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. 204/280Prepare the kumquats when you ve put the venison into theoven.Put the sugar, water, thyme, star anise and peppercornsinto a small saucepan and heat gently, stirring to dissolve thesugar, then simmer for about 10 minutes to reduce the syrupand thicken it slightly.In the meantime, halve the kumquatsand remove the pips with the tip of a knife.Add the kumquatsto the syrup, bring back to a simmer and poach for 20-30minutes until soft and the syrup has thickened.Remove fromthe heat and leave to cool completely.When the venison is ready, cover loosely with foil and leave torest in a warm place for about 20 minutes.Carve the saddleinto thick slices, following along the curve of the central bone.Sprinkle the slices with a little salt and pepper and serve themon a warm platter with the poached kumquats.Braisedchicory and roasted or mashed parsnips are lovelyaccompaniments.Roast beef with redwine gravySERVES 4-61.2kg joint of beef sirloin or rib-eye2½ tbsp plain flour½ tsp celery salt½ tsp freshly ground black pepper 205/280olive oil, to drizzle1 tbsp English mustard1 large red onion, peeled and cut into wedges1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into chunks2 celery sticks, peeled and cut into chunksfew thyme sprigsfew rosemary sprigs2 bay leaves300ml red wine600ml beef or veal stock (see page 244)TO SERVEYorkshire puddings (see page 248)A beautifully browned joint of beef from the oven is always awelcome sight.It is important to start off with a good-qualityjoint, and to finish off by resting the beef.This lets the juicesredistribute and ensures succulent meat.Preheat the oven to 230°C/Gas 8.Trim off any excess fat fromthe beef, leaving on a thin, even layer.Mix 1 tbsp flour withthe celery salt and pepper in a small bowl.Drizzle a little oliveoil all over the beef, then rub with a little salt and pepper.Brush the fat with the mustard, then coat with the seasonedflour.Put the onion, carrot, celery and herbs into a lightly oiledroasting tin.Season and drizzle with a little olive oil.Place thebeef on top and drizzle with a little more olive oil.Roast in the 206/280oven for 15 minutes, then lower the oven setting to 190°C/Gas5 and roast for another 35-45 minutes for medium rare meat.To check, insert a skewer into the meat and press lightly theredder the juice, the rarer the meat.Transfer to a warm plat-ter, cover loosely with foil and rest in a warm spot for 20minutes.While the beef is resting, make the gravy.Transfer the veget-ables and herbs in the roasting tin to a saucepan.Pour off allbut 1-1½ tbsp oil from the roasting tin and place the tin over amedium heat.Stir in the remaining 1½ tbsp flour and cook,stirring, for a couple of minutes, then pour in the wine.Bringto a simmer, scraping up any sediment from the bottom of thetin.Tip into the saucepan and bring to the boil.Let bubbleuntil the wine has reduced by half.Pour in the stock and againboil until reduced by half, or to a light gravy consistency.Season well to taste.Strain through a fine sieve into a warmjug, pressing down on the vegetables to extract the juices.Carve the beef into thin slices and serve with the gravy, York-shire puddings, roast potatoes and other accompaniments ofyour choice [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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