some jackass from thesecond floor in my bed.I had almostthrown up.Then I had bleached mysheets.And after that, I had spent thenext week trying to get a room change.Unfortunately, anyone living alone in adouble room had turned out to be ascrazy as Brit.Lifting myself onto the bed, I openedup the window to let in fresh air.Theuniversity had a zero-tolerance policyfor smoking in the dorms, and one ofthese days, Brit was going to end upgetting me kicked out, because she wasthe type of bitch who would stash herweed in my stuff if she thought she was about to get caught.I sat down at the desk and took out mylaptop to work on the short story thatwas due on Monday.I was tempted towrite one about a girl who murders herbitch of a roommate, but there wasn tmuch creativity there.Without thinkingabout it, I started writing about lastnight.My cheeks flushed, and mybreathing sped up as I rememberedevery last detail.Fuck, I wanted to diethinking about the possibility of neverfeeling those things again. Nice!I jumped out of my chair and bumpedinto the desk to escape the cocky jerkfrom downstairs.He was still staring atmy computer screen.Dammit! I had fucking forgotten to lock the door again.Even worse, I hadn t even heard himwalk in.Reaching over, I tried to closethe computer screen, but the dickheadcaught my hand. Wow.I didn t know you couldread, I snapped.I was not in the mood for thisasshole s intimidation bullshit.I didn tknow what they were pumping into theair supply on the second floor, but mostof the guys down there had a massive who s dick is bigger? contest goingon, which involved a lot of loud music,yelling, chest-thumping, and badgeringany girl who wouldn t spread her legson command.I didn t get it as bad assome girls.Well, at least most of the time they didn t bark when I passed by.Ihad seen plenty of girls from the single-sex floor pass in tears from all thebarking and general dickhead behaviorone floor down.This guy thought he washot shit, but compared to Ryan, he waslumpy dough. You d better be nice, Alicia, hedrawled, looking over at me.I smirked.Of course he didn t knowmy name. Screw you.He smiled. Just remember, your roommateleaves the door open for me at night.My face went pale as he saunteredout of the room, turning back once tolook at me.What the fuck? What was with the psycho assholes lately? Ofcourse, this psycho asshole justhappened to be Brit s fault.How shechose her hookups was beyond me.Itwas almost like she went out of her wayto pick the psychopaths.Sitting down at the computer again, Ithought about deleting my vivid accountof last night, but I was afraid to.I didn twant to forget one second of it.Becauseif the selection of guys I was dealingwith included the jackass who had justwalked out, I d rather die a virgin.Afterpassword protecting my file 1nightwithryan I closed thedocument and tried working on a storythat I could actually share with myclassmates [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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